
Author Topic: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.  (Read 75771 times)

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Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #210 on: June 29, 2016, 09:36:47 AM »
No I didn't.

Now back to what I said. It is your go-to insult isn't it? You called me crazy, Pea mentally ill and  FourAceDeal mentally ill. It is your default insult.

It seems quite blatantly obvious that when you disagree with someone's opinion, you call them mentally ill. I do get the rationale behind it too.

In the same way you described all the Brexiters as being racists (yes the whole 17 million or whatever), it is a great way or instantly and uncritically delegitimising any point that someone else may have that differs from yours.

Its far more likely that there is racists and not in the majority of either Brexiters and Bremains, but in both ranks. It is also far more likely that mental illness is NOT the reason that people have differing opinions but because your opinions are not the bastion of intellect and reason, but simply run of the mill opinions. Much like most people.

Feel free to keep calling everyone that disagrees with you mentally ill, it is obviously something you are accustomed to doing. By all means call half a population racist if it makes you feel better. I was simply pointing out something I noticed. I do not much care that you do so, just pointing out a pattern.

I called FourAceDeal crazy? I honestly don't remember. Could you show me where, please?
I suggested Pea might be mentally ill, and with good reason. Again, nothing to do with disagreeing with me, and everything to do with the content of his magnificently misjudged video.
I think you"re crazy. Not for disagreeing with me, but because of your behaviour in general. The way you constantly start long term feuds over extremely minor issues, and then refuse to let things drop. They tend to last 3 months :laugh: It's possible that you're not crazy, and are just suffering from a major personality disorder. However, I consider mental illness to be a more charitable explanation than personality disorder.

I have never called all Brexiteers racist.

So Les. Quite a few accusation, but there not very true. Are they :laugh:

:laugh: Aren't they? :laugh:

Is he mentally ill?

Is it possible that Pea is FourAceDeal? Sorry to FAD if that''s not the case.

Fucking awful :thumbdn:

Genuinely feel devastated :'(

Stayed up all night watching the results come through with a growing sense of horror.

Got about an hours sleep, and now I just want to cry >:(


Could you vote from where you are?

I put off registering until the last minute, and when I finally got around to register, I couldn't. Turned out that because I hadn't been registered to vote in N.Ireland, I couldn't easily register to vote from here >:( It was way too late to do anything about it. Doesn't matter now though (emo) Leave won by quite a decent margin.

All my friends living here voted though. Obviously they voted remain. Would have been pretty dumb of them to have voted leave :laugh: Also, I think I'd have fallen out with any who voted leave :viking:

One of my friends and his fiance are talking about maybe moving back home because of the vote. They have a young daughter too. I get to play at being an auntie, and they're an awesome family. I'd be completely sick if they left :bigcry:
Hopefully they're just overreacting, and they won't have to leave.

I'm just in the foulest of moods at the moment :angrydance: I still can't quite believe the country voted to do this. Feel such utter contempt for England and Wales right now >:( Can't help feeling this was a vote for racism, intolerance, and isolationism :hitler: Really hope I'm wrong though :(

Back to you

Here's the full quote. Not the edited one you posted :facepalm2:

This video seems to be all about me :dunno: He's even calling me by my real name on a Youtube video :-\

It's sweet that he's "not criticized me for being lesbian," and "not really criticized me for being Scottish" :laugh:

Is he mentally ill?

Is it possible that Pea is FourAceDeal? Sorry to FAD if that''s not the case.

Clearly, this was a post about Pea.
I never came close to accusing FAD of being mentally ill. I had no reason to do so.

So, it seems that you lied when you accused me of saying FAD is mentally ill :thumbdn:

Even by your standards Les, that is pitiful. It reeks of intellectual dishonesty :thumbdn:

Can't help feeling this was a vote for racism, intolerance, and isolationism :hitler: Really hope I'm wrong though :(

I fully stand by that comment, and believe it to be true now, just as much as I did when I posted it.

However, that's very different to saying I "described all the Brexiters as being racists (yes the whole 17 million or whatever.")

At no point have I described all 17 million brexiteers as racists. Clearly not every brexiteer is a racist.

So Les, it looks like at best, you were completely wrong, and are desperately trying to quote posts that vaguely back your false claims :thumbdn:
At worst, you were just downright lying :thumbdn:

It's hard to believe that you are genuinely stupid enough to really believe that my posts accused FAD of being mentally ill, or that I accused every brexiteer of being a racist. If I am unable to believe that your mistakes are down to stupidity, then I am left with no option but to conclude that they are down to dishonesty.

Not cool Les. Not cool at all :thumbdn:

Hmm....I call bulletin.

Yes you asked whether Pea was mental ill and directly after whether FAD was Pea.

If Pea is mentally ill and FAD is Pea...

Yep it's you default. Both guy thought different to you so therefore both are alike and mentally ill.

No huge leaps, it's in your own words

You think racism, isolationism and intolerance is why Brexiters voted to leave....but your opinion is NOT that Brexiters are racist?

Now who is intellectually dishonest?

Out of interest how many Brexiters were there?
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline 'Butterflies'

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #211 on: June 29, 2016, 10:02:11 AM »
No I didn't.

Now back to what I said. It is your go-to insult isn't it? You called me crazy, Pea mentally ill and  FourAceDeal mentally ill. It is your default insult.

It seems quite blatantly obvious that when you disagree with someone's opinion, you call them mentally ill. I do get the rationale behind it too.

In the same way you described all the Brexiters as being racists (yes the whole 17 million or whatever), it is a great way or instantly and uncritically delegitimising any point that someone else may have that differs from yours.

Its far more likely that there is racists and not in the majority of either Brexiters and Bremains, but in both ranks. It is also far more likely that mental illness is NOT the reason that people have differing opinions but because your opinions are not the bastion of intellect and reason, but simply run of the mill opinions. Much like most people.

Feel free to keep calling everyone that disagrees with you mentally ill, it is obviously something you are accustomed to doing. By all means call half a population racist if it makes you feel better. I was simply pointing out something I noticed. I do not much care that you do so, just pointing out a pattern.

I called FourAceDeal crazy? I honestly don't remember. Could you show me where, please?
I suggested Pea might be mentally ill, and with good reason. Again, nothing to do with disagreeing with me, and everything to do with the content of his magnificently misjudged video.
I think you"re crazy. Not for disagreeing with me, but because of your behaviour in general. The way you constantly start long term feuds over extremely minor issues, and then refuse to let things drop. They tend to last 3 months :laugh: It's possible that you're not crazy, and are just suffering from a major personality disorder. However, I consider mental illness to be a more charitable explanation than personality disorder.

I have never called all Brexiteers racist.

So Les. Quite a few accusation, but there not very true. Are they :laugh:

:laugh: Aren't they? :laugh:

Is he mentally ill?

Is it possible that Pea is FourAceDeal? Sorry to FAD if that''s not the case.

Fucking awful :thumbdn:

Genuinely feel devastated :'(

Stayed up all night watching the results come through with a growing sense of horror.

Got about an hours sleep, and now I just want to cry >:(


Could you vote from where you are?

I put off registering until the last minute, and when I finally got around to register, I couldn't. Turned out that because I hadn't been registered to vote in N.Ireland, I couldn't easily register to vote from here >:( It was way too late to do anything about it. Doesn't matter now though (emo) Leave won by quite a decent margin.

All my friends living here voted though. Obviously they voted remain. Would have been pretty dumb of them to have voted leave :laugh: Also, I think I'd have fallen out with any who voted leave :viking:

One of my friends and his fiance are talking about maybe moving back home because of the vote. They have a young daughter too. I get to play at being an auntie, and they're an awesome family. I'd be completely sick if they left :bigcry:
Hopefully they're just overreacting, and they won't have to leave.

I'm just in the foulest of moods at the moment :angrydance: I still can't quite believe the country voted to do this. Feel such utter contempt for England and Wales right now >:( Can't help feeling this was a vote for racism, intolerance, and isolationism :hitler: Really hope I'm wrong though :(

Back to you

Here's the full quote. Not the edited one you posted :facepalm2:

This video seems to be all about me :dunno: He's even calling me by my real name on a Youtube video :-\

It's sweet that he's "not criticized me for being lesbian," and "not really criticized me for being Scottish" :laugh:

Is he mentally ill?

Is it possible that Pea is FourAceDeal? Sorry to FAD if that''s not the case.

Clearly, this was a post about Pea.
I never came close to accusing FAD of being mentally ill. I had no reason to do so.

So, it seems that you lied when you accused me of saying FAD is mentally ill :thumbdn:

Even by your standards Les, that is pitiful. It reeks of intellectual dishonesty :thumbdn:

Can't help feeling this was a vote for racism, intolerance, and isolationism :hitler: Really hope I'm wrong though :(

I fully stand by that comment, and believe it to be true now, just as much as I did when I posted it.

However, that's very different to saying I "described all the Brexiters as being racists (yes the whole 17 million or whatever.")

At no point have I described all 17 million brexiteers as racists. Clearly not every brexiteer is a racist.

So Les, it looks like at best, you were completely wrong, and are desperately trying to quote posts that vaguely back your false claims :thumbdn:
At worst, you were just downright lying :thumbdn:

It's hard to believe that you are genuinely stupid enough to really believe that my posts accused FAD of being mentally ill, or that I accused every brexiteer of being a racist. If I am unable to believe that your mistakes are down to stupidity, then I am left with no option but to conclude that they are down to dishonesty.

Not cool Les. Not cool at all :thumbdn:

Hmm....I call bulletin.

Yes you asked whether Pea was mental ill and directly after whether FAD was Pea.

If Pea is mentally ill and FAD is Pea...

Yep it's you default. Both guy thought different to you so therefore both are alike and mentally ill.

No huge leaps, it's in your own words

You think racism, isolationism and intolerance is why Brexiters voted to leave....but your opinion is NOT that Brexiters are racist?

Now who is intellectually dishonest?

Out of interest how many Brexiters were there?

Wow Les. That's just another level of bullshit :laugh:

Pea and FAD expressed some similar views. I thought Pea might have had a sockpuppet. It seems I was wrong.
My belief that Pea might be mad was based entirely on his video, and not on anything that was said on the board.
If FAD wasn't responsible for the video, (which obviously he wasn't,) then I would have no reason whatsoever to suggest he was insane.

So no. I clearly didn't accuse FAD of being insane. I didn't imply he was insane. I never made any insinuations, no matter how vague, that FAD was insane.

My comment "Can't help feeling this was a vote for racism, intolerance, and isolationism :hitler: Really hope I'm wrong though :(" does imply that I believe that I believe a lot of the brexiteers voted that way because of racism, intolerance, or a desire for isolationism.
I stand by that.
I do believe that a large proportion of brexiteers voted for brexit because they're racist. I believe another large proportion voted for brexit because they're intolerant of immigration, even though they may not actually be racists. I believe that another proportion voted brexit because they want splendid isolation.
I also believe that a huge amount of brexiteers wanted to kick David Cameroon, or to register a protest vote at the state of politics.

Anyway, yes I believe a lot of brexiteers are racist. In fact, I firmly believe that a disproportionately high number of brexiteers are racists. But no, I never said that all brexiteers are racists, and I clearly don't believe all brexiteers are racist.
I do believe however, that virtually all racists are brexiteers.

So Les, you're wrong. You're trying to argue with me, claiming that what I said, doesn't really mean what it said, but instead, means what you want it to mean :laugh:
I've patiently explained everything I've said, fairly well.

I think it's time we moved on. I don't want to have to endure another obsessive feud, over an utterly irrelevant non-issue.
I thank we can declare this OVER :thumbup:

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #212 on: June 29, 2016, 10:19:44 AM »
No I didn't.

Now back to what I said. It is your go-to insult isn't it? You called me crazy, Pea mentally ill and  FourAceDeal mentally ill. It is your default insult.

It seems quite blatantly obvious that when you disagree with someone's opinion, you call them mentally ill. I do get the rationale behind it too.

In the same way you described all the Brexiters as being racists (yes the whole 17 million or whatever), it is a great way or instantly and uncritically delegitimising any point that someone else may have that differs from yours.

Its far more likely that there is racists and not in the majority of either Brexiters and Bremains, but in both ranks. It is also far more likely that mental illness is NOT the reason that people have differing opinions but because your opinions are not the bastion of intellect and reason, but simply run of the mill opinions. Much like most people.

Feel free to keep calling everyone that disagrees with you mentally ill, it is obviously something you are accustomed to doing. By all means call half a population racist if it makes you feel better. I was simply pointing out something I noticed. I do not much care that you do so, just pointing out a pattern.

I called FourAceDeal crazy? I honestly don't remember. Could you show me where, please?
I suggested Pea might be mentally ill, and with good reason. Again, nothing to do with disagreeing with me, and everything to do with the content of his magnificently misjudged video.
I think you"re crazy. Not for disagreeing with me, but because of your behaviour in general. The way you constantly start long term feuds over extremely minor issues, and then refuse to let things drop. They tend to last 3 months :laugh: It's possible that you're not crazy, and are just suffering from a major personality disorder. However, I consider mental illness to be a more charitable explanation than personality disorder.

I have never called all Brexiteers racist.

So Les. Quite a few accusation, but there not very true. Are they :laugh:

:laugh: Aren't they? :laugh:

Is he mentally ill?

Is it possible that Pea is FourAceDeal? Sorry to FAD if that''s not the case.

Fucking awful :thumbdn:

Genuinely feel devastated :'(

Stayed up all night watching the results come through with a growing sense of horror.

Got about an hours sleep, and now I just want to cry >:(


Could you vote from where you are?

I put off registering until the last minute, and when I finally got around to register, I couldn't. Turned out that because I hadn't been registered to vote in N.Ireland, I couldn't easily register to vote from here >:( It was way too late to do anything about it. Doesn't matter now though (emo) Leave won by quite a decent margin.

All my friends living here voted though. Obviously they voted remain. Would have been pretty dumb of them to have voted leave :laugh: Also, I think I'd have fallen out with any who voted leave :viking:

One of my friends and his fiance are talking about maybe moving back home because of the vote. They have a young daughter too. I get to play at being an auntie, and they're an awesome family. I'd be completely sick if they left :bigcry:
Hopefully they're just overreacting, and they won't have to leave.

I'm just in the foulest of moods at the moment :angrydance: I still can't quite believe the country voted to do this. Feel such utter contempt for England and Wales right now >:( Can't help feeling this was a vote for racism, intolerance, and isolationism :hitler: Really hope I'm wrong though :(

Back to you

Here's the full quote. Not the edited one you posted :facepalm2:

This video seems to be all about me :dunno: He's even calling me by my real name on a Youtube video :-\

It's sweet that he's "not criticized me for being lesbian," and "not really criticized me for being Scottish" :laugh:

Is he mentally ill?

Is it possible that Pea is FourAceDeal? Sorry to FAD if that''s not the case.

Clearly, this was a post about Pea.
I never came close to accusing FAD of being mentally ill. I had no reason to do so.

So, it seems that you lied when you accused me of saying FAD is mentally ill :thumbdn:

Even by your standards Les, that is pitiful. It reeks of intellectual dishonesty :thumbdn:

Can't help feeling this was a vote for racism, intolerance, and isolationism :hitler: Really hope I'm wrong though :(

I fully stand by that comment, and believe it to be true now, just as much as I did when I posted it.

However, that's very different to saying I "described all the Brexiters as being racists (yes the whole 17 million or whatever.")

At no point have I described all 17 million brexiteers as racists. Clearly not every brexiteer is a racist.

So Les, it looks like at best, you were completely wrong, and are desperately trying to quote posts that vaguely back your false claims :thumbdn:
At worst, you were just downright lying :thumbdn:

It's hard to believe that you are genuinely stupid enough to really believe that my posts accused FAD of being mentally ill, or that I accused every brexiteer of being a racist. If I am unable to believe that your mistakes are down to stupidity, then I am left with no option but to conclude that they are down to dishonesty.

Not cool Les. Not cool at all :thumbdn:

Hmm....I call bulletin.

Yes you asked whether Pea was mental ill and directly after whether FAD was Pea.

If Pea is mentally ill and FAD is Pea...

Yep it's you default. Both guy thought different to you so therefore both are alike and mentally ill.

No huge leaps, it's in your own words

You think racism, isolationism and intolerance is why Brexiters voted to leave....but your opinion is NOT that Brexiters are racist?

Now who is intellectually dishonest?

Out of interest how many Brexiters were there?

Wow Les. That's just another level of bullshit :laugh:

Pea and FAD expressed some similar views. I thought Pea might have had a sockpuppet. It seems I was wrong.
My belief that Pea might be mad was based entirely on his video, and not on anything that was said on the board.
If FAD wasn't responsible for the video, (which obviously he wasn't,) then I would have no reason whatsoever to suggest he was insane.

So no. I clearly didn't accuse FAD of being insane. I didn't imply he was insane. I never made any insinuations, no matter how vague, that FAD was insane.

My comment "Can't help feeling this was a vote for racism, intolerance, and isolationism :hitler: Really hope I'm wrong though :(" does imply that I believe that I believe a lot of the brexiteers voted that way because of racism, intolerance, or a desire for isolationism.
I stand by that.
I do believe that a large proportion of brexiteers voted for brexit because they're racist. I believe another large proportion voted for brexit because they're intolerant of immigration, even though they may not actually be racists. I believe that another proportion voted brexit because they want splendid isolation.
I also believe that a huge amount of brexiteers wanted to kick David Cameroon, or to register a protest vote at the state of politics.

Anyway, yes I believe a lot of brexiteers are racist. In fact, I firmly believe that a disproportionately high number of brexiteers are racists. But no, I never said that all brexiteers are racists, and I clearly don't believe all brexiteers are racist.
I do believe however, that virtually all racists are brexiteers.

So Les, you're wrong. You're trying to argue with me, claiming that what I said, doesn't really mean what it said, but instead, means what you want it to mean :laugh:
I've patiently explained everything I've said, fairly well.

I think it's time we moved on. I don't want to have to endure another obsessive feud, over an utterly irrelevant non-issue.
I thank we can declare this OVER :thumbup:

Call whomever you like mad or crazy or mentally ill. Not upset, just calling it like I see it.

I understand now perfectly. You thought that Pea was behind the FAD persona/account but only Pea was mad and not the FAD account that you thought was Pea commanding it incognito?  Well that makes perfect sense to me. How could I have every misread that.

"Can't help feeling this was a vote for racism, intolerance and isolationism", I can equally see how apparent this was actually giving weight to punishing David Cameron, among other things and the "racism, intolerance and isolationism"  is in no way applying that coupling that with "this was a vote for", is much more open a phrase than first reading. In fact the more I look the less likely "racism, intolerance and isolationism"  seems to infer a racist mindset.

How did I get it all so very wrong? Must be the time of night. Yes we can probably declare this over.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline 'Butterflies'

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #213 on: June 29, 2016, 10:22:50 AM »
No I didn't.

Now back to what I said. It is your go-to insult isn't it? You called me crazy, Pea mentally ill and  FourAceDeal mentally ill. It is your default insult.

It seems quite blatantly obvious that when you disagree with someone's opinion, you call them mentally ill. I do get the rationale behind it too.

In the same way you described all the Brexiters as being racists (yes the whole 17 million or whatever), it is a great way or instantly and uncritically delegitimising any point that someone else may have that differs from yours.

Its far more likely that there is racists and not in the majority of either Brexiters and Bremains, but in both ranks. It is also far more likely that mental illness is NOT the reason that people have differing opinions but because your opinions are not the bastion of intellect and reason, but simply run of the mill opinions. Much like most people.

Feel free to keep calling everyone that disagrees with you mentally ill, it is obviously something you are accustomed to doing. By all means call half a population racist if it makes you feel better. I was simply pointing out something I noticed. I do not much care that you do so, just pointing out a pattern.

I called FourAceDeal crazy? I honestly don't remember. Could you show me where, please?
I suggested Pea might be mentally ill, and with good reason. Again, nothing to do with disagreeing with me, and everything to do with the content of his magnificently misjudged video.
I think you"re crazy. Not for disagreeing with me, but because of your behaviour in general. The way you constantly start long term feuds over extremely minor issues, and then refuse to let things drop. They tend to last 3 months :laugh: It's possible that you're not crazy, and are just suffering from a major personality disorder. However, I consider mental illness to be a more charitable explanation than personality disorder.

I have never called all Brexiteers racist.

So Les. Quite a few accusation, but there not very true. Are they :laugh:

:laugh: Aren't they? :laugh:

Is he mentally ill?

Is it possible that Pea is FourAceDeal? Sorry to FAD if that''s not the case.

Fucking awful :thumbdn:

Genuinely feel devastated :'(

Stayed up all night watching the results come through with a growing sense of horror.

Got about an hours sleep, and now I just want to cry >:(


Could you vote from where you are?

I put off registering until the last minute, and when I finally got around to register, I couldn't. Turned out that because I hadn't been registered to vote in N.Ireland, I couldn't easily register to vote from here >:( It was way too late to do anything about it. Doesn't matter now though (emo) Leave won by quite a decent margin.

All my friends living here voted though. Obviously they voted remain. Would have been pretty dumb of them to have voted leave :laugh: Also, I think I'd have fallen out with any who voted leave :viking:

One of my friends and his fiance are talking about maybe moving back home because of the vote. They have a young daughter too. I get to play at being an auntie, and they're an awesome family. I'd be completely sick if they left :bigcry:
Hopefully they're just overreacting, and they won't have to leave.

I'm just in the foulest of moods at the moment :angrydance: I still can't quite believe the country voted to do this. Feel such utter contempt for England and Wales right now >:( Can't help feeling this was a vote for racism, intolerance, and isolationism :hitler: Really hope I'm wrong though :(

Back to you

Here's the full quote. Not the edited one you posted :facepalm2:

This video seems to be all about me :dunno: He's even calling me by my real name on a Youtube video :-\

It's sweet that he's "not criticized me for being lesbian," and "not really criticized me for being Scottish" :laugh:

Is he mentally ill?

Is it possible that Pea is FourAceDeal? Sorry to FAD if that''s not the case.

Clearly, this was a post about Pea.
I never came close to accusing FAD of being mentally ill. I had no reason to do so.

So, it seems that you lied when you accused me of saying FAD is mentally ill :thumbdn:

Even by your standards Les, that is pitiful. It reeks of intellectual dishonesty :thumbdn:

Can't help feeling this was a vote for racism, intolerance, and isolationism :hitler: Really hope I'm wrong though :(

I fully stand by that comment, and believe it to be true now, just as much as I did when I posted it.

However, that's very different to saying I "described all the Brexiters as being racists (yes the whole 17 million or whatever.")

At no point have I described all 17 million brexiteers as racists. Clearly not every brexiteer is a racist.

So Les, it looks like at best, you were completely wrong, and are desperately trying to quote posts that vaguely back your false claims :thumbdn:
At worst, you were just downright lying :thumbdn:

It's hard to believe that you are genuinely stupid enough to really believe that my posts accused FAD of being mentally ill, or that I accused every brexiteer of being a racist. If I am unable to believe that your mistakes are down to stupidity, then I am left with no option but to conclude that they are down to dishonesty.

Not cool Les. Not cool at all :thumbdn:

Hmm....I call bulletin.

Yes you asked whether Pea was mental ill and directly after whether FAD was Pea.

If Pea is mentally ill and FAD is Pea...

Yep it's you default. Both guy thought different to you so therefore both are alike and mentally ill.

No huge leaps, it's in your own words

You think racism, isolationism and intolerance is why Brexiters voted to leave....but your opinion is NOT that Brexiters are racist?

Now who is intellectually dishonest?

Out of interest how many Brexiters were there?

Wow Les. That's just another level of bullshit :laugh:

Pea and FAD expressed some similar views. I thought Pea might have had a sockpuppet. It seems I was wrong.
My belief that Pea might be mad was based entirely on his video, and not on anything that was said on the board.
If FAD wasn't responsible for the video, (which obviously he wasn't,) then I would have no reason whatsoever to suggest he was insane.

So no. I clearly didn't accuse FAD of being insane. I didn't imply he was insane. I never made any insinuations, no matter how vague, that FAD was insane.

My comment "Can't help feeling this was a vote for racism, intolerance, and isolationism :hitler: Really hope I'm wrong though :(" does imply that I believe that I believe a lot of the brexiteers voted that way because of racism, intolerance, or a desire for isolationism.
I stand by that.
I do believe that a large proportion of brexiteers voted for brexit because they're racist. I believe another large proportion voted for brexit because they're intolerant of immigration, even though they may not actually be racists. I believe that another proportion voted brexit because they want splendid isolation.
I also believe that a huge amount of brexiteers wanted to kick David Cameroon, or to register a protest vote at the state of politics.

Anyway, yes I believe a lot of brexiteers are racist. In fact, I firmly believe that a disproportionately high number of brexiteers are racists. But no, I never said that all brexiteers are racists, and I clearly don't believe all brexiteers are racist.
I do believe however, that virtually all racists are brexiteers.

So Les, you're wrong. You're trying to argue with me, claiming that what I said, doesn't really mean what it said, but instead, means what you want it to mean :laugh:
I've patiently explained everything I've said, fairly well.

I think it's time we moved on. I don't want to have to endure another obsessive feud, over an utterly irrelevant non-issue.
I thank we can declare this OVER :thumbup:

Call whomever you like mad or crazy or mentally ill. Not upset, just calling it like I see it.

I understand now perfectly. You thought that Pea was behind the FAD persona/account but only Pea was mad and not the FAD account that you thought was Pea commanding it incognito?  Well that makes perfect sense to me. How could I have every misread that.

"Can't help feeling this was a vote for racism, intolerance and isolationism", I can equally see how apparent this was actually giving weight to punishing David Cameron, among other things and the "racism, intolerance and isolationism"  is in no way applying that coupling that with "this was a vote for", is much more open a phrase than first reading. In fact the more I look the less likely "racism, intolerance and isolationism"  seems to infer a racist mindset.

How did I get it all so very wrong? Must be the time of night. Yes we can probably declare this over.

Don't worry about it Les.
Anyway, something tells me you weren''t really getting it anywhere near as wrong as you were letting on :2thumbsup:

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #214 on: June 29, 2016, 11:25:19 AM »

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #215 on: June 29, 2016, 11:32:49 AM »

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #216 on: June 29, 2016, 02:43:26 PM »
No I didn't.

Now back to what I said. It is your go-to insult isn't it? You called me crazy, Pea mentally ill and  FourAceDeal mentally ill. It is your default insult.

It seems quite blatantly obvious that when you disagree with someone's opinion, you call them mentally ill. I do get the rationale behind it too.

In the same way you described all the Brexiters as being racists (yes the whole 17 million or whatever), it is a great way or instantly and uncritically delegitimising any point that someone else may have that differs from yours.

Its far more likely that there is racists and not in the majority of either Brexiters and Bremains, but in both ranks. It is also far more likely that mental illness is NOT the reason that people have differing opinions but because your opinions are not the bastion of intellect and reason, but simply run of the mill opinions. Much like most people.

Feel free to keep calling everyone that disagrees with you mentally ill, it is obviously something you are accustomed to doing. By all means call half a population racist if it makes you feel better. I was simply pointing out something I noticed. I do not much care that you do so, just pointing out a pattern.

I called FourAceDeal crazy? I honestly don't remember. Could you show me where, please?
I suggested Pea might be mentally ill, and with good reason. Again, nothing to do with disagreeing with me, and everything to do with the content of his magnificently misjudged video.
I think you"re crazy. Not for disagreeing with me, but because of your behaviour in general. The way you constantly start long term feuds over extremely minor issues, and then refuse to let things drop. They tend to last 3 months :laugh: It's possible that you're not crazy, and are just suffering from a major personality disorder. However, I consider mental illness to be a more charitable explanation than personality disorder.

I have never called all Brexiteers racist.

So Les. Quite a few accusation, but there not very true. Are they :laugh:

I am crazy.  I have paperwork for it.   If you did say it then I probably just thought that you were being quite intuitive.

Besides.  I may not agree with you but I had a rant at you and you took it "like a man" and gave it back.  I kinda like you now.  You've got balls.  You can call me whatever the feck you want. 
Ever got that feeling that you're trying to teach a dog a card trick?

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #217 on: June 29, 2016, 03:21:57 PM »
No I didn't.

Now back to what I said. It is your go-to insult isn't it? You called me crazy, Pea mentally ill and  FourAceDeal mentally ill. It is your default insult.

It seems quite blatantly obvious that when you disagree with someone's opinion, you call them mentally ill. I do get the rationale behind it too.

In the same way you described all the Brexiters as being racists (yes the whole 17 million or whatever), it is a great way or instantly and uncritically delegitimising any point that someone else may have that differs from yours.

Its far more likely that there is racists and not in the majority of either Brexiters and Bremains, but in both ranks. It is also far more likely that mental illness is NOT the reason that people have differing opinions but because your opinions are not the bastion of intellect and reason, but simply run of the mill opinions. Much like most people.

Feel free to keep calling everyone that disagrees with you mentally ill, it is obviously something you are accustomed to doing. By all means call half a population racist if it makes you feel better. I was simply pointing out something I noticed. I do not much care that you do so, just pointing out a pattern.

I called FourAceDeal crazy? I honestly don't remember. Could you show me where, please?
I suggested Pea might be mentally ill, and with good reason. Again, nothing to do with disagreeing with me, and everything to do with the content of his magnificently misjudged video.
I think you"re crazy. Not for disagreeing with me, but because of your behaviour in general. The way you constantly start long term feuds over extremely minor issues, and then refuse to let things drop. They tend to last 3 months :laugh: It's possible that you're not crazy, and are just suffering from a major personality disorder. However, I consider mental illness to be a more charitable explanation than personality disorder.

I have never called all Brexiteers racist.

So Les. Quite a few accusation, but there not very true. Are they :laugh:

I am crazy.  I have paperwork for it.   If you did say it then I probably just thought that you were being quite intuitive.

Besides.  I may not agree with you but I had a rant at you and you took it "like a man" and gave it back.  I kinda like you now.  You've got balls.  You can call me whatever the feck you want.

I am glad there's no hard feelings. I strongly think that brexit was a terrible decision, but I'm sure we both hope to fuck that I'm wrong. If it turns out that I am, I'll be happy to come on here and we can all laugh at my stupidity :laugh: Nobody will be happier than me.

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #218 on: June 29, 2016, 03:30:09 PM »
Am seeing reports in the news of France presenting a blueprint proposal today to unite EU members into a single military superstate. It's being described as an ultimatum. The only way for the EU can ever become a UN security council nuclear superpower is to have the UK and/or France in their membership. Am hoping the blueprint is released to the public soon to read what's so ultimatum like about it. Am wondering if France intends to make a big play for military control in the EU if the UK leaves, and if they don't get what they want then they might opt out too. Very interesting stuff, Europeans.

Farage always said about a European army.  Cool, they won't fight each other, just fight as one army against which ever Middle East country they fancy blowing up next.
It's no doubt a plan that's been in the works for some time. It makes complete sense the UK and France would want military control over the EU, and if they can't get it then they absolutely should leave the EU, else risk losing their seat of authority over the rest of the globe. The EU can morph into one nation all they want but without an existing nuclear state witin the membership it will never be anything more than a large UN member nation. This is a global power struggle, and it's looking like the UK is very smartly protecting their own butt at the moment.

You raise a very interesting point.  It makes me wonder again if we're so global now, why we keep blowing up other parts of the globe. 
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #219 on: June 29, 2016, 03:35:20 PM »
Why do you keep parroting phrases like "Little Englander"?  There's nothing that's made England more little than dissolving our sovereignty and trying to change from a state/country to a province.  You only want people who you agree with to be able to vote.  You also want Scotland to be Independent from the UK?!

Hi Benjamin. I wanted to respond to you. Glad you re-appeared.

See, one of the reasons why I voted Brexit is to eventually bring an independent England from the United Kingdom. I think we'd do all right, Jack. I'm also getting tired of citizens being called "little Englander" and "racist" for showing any patriotism of England. We've done a lot of good things as well as bad. I don't give a shit about the colonial past; we're not a superpower or an empire, any more. Shouldn't people in and outside of the UK just be content with that?

I also think the next step would be to gravitate from the corporatism we have to free market capitalism under a limited government. Otherwise, we'll expect the same corrupt shit outside of the EU.

I'd like to hear what you feel about the idea of classical liberalism as a viable solution. I suspect that you're more of a socialist, although I could be wrong.

And I'm probably mentally ill after surviving death. I'm not too worried about detractors on this board because I'm dealing with people who have the same developmental disorder called autism here. However, I'm not looking to get into pissing matches, just some healthy discussion here from people with different angles to this matter.

I tried, but being the quasi neo luddite of the internet world...I can only do my best!    :GA:

I'm a nationalist, or have been made into one because of finding out about the efforts to destroy countries in the name of globalisation. 

I'm hoping that leaving the EU will remove that excuse and then yes we can get onto the other route causes of why this country is so fucked. 
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #220 on: June 29, 2016, 03:43:17 PM »
No I didn't.

Now back to what I said. It is your go-to insult isn't it? You called me crazy, Pea mentally ill and  FourAceDeal mentally ill. It is your default insult.

It seems quite blatantly obvious that when you disagree with someone's opinion, you call them mentally ill. I do get the rationale behind it too.

In the same way you described all the Brexiters as being racists (yes the whole 17 million or whatever), it is a great way or instantly and uncritically delegitimising any point that someone else may have that differs from yours.

Its far more likely that there is racists and not in the majority of either Brexiters and Bremains, but in both ranks. It is also far more likely that mental illness is NOT the reason that people have differing opinions but because your opinions are not the bastion of intellect and reason, but simply run of the mill opinions. Much like most people.

Feel free to keep calling everyone that disagrees with you mentally ill, it is obviously something you are accustomed to doing. By all means call half a population racist if it makes you feel better. I was simply pointing out something I noticed. I do not much care that you do so, just pointing out a pattern.

I called FourAceDeal crazy? I honestly don't remember. Could you show me where, please?
I suggested Pea might be mentally ill, and with good reason. Again, nothing to do with disagreeing with me, and everything to do with the content of his magnificently misjudged video.
I think you"re crazy. Not for disagreeing with me, but because of your behaviour in general. The way you constantly start long term feuds over extremely minor issues, and then refuse to let things drop. They tend to last 3 months :laugh: It's possible that you're not crazy, and are just suffering from a major personality disorder. However, I consider mental illness to be a more charitable explanation than personality disorder.

I have never called all Brexiteers racist.

So Les. Quite a few accusation, but there not very true. Are they :laugh:

:laugh: Aren't they? :laugh:

Is he mentally ill?

Is it possible that Pea is FourAceDeal? Sorry to FAD if that''s not the case.

Fucking awful :thumbdn:

Genuinely feel devastated :'(

Stayed up all night watching the results come through with a growing sense of horror.

Got about an hours sleep, and now I just want to cry >:(


Could you vote from where you are?

I put off registering until the last minute, and when I finally got around to register, I couldn't. Turned out that because I hadn't been registered to vote in N.Ireland, I couldn't easily register to vote from here >:( It was way too late to do anything about it. Doesn't matter now though (emo) Leave won by quite a decent margin.

All my friends living here voted though. Obviously they voted remain. Would have been pretty dumb of them to have voted leave :laugh: Also, I think I'd have fallen out with any who voted leave :viking:

One of my friends and his fiance are talking about maybe moving back home because of the vote. They have a young daughter too. I get to play at being an auntie, and they're an awesome family. I'd be completely sick if they left :bigcry:
Hopefully they're just overreacting, and they won't have to leave.

I'm just in the foulest of moods at the moment :angrydance: I still can't quite believe the country voted to do this. Feel such utter contempt for England and Wales right now >:( Can't help feeling this was a vote for racism, intolerance, and isolationism :hitler: Really hope I'm wrong though :(

Back to you

Here's the full quote. Not the edited one you posted :facepalm2:

This video seems to be all about me :dunno: He's even calling me by my real name on a Youtube video :-\

It's sweet that he's "not criticized me for being lesbian," and "not really criticized me for being Scottish" :laugh:

Is he mentally ill?

Is it possible that Pea is FourAceDeal? Sorry to FAD if that''s not the case.

Clearly, this was a post about Pea.
I never came close to accusing FAD of being mentally ill. I had no reason to do so.

So, it seems that you lied when you accused me of saying FAD is mentally ill :thumbdn:

Even by your standards Les, that is pitiful. It reeks of intellectual dishonesty :thumbdn:

Can't help feeling this was a vote for racism, intolerance, and isolationism :hitler: Really hope I'm wrong though :(

I fully stand by that comment, and believe it to be true now, just as much as I did when I posted it.

However, that's very different to saying I "described all the Brexiters as being racists (yes the whole 17 million or whatever.")

At no point have I described all 17 million brexiteers as racists. Clearly not every brexiteer is a racist.

So Les, it looks like at best, you were completely wrong, and are desperately trying to quote posts that vaguely back your false claims :thumbdn:
At worst, you were just downright lying :thumbdn:

It's hard to believe that you are genuinely stupid enough to really believe that my posts accused FAD of being mentally ill, or that I accused every brexiteer of being a racist. If I am unable to believe that your mistakes are down to stupidity, then I am left with no option but to conclude that they are down to dishonesty.

Not cool Les. Not cool at all :thumbdn:


You were implying that Pea and Ace were the same person, which would obviously mean you thought 'they' were mentally ill.  Unless they are the same person and 'they' have schizophrenia and one of them is actually pretty sane  :autism:
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #221 on: June 29, 2016, 03:45:38 PM »
One more word from Pea!   8)

Oh, last comment for a while:

"Well, I aborted the video anyway because of such and such reason.

I'm batshit bonkers. There's nothing sane about me apart from my choice of haircut, I guess.

Anyway, I'm going to sit back and watch Breeg fight for justice on a message board. It's very entertaining and inspiring. I like fellow cray crays."

I wanted to see the video!  So maybe Pea could reload it and someone could PM it to me?  Don't take any notice of people calling you mentally ill for your political views Pea! 
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #222 on: June 29, 2016, 03:53:30 PM »
You really don't understand what the working class actually are.  You can't move away from the country and tell us what we should vote for.  The working class have had enough of their wages being smashed.  I live here and have worked with as well as for the working class of the past and present.  You live in a dream world Butterflies.  The result speaks for itself.  Live with it.

You can't move away from the country and tell us what we should vote for.

Why? Technically I had as much right to vote as you :-\

You really don't understand what the working class actually are.

Yes I do. I smell them every time I use public transport :P

Seriously, it's you who doesn't understand what the working class are. You think that being working class means racist, ignorant, and uneducated. This is not what working class is. That is an insult to the working class.

Okay, "can't" was the wrong word, it's just a bit rich. 

No I do not, that's what you're putting them down as but saying they aren't the working class because they're "racist" etc.  A lot of the working class are like that, well most of the country are ignorant and just have selected education.  It's the people who think they are so well educated and are so smug because they think they know so much better, but in reality they are just as naive and oblivious and are doing the work of the corporate machine for them.

"This country has had enough of experts."

God you are stupid.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #223 on: June 29, 2016, 03:53:59 PM »

 :lol1: :plus:

There is much truth in that :laugh:

It's funny, but not accurate.  38% of Scots voted to leave. 

If anyone has changed their mind after a few days when we had been in the EU for 45 years, then they are complete imbeciles and I would actually be drawn to agreeing with Odeon that we are too stupid to vote.  We are feeling the negative consequences from voting to leave, but still paying the EU £20,000 a minute.  Let's wait until we actually decide on a deal, get our money back and then give it 5 years to see how we get on. 
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

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Re: Brexit omelette with ham and cheese.
« Reply #224 on: June 29, 2016, 03:54:09 PM »
Before EU was Britain independent? Is it a question they could not be so afterwards?
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap