How do you tell something is a scream, if it comes out in clicks and pops?
Might as well get shouted at by an old fashioned modem
Unless you happen to speak one of the khoisan languages that is. Otherwise, chances are you wouldn't even be able to imitate it, let alone understand it. The group is a genetic, as well as linguistic isolate, or very close to it (there are a couple of other unrelated languages that use that kind of click consonant in their vocabulary though iirc.
Considering their lifestyle, remote location and lack of modern technology, there probably isn't very much chance of there BEING many of them at all on either the american continent, north OR south, or the UK landmass. Or europe. A few, probably, but I doubt there are very many san, or koikhoi (the people that used to be known as hottentot, which is, apparently, somewhat rude,
as it means in their language 'he who stammers' or 'stutterer', presumably due to the linguistic structure, and that funky clicked speech.
Something tells me those are probably really difficult languages to master for non-natives, or those who haven't spent time actually in the company of a living speaker of the language(s) given how there is nothing in western speech to make comparison to. Kinda like the difficulty, relatively speaking of learning tonal languages like chinese, japanese, korean etc., although these at least feature modulated pitches/tones related to existing sounds whereas the ones in the khoisan group, the ones which differ from western languages, are about as alien to our tongues as they can get. I've read a little of some of those languages, and even with specific (written) instructions and recordings it was difficult to impossible for me to reproduce 99% of it, at least, the unique, clicked parts. A few words of chinese, that was managable, but not koikhoi or san.
An interesting people, I've always been quite amazed really, how people who possess little more than digging sticks, loincloths, knife and bow/alatl.woomera etc are able to survive in such hostile environments, living entirely off natural resources. I can manage that HERE, but I'd likely be in deep shit if I got dropped off in the middle of some fucking desert (I don't like the heat HERE let alone africa/australia.