
Author Topic: The benefits of multiculturalism  (Read 551 times)

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The benefits of multiculturalism
« on: April 26, 2016, 02:55:51 PM »
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

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Re: The benefits of multiculturalism
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2016, 09:12:13 PM »

Offline Lestat

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Re: The benefits of multiculturalism
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2016, 12:30:20 AM »
Couldn't really make out what that was very well.
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Re: The benefits of multiculturalism
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2016, 01:53:10 PM »
Niggers stealing shit. what's new??

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Re: The benefits of multiculturalism
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2016, 02:43:01 PM »
They like to move it move it :zoinks:
Seems a bit odd they are so worked up over bottled water it's only a few bucks a case here fro the no name stuff they have at these events
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Offline WolFish

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Re: The benefits of multiculturalism
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2016, 03:24:59 PM »
Critical thinking.

The road is littered with hundreds of bottles.
There are only a few runners going by.
It's mile 8 of the race.
This means that most of the runners have passed this point. the volume of available water is not needed.

This means that the people are stealing water that might in past years have been given to them if the cleanup crew didn't want to haul it away.
If you got there too late you'd miss the giveaway.
My guess is these people got there 'way too early. No permission = stealing.
There are other videos that show white people taking bottles. are they included in the "niggers" definition?

i too am not sure why they are getting worked up over the water, which likely was donated and didn't cost the organizers anything.
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Re: The benefits of multiculturalism
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2016, 03:44:07 PM »
Niggers stealing shit? what, huh? I don't see any nigger adoptions of other niggers going on there :P

And its not that odd, being workshy,  greedy sponging thieving, thuggish parasites is hardly out of character either.

At least here in the UK, we have one anthony lynton satan McRat-bastard bliar...ahem...blair to 'thank' for the disease of multiculturalism, both in practice and in the vile, faeco-purulent dogma itself.
Tony Bliar and his cabinet, got caught out admitting to throwing the border gates open and tearing down the borders themselves, those that aren't inherent to an island landmass that is, and actively advertising for an infestation of romanian gyppos, bulgarians, towelheads and the like to come and set up home sweet (somebody elses) home, to, and I quote verbatim ''rub the right's nose in diversity''

Bastard has a LOT of things to be reviled for of course, but thats got to be one of the most egregious, cynical, conniving, repugnant and abhorrent of them all. Bliar is a war criminal, a bullshitter so full to bursting with shit, he must be addicted to the stench of his own ordure, as well as a thief and a race traitor.

I wouldn't shed a single tear were he to be kidnapped by one of his little dunecoon bumchums, thrown in the boot of a car and left to burn alive, or mugged, raped, stabbed by some romanian piece of shit or all of the above. Not about to go and pop him myself or arrange it, but if it ever did happen, the only tears from my eyes would be of uncontrollable laughter.

Lol, y'know what they say about bliar and 'his' govt.  If you want a nigger for a neighbor, vote labour :P

Perhaps more accurate to say 'to be inflicted on somebody ELSE's neighbor'

I do hope against hope that I'll live to enjoy the day he and his dickpolisher cabinet cronies, but him especially, put on trial and found guilty of war crimes.
And don't even get me started on that GHASTLY creature he has for a wife. Jesus wept fucking blood! how that can be allowed out in public I don't know,whats a hideous little goblin like thats doing even making it past it's mother's cervix 'fer feck's feckin' sake. Chienne..err..Cherie, sorry, Bliar belongs in a zoo, not in public. Or on a spike. In the 'Vlad Tepesh' sense of 'a spike', that is.

And as for the greedy wogs pinching the crates of bottled water from the marathon runner's hydration pitstops, fucking god, that really is beyond the pale. Fucks sake, those are people who in a lot of cases are trying to fundraise for charities, or to push and better themselves, etc, and NEED that water. Getting off with it just so your dirty lightfingered nigger self can have a few free bottles of water per monkey, I hope whoever of them were at it breaks both their legs, and gets positioned in hospital, whilst in traction JUST out of reach of their bedside water jug, and is made to wait hours, and hours and hours without so much as a drop. Then I'd hand it to them. Making sure it had been empty to begin with. They deserve to suffer for that, their stealing that water is absolutely disgusting.

Wolfy, 'are they included....'

Yes.  You can be a nigger without having black skin. (I don't mean you PERSONALLY here, just the generic 'you', as in 'any fucker')

Why getting worked up< because these greedy niggers are stealing from the deserving, for one, and the deserving who have both the greatest requirement for, and are most deserving of that water. These fucking slime could just as easily buy a bottle. Or if they are typical thieving nigger cholera-squirtings, then go and shoplift some, rather than take it from the mouths of the exhausted and thirsty.

I really DON'T think it had anything to do with being desperate for a drink, rather, I think the motive likely as not had more to do with wanting to have what they could take, and simply not giving half a shit about depriving the rightful recipients of it. Greed, acquisitive, envious covetousness pure and simple.

Fucking parasites, they really are the cream of society (like cream on milk, on society, shit floats)
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: The benefits of multiculturalism
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2016, 03:52:17 PM »
And  few runners going by could also mean that they have not reached the point yet for the most part.

And also, near towards the end, thats the point when the runners are going to be exhausted, and most in need of a drink. They don't need some covetous little pack of inbred wankers filling themselves at their expense. I know if I'd just run most of a marathon (the chance of which happening ever, with my knee and hips, is about the same as witnessing proton decay) and was boiling hot, sweaty (losing a lot of electrolytes, especially in hot weather) and exhausted, I would be thirsty, very thirsty. And to see some fuckin' wog pawing through it all and helping themselves to cases of it, to say I'd be furious doesn't come within a tectonic plate of what kind of a reaction that would elicit.

Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: The benefits of multiculturalism
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2016, 04:39:21 PM »
Critical thinking.

The road is littered with hundreds of bottles.
There are only a few runners going by.
It's mile 8 of the race.
This means that most of the runners have passed this point. the volume of available water is not needed.

This means that the people are stealing water that might in past years have been given to them if the cleanup crew didn't want to haul it away.
If you got there too late you'd miss the giveaway.
My guess is these people got there 'way too early. No permission = stealing.
There are other videos that show white people taking bottles. are they included in the "niggers" definition?

i too am not sure why they are getting worked up over the water, which likely was donated and didn't cost the organizers anything.

I was thinking the same thing but the way they were grabbing them up kinda made me think otherwise.  On a side note in my state all those bottles would have had a five cent deposit on them and the empties would have been grabbed up in a city rather quicky
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Re: The benefits of multiculturalism
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2016, 09:25:41 PM »
IF that deposit were not earmarked for a deserving charity, then I could forgive rounding up the EMPTY bottles, and trading them in, if theres enough to make it worthwhile, just not before, not before the runners are given their drink and have finished it, if they do, and then discard the bottles sure, go for it if your not a thieving niggra.

Actually, it might not be such a bad idea to encourage non-thieving non-niggras to round up the empties and go trade them in, if they are being tossed aside as litter. Plastics are some of the worst non       chemical (as in, oil spills and other toxic pollutants rather than physical here of course) pollutants,  the way it forms those huge oceanic garbage-slicks is heartbreaking to see the effects on the environment
and it just doesn't biodegrade. If it dissappears, that wasn't what actually happened in the case of most plastics at least, it just gets smaller and smaller and eventually broken down into really tiny fragments that end up in animals bodies, to what effect, is still being investigated. I think we can reasonably assume though, that its not likely to be owt good.

Glass might never rot, but at least its made of the same stuff as sand. All is dust, you came from dust, and to dust, you shall return. As the saying goes. It started out as sand and when its pounded and bashed and abraded over time in the sea then at least what its leaving behind, is what was taken in the first place, mostly.

Although I admit, whenever as a kid I went to the seaside for holidays, I always did like the look of the lumps of broken glass, in various different colours, thats been through the wringer in the ocean, and over time gets a frosted surface texture, like glass treated with fused NaOH/KOH or etched in HF, and become ground down until its all smoothened  and rounded. Although I concentrated my geological curiosities largely towards smashing as many rocks as possible that were of potentially fossiliferous stone.

Best thing I got, was finding a lovely fossil ammonite. Wish I still had that, but I've not seen it in many years. A bit smaller than the balled hand if I were to clench a fist then bite my fingers off, but not by much.
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Re: The benefits of multiculturalism
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2016, 01:48:07 AM »
Now that I think of it, this does remind me of the easter egg hunt debacle.

same issue - the parents did not have permission - the hunt had not started. They broke in and started taking things meant for children - some even from children. That was taking, not stealing?

thought i think that the word stealing was used. small children were traumatized.
Yet we are not comparing those people, or calling them niggers.

i wonder what the differences will be in our memories of these events since most of the easter egg hunt debacle perpetrators were white.
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Re: The benefits of multiculturalism
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2016, 12:52:13 PM »
Now that I think of it, this does remind me of the easter egg hunt debacle.

same issue - the parents did not have permission - the hunt had not started. They broke in and started taking things meant for children - some even from children. That was taking, not stealing?

thought i think that the word stealing was used. small children were traumatized.
Yet we are not comparing those people, or calling them niggers.

i wonder what the differences will be in our memories of these events since most of the easter egg hunt debacle perpetrators were white.

Makes a lot of sense.
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Re: The benefits of multiculturalism
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2016, 02:00:55 PM »
Maybe they have shitty tap water.  :dunno:

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Re: The benefits of multiculturalism
« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2016, 03:59:04 PM »
Yet we are not comparing those people, or calling them niggers.
They were called bullies, wild animals, and locusts by journalists, though you're correct not called thieves. A google search of the words, pez easter egg hunt white trash, yields a number of results where people online left comments to news articles about the white trash at the egg hunt.

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Re: The benefits of multiculturalism
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2016, 02:53:59 AM »
I must have  failed to hear about the easter egg thing. Anyone sum things up in a nutshell (or eggshells rather)?
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