Author Topic: OK, Let's do it again. Why do you Brits have such retarded, faggotty gun laws?  (Read 21234 times)

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Offline FourAceDeal

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And the irony is that although the targets of this attack are the type of people that ISIS throw off buildings, they're also the demographic that are the least likely to be Islamophobic (or any other "phobic").

I noticed that irony too. Perhaps now the political left will start to wake up to what a dangerous death-cult a large minority of Islam is.

I've always felt the left's love affair with Islam is because most of it's adherents are brown skinned and PC types are so eager to prove they're tolerant and inclusive, to an almost pathological degree.

It could also be driven by envy, in that they try to emulate the Jihadists fanaticism.

No.  No.  No.

Jsust because the man made a phone call before he did this to self justify what he was doing that does not make this an act of terrorism.

This was just another suicide by cop killing spree that has happened before.  The gunman was criminal and the crime was one of homophobia.

He had no more to do with ISIS than you or me.  The fact he mentioned them in a phone call means nothing.  He would have done this if they existed or didn't - he would just have chosen some other nutbag cause to self validate himself.

Ever got that feeling that you're trying to teach a dog a card trick?

Offline FourAceDeal

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Actually Jack, I'm a bum for using this to make a point.  50 dead. 
Stop doing that. Denying the numbers, guns aren't dangerous, it obviously doesn't count, I'm a's putting words in my mouth which aren't being said. If the intent is snooty mockery, then that's fine, mock away. Personally love patriotism; it's having a sense of pride and loyalty to crap I didn't do. Everyone should enjoy it. Though don't personally need to bash anyplace else in order to have that. There's nothing wrong with appreciating one's own country's laws and civic structure; if that's all that's being said then yay Britts. Whatever. Have handed you the most recent and reliably sourced data for all measures of death in the US, as well as pointing out current US measures of gun control and homicide trends with 60% decrease over the last twenty years. My point is, the US has a problem, it's a problem which is steadily improving due to federal measures of gun control, and there are further control measures which could be taken without changing the constitution. What point are you trying to make about it?

50 dead.   I'd just heard the number.  Sometimes I post what I genuinely feel.  Like then.   I was really feeling depressed about it all.   

But worry not, I'll be back on form as a sardonic shit real soon.
Ever got that feeling that you're trying to teach a dog a card trick?

Offline odeon

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Don't even know what to say about it. So many things wrong. :(
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline Jack

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Actually Jack, I'm a bum for using this to make a point.  50 dead. 
Stop doing that. Denying the numbers, guns aren't dangerous, it obviously doesn't count, I'm a's putting words in my mouth which aren't being said. If the intent is snooty mockery, then that's fine, mock away. Personally love patriotism; it's having a sense of pride and loyalty to crap I didn't do. Everyone should enjoy it. Though don't personally need to bash anyplace else in order to have that. There's nothing wrong with appreciating one's own country's laws and civic structure; if that's all that's being said then yay Britts. Whatever. Have handed you the most recent and reliably sourced data for all measures of death in the US, as well as pointing out current US measures of gun control and homicide trends with 60% decrease over the last twenty years. My point is, the US has a problem, it's a problem which is steadily improving due to federal measures of gun control, and there are further control measures which could be taken without changing the constitution. What point are you trying to make about it?

50 dead.   I'd just heard the number.  Sometimes I post what I genuinely feel.  Like then.   I was really feeling depressed about it all.   

But worry not, I'll be back on form as a sardonic shit real soon.
Good point, and excellent choice of stance. No one can ever say you feel wrong. Jack appreciates FourAceDeal for wasting some time on her.