Projection and deflection all Odeon has in his ever decreasing bag of tricks.
You really need to fill out one of these.

The thing is, if I actually asked you what I may possibly be butthurt about, you probably would not have stock standard answer yet. That is what Progressive do. The narrative is important and truth or honesty is not.
Her is a moral quandary for you. Just to see how your moral compass is aligned.
1) You are an unmarried man you are dating a married woman who is a little highly strung you are enjoying the sex but she wants more out of the relationship. Should you terminate this?
2) You are a married man dating an unmarried woman who is suffering psychological issues and you are enjoying the sex and interplay but she wants more and you have indicated that there is more available than what you can offer. Should you terminate this?
Want to get a sense of your intellectual and moral bearing. Believe me I think you are a piece of shit and hypocritical as all get up but I think you will ignore or deflect these questions and i think that unto itself is telling.
You are a dickead Odeon.