Yeah the Grape Agate is super cool, it's one of my favorites. It really does look like grapes! It's a pretty unusual formation of Chalcedony some people think it is Amethyst but I'm not convinced. You'd be surprised man you can afford stuff like that, I bought both those Grape agates for around $32. Just gotta have a good eye and a little bit of knowledge. Lots of fake stuff out there
It's a bit late to start now. NVM

I had a few intersting rocks i picked up, as a kid, but they tended to somehow get lost during house moves, along with my books (Mum disapproved of me reading all the time). And as an adult, I've endeavoured to minimise on clutter, especially the sort that serves no actual purpose, just looks really cool. ATM, i'm very glad about that. I've had to chuck away some really useful things such as guest bed and dining table (but not my books) which i'll only have to re-buy if i get a bigger flat (as I very much hope) cos my flat is so tiny. So definitely no room for a rock collection.
The only thing i have is a worked piece of flint that I found when digging in the back garden of my old house. It's almost certainly a neolithic tool, looks like a hide scraper or something like that .
They're really common round here, nothing special, but it's special when you've found it yourself isn't it

so i'm pretty attached to it.
I'd take a photo, but I've mislaid my camera, as usual.