I'm a hundred percent American. Fuck Yeah!! 
You're American!?!
Couldn't you tell by how well I speak American? 
American is a Nationality not a language -.-
I'm so American I have my own tank. 
I have never wanted a welcome mat. I always thought that a cannon in the front yard would more closely reflect my sentiments.
A tank in the front yard might make an even stronger warning to keep the fuck away from me.

Theres a tank at the V.F.W. clubhouse in town.... only I think that it's just a model, and not actually real. The ones at Cantigney Park in my state.... those are the real ones.
By use of the word "model" You are probably looking at a de-commissioned real thing. Much like the many fighter planes that also populate VFW halls as well.
Some are put together from salvage, but some are just real tanks and planes and cannons that have had their engines removed and their barrels filled with concrete in order to make the real things into static "models" so that the average person can have a chance to see what the real thing actually looked like.
They can never be made to work again, so they are just models, but most of those things were REAL at one point (if it is made out of wood, then yeah, that one IS just a mock up, but still quite impressive in what it represents), even the ones that were put together from salvaged, blown to shit parts from real ones.