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Best troll in I2 history??

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Gopher Gary:

--- Quote from: Al Swearengen on May 06, 2016, 05:49:51 PM ---Pea wrote this about a week ago

--- End quote ---

Did that guy just say he loves Scrapheap and he'd fuck him?  :lol1:  Why doesn't he just post, since he obviously has an account to log in with and view the callouts?  :dunno: Spazzy spaz loves I2 enough to read it and post long winded love letters from youtube.  :hahaha:

He's still paying attention to us?  :LOL:

*waves to Pea*

Gopher Gary:
Oh, I just realized that callout he was looking at is in the public board. Love smitten spaz should return.  :viking:

I think you got some of that straw in your ears Gopher.  Don't think he said he'd like to fuck him  :P

Pea sounds a bit like Vicky Pollard  :zoinks: 

If you're reading though, can you remember what thread that was?  Wouldn't mind reading through that for a laugh.  Thanks for the kind words. 

Gopher Gary:

--- Quote from: benjimanbreeg on May 06, 2016, 06:29:52 PM ---I think you got some of that straw in your ears Gopher.  Don't think he said he'd like to fuck him  :P

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I went back and checked again, and I swear at 6:20 it sounds like he says, There's Scrapheap, one of my heroes. I'd love to talk to him, I'd fuck him. I'd just love to fucking talk to him again. I guess it's possible he said, I'd fucking...  and that was an incomplete sentence. But now I'm thinking about spicy man love between Pappy and this hot gingery youtuber, so don't ruin it for me.  >:(


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