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Best troll in I2 history??

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Yuri Bezmenov:
Who would you vote for?? I think Soleiyu was hard to top.

Al Swearegen:

--- Quote from: Pappy on April 29, 2016, 08:58:29 PM ---Who would you vote for?? I think Soleiyu was hard to top.

--- End quote ---

Seriously good question. I think Cal and Pea were effective at getting under people's skin and going left field. Butterflies was pretty decent at trolling and Sol was a special kind of special.

  Sometimes, late at night, I miss General Razorbeard.  :'(  :trollface:

I'm not convinced Sol was a troll--I think he was an actual nutcase. The same is true for the General. Or, they were both far more skilled than I thought they were.

I'd say Pea, probably. He was really good at getting under people's skin. A lot better than Cal, actually.

Sol or Buttcoffee


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