Thank you everyone. Rockhound I agree, I've been a lazy bugger these last years otherwise I'd do the same. My last adventure was in Oatman, Az looking for Fire Agate. I had a blast, now that I'm not buying them anymore I'm gonna make more of an effort to get out there.
CBC I believe Minerals are rocks with a crystalline structure. So it's not entirely wrong to call it a rock collection, since they aren't all crystals.

I would say my most valuable pieces are some cut gemstones, I have a 28.23 ct Moldavite from Radomilice, Czech Republic. Two very beautiful Nephrite Jade carvings, both green like spinach. And let's see, some others.
I'm very proud of myself. lol
I don't live in weed, I live in Mt. Shasta City. However I'm a recluse