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Questions for Lestat: Lestat's Lab
i found a rather interesting fungus this morning in my houseplant. i was mystified until i found a piece of wood just below the surface. it looked just the sort that would grow into nice mushrooms, but i threw it out. i've grown mushrooms before.
lol about the port, i agree it's an acquired taste. i like making wassail and use the same spices in the wine. i feel about most alcohol the way you feel about port. can't stand the stuff, dunno why people would drink it unless they wanted to kill off some brain cells. at any rate i have a collection of port wines (if my mother hasn't discovered and given them away), some were old when i got them and all have been there for nine years at least. my mother's basement is a good temperature for them.
lol, i'm afraid of coke, i think it would put me in a coma. last night i had some tea because i hadn't had any in a week and passed out after only half a cup.
i use bacopa, gotu kola, gingko and ashwaghanda. the bacopa and gotu kola are the primary ingredients. i added the gingko because i saw it in so many formulations, and i added the ashwaghanda because i think there is an anxiety component to the ADHD (especially when i can't get organized). it did a great job taking the edge off.
getting stimulants here is not as hard as in the u.s.
they gave me a year's worth when i went to get an interim prescription.
still would rather find other means because i am never sure that supplies will always be available. also, stimulants slow me down and kill my creativity. however, the alternative is scary so i put up with it until i find a good solution.
i am kind of curious how the alternatives work. i know that the common ones inhibit the reuptake of dopamine and norepinephrine. i don't know how the herbal stuff works.
I could try and ID it if you took a photo.
Wasn't bright yellow capped and thin stemmed by any chance was it? theres one quite common one that grows often on indoor potted plants, white stem IIRC and bright yellow somewhat bell
shaped elongated cap. Thats a member of the Lepiota genus. Inedible if thats whats growing, but I don't think it extremely toxic as some small Lepiotas are.
Just guessing from its habitat, but do tell me what it looks/looked like.
As for the plants..god thats a complex bunch.
Theres things in Bacopa monnieri, chances are thats the one your using, right?
actually i suspended the use of the adhd stuff because it was causing problems. too much of any stimulant and i pass out.
i didn't take a picture of the fungus - it was white and very soft. in retrospect, it wasn't harming the plant. i should have let it grow.
i do intend to start using the turkey tail and the cordyceps i was using in the past. they seemed helpful.
Did you note my cautions about those fiddleheads of yours?
Dangerous, particularly for you. Carcinogenic, some species also need cyanide leaching out, ptilaquoside is present in some species, bracken and probably male fern especially high concentrations, dangerous even to live close to large stands of the stuff I read tonight, as ptilaquoside leaches into the water table, to damage DNA, red cells, carcinogenesis, particularly mouth, throat and stomach. acutely toxic as hell, causing blindness, partial usually, particularly a blindness that is in some way sensitive to light levels, can be fatal. Thiaminases present in most ferns although these can be destabilized, being proteins, enzymes, that target and destroy vitamin B1 in the body. Can be lethal. Fiddleheads HAVE been eaten but in NO way ever should be, even prepared. Its taking your ass into your own hands, if you eat that shit. And given your health specifics, dangerous even more so for you personally cannot afford haemolysis nor carcinogen exposure.
i don't discuss my health specifics in the public threads.
i've seen your warnings in three places now. i got your message and responded to it. i have also read the accounts of explorers starving to death while eating nardoo, etc.
this is the last i'll comment on it in these threads.
i've moved on to things like re-establishing my supplement protocol, which went to hell when i ran out of stimulants.
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