WTF was in the eggs?
Some geniuses didn't stuff them with money did they??
I'm not surprised thought.
If you want entertained just go to a school football game or a play and watch the parents. 
...and people wonder how some kids are so fucked up.
My guess is Pez candy and coupons for Pez dispensers, which are highly collectible. Like CBC said. It was likely that regardless of the truth, people believed that something valuable was in the eggs, and like she said, they cared less about what they children got and more for what might be of value to them. Had it been chocolate, jelly beans and peeps, my guess is the kids would have had the field.
If they do it next year it should all be scrip and no one over the age of 12 allowed on the field. Parents behind a fence. And like department store sales, security and people on hand for crowd control. If people had to present a ticket to get in, they could have controlled the number of nuts who showed up. Allowing only a certain number of eggs to be redeemed would stop people grabbing things from four year olds. Building a secure fence (parts can do it with barbed wire) will cost less than defending themselves against the lawsuits that are likely to follow.