Informal language is not suitable for formal settings and the workplace is a formal setting. Workplace harassment is so loosely defined to include any and all behavior or speech personally viewed as belittling or threatening, so if a formal complaint is placed then it's best to simply let it go. Previous job, frequently encountered men calling me mommy; another woman in the office explained it's not intended as offensive but a cultural difference simply meaning they don't know my name. That helped with not being offended; it was still annoying but not enough to ever formally complain about it; just told those assholes my name when called mommy. Current position, it's a couple of women who have called me sweetheart, baby, and mommy; one was very persistent about it. Repeatedly telling her my name finally resulted in being called a cutesy nickname version of my name. Some people just need a punch in the face, but punches in the face are not suitable to formal settings and the workplace is a formal setting.