
Author Topic: Atypical political views?  (Read 3294 times)

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Offline Dirty Big Yoke

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Atypical political views?
« on: September 06, 2020, 11:34:02 PM »
Since no one perfectly fits into "left" or "right" boxes, what views do you have which may be atypical to your overall views?

I'm actually fine with gun ownership. If people need to defend themselves, then I don't see the inherent problem owning one. The difference is that I do believe some level of gun control is needed (to ensure only responsible, mentally sound people use them) and feel the likes the US is a little too lax in some parts.

I also think shaming individuals due to eating meat is stupid too. Fine if you want to be vegan, but you need to realise that not everyone can suddenly turn vegan overnight, and it misses the systemic issue in regards to the food industry in the first place. Also, a million people doing it imperfectly is still far more better than a few doing it perfectly.

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Re: Atypical political views?
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2020, 01:48:06 AM »
I get the debate over guns as a personal rights issue. Personally I don't want to own a gun and I am more than happy living in a society with low levels of gun ownership, and where most guns in private hands are bolt action rifles. I grew up around lots of guns and I used to own a few myself... but right now I cannot imagine anything that would motivate me to purchase a gun.

I don't see guns as a left vs right issue at all. Our restrictive gun laws were introduced by a right wing conservative government, with bipartisan support. So in supporting restrictive gun laws I'm a centrist in this country.

The idea of guns being a left vs right issue is for one very simple reason. The Republican Party in the US figured out after Reagan's presidency that they could lock up a big chunk of the vote by supporting the most ridiculously unregulated gun rights and painting the Democrats as "those commernists who wanna take yer gerns away". Add to this locking up the fundy / evangelical Christian vote by pretending to be "pro life" (or, more accurately, pro-birth).

Apart from economic policy, in this country the only left vs right issues seem to be around things like marriage equality (which is now done and dusted anyway) and indigenous rights. Immigration is an issue but both parties have basically the same "keep them in concentration camps until they commit suicide" policy with undocumented immigrants who arrive by boat, and both parties support very high levels of legal immigration. Realistically the two major parties are simply different flavours of neoliberalism and general conservatism.

Veganism doesn't seem to be as big of a deal here as it is in the UK. I like meat but I agree that we should generally eat less of it.

Fortunately we have preferential voting, so I vote for any party with "socialist" or "green" in their name and give my preferences to the less bad conservative party.
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Offline FourAceDeal

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Re: Atypical political views?
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2020, 01:57:38 AM »
I'm sure you're a wonderful person Shledge, but I honestly can't be arsed to go over this crap again.   Search through old posts and you'll see that the group's Hitler Youth Chapter have fully covered these subjects many times over, and I really don;t have the time to wade through the knee deep racist bullshit it ends in.

It's not you, it's me.  And this forum.
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Re: Atypical political views?
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2020, 05:30:23 AM »
Definitely have views which agree with both sides. That seems typical.