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ascan't has been challenged
« on: April 17, 2006, 01:52:36 AM »
eamonn said that you were great ball of negativity.  do you think he is wrong?

from that ascan:
It is not the unstoppable monster that is WP, that has been for some time so manifestly corrupt, yet has provided an opportunity for many (to whom I allude as regards World Council WP members) to grab their piece of the action power-wise. This is what really concerns me at the moment. If the World Council is supposed to be some guarantee against abuse of power at Intensity?, then why include people who are known to be sycophants?
i am begining to think that you are not a man of action.  you just like to take cheap shots from the arena, your a heckler.
maybe you haven't been paying attention.
to grab their piece of the action power-wise
we are tryimg to buck the odds here and realize that group power is the same as individual power.
i am concerned as to why you are so caught up in power struggles.  you a one trick pony as well?  you had the opportunity to have a major voice, yet you declined.  what gives you authority to make these judgements against other people , just like you.

i don't think its fair that they should be called names.  i admire them because they acted.  you on the other hand would prefer to have no responsibility. YOU'RE JUST WORDS.

actions speak louder than words.  if you refuse to act to justify your words, then you are the boy that cried wolf.
maybe i am wrong.  what's your role?

lastly i was also thinking that youhad an avid concern for justification of your warnings and bannings.
where you ever villified over those matters.  you know (obvious from your post) that some of those same moderators are members here on intensity ?.  why haven't you taken the opportunity to call one of them out?
where is your action.

The Main Event
to show you how it works.  i am calling you out.  you have been challenged to justify your accusations in that thread and answer mine in this.

you are cordially challenged in the main event.

see you there.

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Re: ascan't has been challenged
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2006, 03:39:32 PM »
in the interest of keeping everything out in the open, like you requested, i will publicly embarrass you here then.
where guests can view it.

no need to move it to the main event, then.

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Re: ascan't has been challenged
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2006, 03:45:43 PM »
Firstly, remove me from the World Council; your actions have made my mind up for me. I guess these are your actions, as I reckon your fellow admins have very little say in how things are run around here.

  sorry, didn't realize you were so sensitive.  did i hurt your feelings.
you couldn't be more wrong.  and i don't appreciate your inference about the other administrators.  your divide and conquer tactic is pure bullshit.  it may force me to be a little more busy than usual and take some of my time.  but it will not save you from your drubbing. 

and there is plenty of paper trail to support my case, that it isn't just my actions.  you for one are a specific testament.
also let me reiterate for you.  when you are beginning to feel desperation (as this moves along) you may use any pm correspondance that we have ever had.  i have nothing to hide.  so you won't have to feel guilty about resorting, as you will.

first line.  yes there is more.

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Re: ascan't has been challenged
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2006, 04:57:46 PM »
buzz words.
unjustified and inaccurate.

i have to work now so i will respond later.

but first another line, your closing line.

Btw, make sure you remove me from the World Council.
i will not.

let the WC take a vote.? if they concur then i will.? in the meantime you have choices.? don't click on it if you don't want to read it.
because it would be an abuse of my privelage if i were to honor your request.? there is good information in there which you may use during the course of this debate.? after we have concluded then i will personally honor your wishes.? but i reserve the right to give you fair play until that time.

i would hope that you are not so thick that you won't see this through.? i am hoping that the master debator will give me a chance to look at myself so that i might improve.? perhaps you can take this opportunity as well.

i would also hope that as this proceeds that we will gain a larger respect for each other.? jman and i have come to those terms.? teejay, is a lad trying to find himself.? my objection is when someone says one thing to your face and anopther behind your back.? that cannot be a good lesson to teach oneself when they are trying to find oneself.
so i reject your argument.? my intention is personal growth for all interested parties.
by any means necessary.
your will freund comment was a rediculous assertion.? made up in your own mind.? can you predict the future or do you know, truly know what makes another person tick?
buzz words are hereby rejected.? gain sympathy to your position on someone elses time.

more later.
i admit, i know you will be a tough competitor (not as of yet), so i am preparing more, than i normally would.

and you can call me mcj, if you choose.? it will save you valuable time when you are scolding me. looking at me, beneath your nose.

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Re: ascan't has been challenged
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2006, 06:18:45 AM »
ok then.  all of ascans posts are gone.

good thing i saved them so that i may take the time to continue.

there are five parts to your post.

the first one that i discussed above would be called temper tantrum

there is also
2.) mcj's ego
3.) ascans negativity
4.) judging others
5.) inaction

any quoted paragraph is ascan's argument

mcj's  ego

Firstly i have grave reservations ovewr how Intensity is run.  However, these are early days, soI have decided to sit back and watch things unfold.
yes, i can almost see the smug look on your face as you sit aloft in your higher position than us.

If you don't like that then tough; you seem very impulsive McJagger:  that's your personality, not mine.  Don't judge how I do things by your standards.  Moreover, I think this "Main events callout" is rather uncivilised.  Its akin to feeding Christians to the Lions:  it's got nothing to do with who's right or wrong, it's just a spectacle for people to indulge their dislikes and prejudices.  I'd have been quite happy to reply specifically to questions you raised in the other thread; but oh no, that wouldn't sate your fucking ego, would it?
you asked me not to judge you by my standards.  that is fair, if you weren't attacking this site when you don't have a basis for your statements.  but you were and you were attacking people for no good reason either.  i simply made the assertion that you find it cozy to spew misinformation about people and always show concern for injustice, yet you never wan't to do anything about it.  just speak, no other responsibilities.

the point of the main event is to allow people to settle their differences one on one.  too often people hijack really good threads and turn it into something else.  it is the best way for people to make up their own mind when there are two conflicting positions.  also a good place to make people accountable for their words, or in your case, the blanket statements.
you liked debate until now.  always throwing your lot into the mix.  what's up, there are no TOS to hide behind.  i thought you were opposed to restrictions.  there aren't any here.  is it to intense for you.

So who doesn't have an ego?  your statement reads like i am not entitled to have one.

It's all about your power McJagger.  You probably don't realise it, and I'm sure you have the best intentions, but i could see from your personality that it was always going to be that way.  I didn't want to be a puppet in that kind of an organisation, to be honest.  Furthermore i know my limitations: I'm not a team player, I am negative, and don't have the ability to mesh in with the social structure her with all its banter.  Knowing your weaknesses, McJagger, is a great strength; perhaps some of the ex-mods from WP will reflect on their own flaws in that respect.  Perhaps you could reflect on yours, too?

This is rich, and the largest piece of hokum i have ever seen.  my power, huh.  is that what its all about?  how could you even assert that.  you could see with my personality that it wouls always be that way.  what do you see?  a puppet, huh?  admit it, you have no basis for these statements and they were a simple tool that you utilized to divide and conquer.  how soluble could you be?

but you continue and state that your not a team player.  now it makes sense.  Don't judge how i do things by your standards.  your quote.  you aren't a team player, therfore neither am i.  is that your assertion?  to be honest.  there was nothing honest about your tactic.

you stated that you were negative.  had to i suppose. 

you want the ex-mods to reflect on their weaknesses, to give them strength.  isn't that ironic.  if you had it your way they would be cast off, without a chance to prove that they have strengths.  let me tell you what i view the ex-mods weakness was.  the suffocating TOS at WP.  written so that they could be interpreted any which way, so if you got on someones bad side or someone tattled on you they could usually make a solid argument, if you were in a heated exchange of ideas.
these people didn't show weakness, they were handcuffed.

let me explain my flaws.  and let me explain why your flaws are useful.

i can never be a good leader.  my base flaw is that i am to honest coupled with the fact that i am also abrasive.  i rub people the wrong way.  i know it.  also, i am combative.  i cannot let things rest if i see an injustice.  i think in black and white.  therfore i don't have tact, nor diplomacy skills.  no shades of grey, no compromise for injustice.

your flaw is the fact that you think the same way.  everything is in a bubble.  you cannot concieve that others fit outside the box that you have defined for all humanity.  you are a pessimist.  you see the counter arguments, rather than the ones that are presented.
that is useful because of the sophist method of debate, used to arrive at the truth.  the devils advocate is an important role.
i wish that you would use it more constructively rather than to tear away at other peoples confidence in themselves and their weaknesses.  two peas in a pod, you and i.  but i am not certain that the desire is the same.  i get the impression that you gain a twisted bit of self pleasure out of exposing peoples weaknesses.  me, i like the idea of tearing down the social structure, that was built on lies.  i wish to arrive at the truth, in all things.

next is a response to my question, "what's your role?"
Do i need one?  I'll tell you what it's not:  my role is to not make it appear that this place isn't overwhelmingly dominated by your personality, when it is.

i agree with that staement 100%.  and i am not happy about it in the least.

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Re: ascan't has been challenged
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2006, 07:20:18 AM »
ascan's negativity

i asked if he thought eamon was wrong, when he stated that ascan was a great ball of negativity.
I'm a realist.  Someone has to do the job.

i know my limitations: I'm not a team player, I am negative, and don't have the ability to mesh in with the social structure her with all its banter. 

i said, "YOUR JUST WORDS."
Words can be very powerful tools McJagger.  We each use the strengths the good lord gave us!
so, what happened to your words?  where are they?
i submit that your percieved strength is in fact your weakness.

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Re: ascan't has been challenged
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2006, 11:16:56 PM »
buzz words.
unjustified and inaccurate.

i have to work now so i will respond later.

but first another line, your closing line.

Btw, make sure you remove me from the World Council.
i will not.

let the WC take a vote.? if they concur then i will.? in the meantime you have choices.? don't click on it if you don't want to read it.

You have to work now?  What you have to take shit?  I guess you are in labor then.
because it would be an abuse of my privelage if i were to honor your request.? there is good information in there which you may use during the course of this debate.? after we have concluded then i will personally honor your wishes.? but i reserve the right to give you fair play until that time.

i would hope that you are not so thick that you won't see this through.? i am hoping that the master debator will give me a chance to look at myself so that i might improve.? perhaps you can take this opportunity as well.

i would also hope that as this proceeds that we will gain a larger respect for each other.? jman and i have come to those terms.? teejay, is a lad trying to find himself.? my objection is when someone says one thing to your face and anopther behind your back.? that cannot be a good lesson to teach oneself when they are trying to find oneself.
so i reject your argument.? my intention is personal growth for all interested parties.
by any means necessary.
your will freund comment was a rediculous assertion.? made up in your own mind.? can you predict the future or do you know, truly know what makes another person tick?
buzz words are hereby rejected.? gain sympathy to your position on someone elses time.

more later.
i admit, i know you will be a tough competitor (not as of yet), so i am preparing more, than i normally would.

and you can call me mcj, if you choose.? it will save you valuable time when you are scolding me. looking at me, beneath your nose.

Ok what the fuck, I missed something somewhere...

You got to go to work?, what, are you going to the bathroom?, so does that mean you are in labor?
« Last Edit: November 27, 2006, 11:51:19 PM by fluorescent »
Biggest bullshitter on the web, the person who is says that is a jealous wanker who needs some personal devolpement.

Spread your legs woman!

Offline McGiver

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Re: ascan't has been challenged
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2006, 06:29:12 AM »
wtf are you talking about flo.

i have a job and i couldn't respond to his position just then because i had to leave for work.

as it turned out, when i was at work, ascan, deleted all of his posts and stopped posting here.
maybe thats what you are missing.  it must seem like i was having a conversation with myself since he acted like a chils and ran away.

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Re: ascan't has been challenged
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2006, 07:35:54 AM »
It was a joke, I made the same one at my job and it fit better.
Biggest bullshitter on the web, the person who is says that is a jealous wanker who needs some personal devolpement.

Spread your legs woman!

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Re: ascan't has been challenged
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2013, 05:26:59 PM »
I have fun. We have fun.

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Re: ascan't has been challenged
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2013, 06:07:01 PM »
I just love the random musings of randy.  :lol1:

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Re: ascan't has been challenged
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2013, 10:53:41 PM »
I hope he is OK. :-\
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