Author Topic: Odeon you implied I was dishonest at best and a liar at worst  (Read 7271 times)

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Offline Al Swearegen

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Calling you out on it.

You know perfectly well what I mean. Don't pretend that you're replying to Zegh only because he did it first, that's all I'm saying.

I have literally no interest in having that discussion. I was commenting, not telling you what you can or can't do, and I don't care who did what first. I doubt you know, or Zegh knows, and months after the fact it doesn't matter so having that discussion holds no interest to me at all. However, I think DFG knows why she got so butthurt because she is angry and carrying a grudge. She seems to be tagging along for the ride because then she doesn't have to face Zegh alone, but that's my impression.

Both you and Zegh seem to enjoy this endless back and forth, though, so whatever works for you and all that. Just don't pretend it's something else than what it is.

So if you want to call me out, by all means do so, but please try to come up with a more relevant subject.

I'm saying pretty much what you did, that this is what they are, they like it, and so it's why they do it. But I'm also saying that Al shouldn't pretend it's about something else, which is how I read his post and why I replied.

Again, mate, I don't care who started this. It doesn't matter after all this time, if it ever did. The fact is that you do this because you enjoy it, you both do, and pretending it's something else (which was my impression of the post I replied to) is just dishonest.

Calling you out, Odeon.

From the outset I do not go with the my impression. If you had that impression I would imagine you, being smart and logical, would think "Mmmm it looks like Al might be being dishonest. I have known him for a long time, he does not tend to gravitate towards dishonesty. Maybe I am mistaken. Maybe I should clarify." THAT is in your character. Accusing me over and over? THAT is not. It leads me to suspect more than just "impression"

The "pretense" I have not the slightest idea about. What was I hiding and how? What proclamations had I made about singularity of reasons for posting crap at Zegh? I would like to see. I want to see how you jumped to this premise so insistently.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

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Offline odeon

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Re: Odeon you implied I was dishonest at best and a liar at worst
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2016, 02:01:52 PM »

No biggie. As I explained when replying to you in that other thread, while you admit you enjoy the back and forth with Zegh, your posts (to me) implied that your replying to him is about more than that. Don't know what, exactly, but calling out his bs is one you've both implied at and admitted directly.

The problem with that one, though, is that you supposedly don't read his posts which means that either you're dishonest about calling him out on his bs or dishonest about not reading his posts. You don't get to do both, it's either you read what he is saying and think it's bs, or you don't read it and, well, post ninja cats but cannot possibly know if it's bs or not. Assume, yes, sure, but know, certainly not. This what you mean when saying I'm calling you dishonest at best and a liar at worst?

But I also got the feeling (maybe I'm wrong about that and if so, tell me; as I said, no biggie) that you think he is the one keeping this thing alive and so you reply because of that, rather than the both of you posting at each other because you enjoy it.

I have no intention of digging through months and months of your (you and Zegh's) posts to find out who did what first and why, but my distinct impression is that you've both been following each other around the board. You both do it. You both enjoy it. That's what it looks like to me, not that just one of you is to blame.

But let me reiterate: this is my impression, so feel free to correct me if you know better. Yes, I've known you a long time, which is how I know there are people you don't suffer easily. Zegh quite obviously is one and Butterflies is another, and you tend to remind them. And since I have known you a long time, I'm perfectly happy to be wrong and admit it if that proves to be the case.

You have known me a long time, too, and so you should know by now that I don't call people dishonest or liars as a general rule. I do, however, question their motives when I feel it's warranted.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Odeon you implied I was dishonest at best and a liar at worst
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2016, 02:36:57 PM »

No biggie. As I explained when replying to you in that other thread, while you admit you enjoy the back and forth with Zegh, your posts (to me) implied that your replying to him is about more than that. Don't know what, exactly, but calling out his bs is one you've both implied at and admitted directly.

The problem with that one, though, is that you supposedly don't read his posts which means that either you're dishonest about calling him out on his bs or dishonest about not reading his posts. You don't get to do both, it's either you read what he is saying and think it's bs, or you don't read it and, well, post ninja cats but cannot possibly know if it's bs or not. Assume, yes, sure, but know, certainly not. This what you mean when saying I'm calling you dishonest at best and a liar at worst?

But I also got the feeling (maybe I'm wrong about that and if so, tell me; as I said, no biggie) that you think he is the one keeping this thing alive and so you reply because of that, rather than the both of you posting at each other because you enjoy it.

I have no intention of digging through months and months of your (you and Zegh's) posts to find out who did what first and why, but my distinct impression is that you've both been following each other around the board. You both do it. You both enjoy it. That's what it looks like to me, not that just one of you is to blame.

But let me reiterate: this is my impression, so feel free to correct me if you know better. Yes, I've known you a long time, which is how I know there are people you don't suffer easily. Zegh quite obviously is one and Butterflies is another, and you tend to remind them. And since I have known you a long time, I'm perfectly happy to be wrong and admit it if that proves to be the case.

You have known me a long time, too, and so you should know by now that I don't call people dishonest or liars as a general rule. I do, however, question their motives when I feel it's warranted.

"The problem with that one, though, is that you supposedly don't read his posts which means that either you're dishonest about calling him out on his bs or dishonest about not reading his posts. You don't get to do both"

Except this is not true or at least not entirely.

Now I have known Zegh a long time and I have seen his style of argument and what he falls back to. In addition I also see what others are replying to him.
For example I DID see this and it tells a lot:

Zegh now is putting himself on a month of restraint. His responsibility to do that. His responsibility to decide what to do after that month too. My challenge, his responsibility.

Zegh and Hyke won, Zegh by deciding to accept the challenge for a month and Hyke for issuing the challenge to begin with.

I see him posting again and seeming to gang up with Butterflies against PsychoFreak. I cannot know this is 100% correctly interpreted but seems to be judging off her posts and others. Also no one is saying "Al you have put the cart before the horse" or "You misread that".
AND of course I hit him with that memes about him lying.
How can I accuse a member of lying without reading his posts? That is how.

Now that is the reason why I am not being dishonest. HOWEVER there is one small point in this that I HAVE to concede. What if I miss some nuance by relying on second or third hand knowledge. What if there was something said that was generalising and leaving out specificity?
Yes, of course, I can't deny that.

Another point is IF I do not read things doesn't that make it many times harder for Zegh to resolve things? It was many months before I stopped reading his crap and he could have tried resolving it in before BUT yes.

What WOULD resolve things at this point? Not my problem. I actually do not care how long this goes on. But I do refer you to what I said about children. He makes a mess and does the wrong thing  what steps does every child do to fix things? In Zegh's case it has been 8 months of mess heaped onto mess. He is a big boy though. If he wants to sort things out he can. If he doesn't that is fine. Nothing will change though until he does.

I do distrust him in this for two reasons his going back on his word and breaking his promise to do the 30 days thing and those PM's to me encouraging me to harass him. Neither suggests a want or an inability to sort things out himself.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2016, 03:37:04 PM by Al Swearengen »
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Odeon you implied I was dishonest at best and a liar at worst
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2016, 03:10:57 PM »
So with that explained and with you saying I MUST be dishonest but it was just which of these instances I am dishonest in, which instances is it (because I MUST be dishonest)?

I am still interested in the matter of supposed pretence too because I am not seeing it. I see you proclaim it again and again but I have neither been pretending about anything nor have motivation to give that belief. 
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline odeon

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Re: Odeon you implied I was dishonest at best and a liar at worst
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2016, 01:35:53 AM »
So you haven't been reading Zegh's posts for months? Fine. I have no reason to distrust that statement. It does make it hard to call his bs, though, as I pointed out and as you (at least partially) conceded.

And as you actually show in this thread, because basically it's all built on assumptions.

Essentially, what you're saying is that you read a quoted sentence here and spotted a reaction from others there, and that Zegh does not change, cannot change, from what you think he was whenever it was that you stopped reading him, and so therefore he is full of it. That about right?

But seriously, Al? Lots of assumptions going on here. You postulate what he was, all those months ago, and imply he cannot change but don't actually bother to check. You reply to him without reading his posts, sometimes extrapolating, sometimes posting ninja cats, yet here you are, saying that he is a big boy now and if he wants to sort things out, he can. His responsibility, not yours. 

Then another member reappears (Butterflies) and posts to threads in which you don't read Zegh, someone whom you dislike as much or maybe more, and you say she seems to gang up with Zegh against DFG.

DFG, though, dislikes Zegh as much as you do, maybe more, and has been going after Zegh for months. An argument could easily be made, especially by someone who would just skim over posts and not read the endless back and forth, that she was ganging up with you against Zegh. See how this works?

God only knows why DFG dislikes Zegh. I'm guessing classic internet butthurt, but I don't know. My point is that she is hardly a neutral observer. Butterflies isn't either, given your history, but she only just reappeared so ganging up seems a bit less likely to me.

So yes, I am reading pretence into the above.

noun: pretence; plural noun: pretences; noun: pretense; plural noun: pretenses

    an attempt to make something that is not the case appear true.
    "his anger is masked by a pretence that all is well"
    synonyms:   make-believe, act, putting on an act, acting, dissembling, shamming, sham, faking, feigning, simulation, falsification, dissimulation, invention, imagination, self-deception, play-acting, posturing, posture, posing, pose, cant, attitudinizing;

I freely admit the above is my impression, and if I am wrong, fine. But if I am, then how do you explain your assumptions?
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Odeon you implied I was dishonest at best and a liar at worst
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2016, 04:53:35 AM »
So you haven't been reading Zegh's posts for months? Fine. I have no reason to distrust that statement. It does make it hard to call his bs, though, as I pointed out and as you (at least partially) conceded.

And as you actually show in this thread, because basically it's all built on assumptions.

Essentially, what you're saying is that you read a quoted sentence here and spotted a reaction from others there, and that Zegh does not change, cannot change, from what you think he was whenever it was that you stopped reading him, and so therefore he is full of it. That about right?

But seriously, Al? Lots of assumptions going on here. You postulate what he was, all those months ago, and imply he cannot change but don't actually bother to check. You reply to him without reading his posts, sometimes extrapolating, sometimes posting ninja cats, yet here you are, saying that he is a big boy now and if he wants to sort things out, he can. His responsibility, not yours. 

Then another member reappears (Butterflies) and posts to threads in which you don't read Zegh, someone whom you dislike as much or maybe more, and you say she seems to gang up with Zegh against DFG.

DFG, though, dislikes Zegh as much as you do, maybe more, and has been going after Zegh for months. An argument could easily be made, especially by someone who would just skim over posts and not read the endless back and forth, that she was ganging up with you against Zegh. See how this works?

God only knows why DFG dislikes Zegh. I'm guessing classic internet butthurt, but I don't know. My point is that she is hardly a neutral observer. Butterflies isn't either, given your history, but she only just reappeared so ganging up seems a bit less likely to me.

So yes, I am reading pretence into the above.

noun: pretence; plural noun: pretences; noun: pretense; plural noun: pretenses

    an attempt to make something that is not the case appear true.
    "his anger is masked by a pretence that all is well"
    synonyms:   make-believe, act, putting on an act, acting, dissembling, shamming, sham, faking, feigning, simulation, falsification, dissimulation, invention, imagination, self-deception, play-acting, posturing, posture, posing, pose, cant, attitudinizing;

I freely admit the above is my impression, and if I am wrong, fine. But if I am, then how do you explain your assumptions?

My assumptions are pretty easily explained and I believe I have done that. Do I deny assumptions are assumptions? No. I have no reason to imagine I would need to.
Pretty much most of what you write has me agreeing with it.
HOWEVER to clarify. Butterflies DID appear and "seemed" to go straight for DFG. Zegh who had gone on his 30 day (whatever) suddenly weighed into DFG too. I had seen him online for a few days NOT posting and after Butterflies comes in, he joins in against DFG and breaks his promise as far as I understand his promise to be.
Is it "ganging up"? Well given the circumstances it appears that way. It was enough to get him to break his promise and join in. Butterflies quoting him and talking to him is indicating to me he and her are double teaming.

More assumptions by me? Sure. I admit that. Maybe You and Hyke did not full describe what exactly he was going to do or not do in 30 days BUT I would imagine joining in giving shit to DFG is not a truce by any reading. Maybe him joining in with Butterflies is is not double teaming? Is it at all possible that two people can be effectively walking down the same path for different reasons at the same time? Is it possible for two members to strongly agree with a position or share a dislike? ABSOLUTELY. BUT in THIS particular instant. One was on self-administered 30 day truce and the other was away from the forum. She comes back and starts getting stuck into DFG and then he joins in. If you do not want to call that ganging up or if you want to say that is what you and DFG do to Zegh....okay. I have no problem with semantic differences but then I do not care for the point.

How "reasonable" are my assumptions? I can't know for certain but I imagine I am ballpark. certainly the sheer fact that people question whether I am reading anything he says suggests that I am reasonably close. How close? I honestly don't know and YES I may be degrees off here and there.

So then we get to you saying the above is pretence.

noun: pretence; plural noun: pretences; noun: pretense; plural noun: pretenses

    an attempt to make something that is not the case appear true.
    "his anger is masked by a pretence that all is well"
    synonyms:   make-believe, act, putting on an act, acting, dissembling, shamming, sham, faking, feigning, simulation, falsification, dissimulation, invention, imagination, self-deception, play-acting, posturing, posture, posing, pose, cant, attitudinizing;

The only thing is pretence =/= assuming

I am not putting on an act or make believing or falsifying or faking. None of that. So again, where is the pretence? I have been open and transparent that I am not reading him and so where is the pretence you keep bringing up. I am not pretending I am reading him NOR pretending to know more than I can BUT I am assuming from what I can gauge or interpret and they are two very different things.

So we are right back where we started. Pretence. You have not shown my dishonesty and where I am pretending anything.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline odeon

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Re: Odeon you implied I was dishonest at best and a liar at worst
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2016, 01:00:09 PM »
So you haven't been reading Zegh's posts for months? Fine. I have no reason to distrust that statement. It does make it hard to call his bs, though, as I pointed out and as you (at least partially) conceded.

And as you actually show in this thread, because basically it's all built on assumptions.

Essentially, what you're saying is that you read a quoted sentence here and spotted a reaction from others there, and that Zegh does not change, cannot change, from what you think he was whenever it was that you stopped reading him, and so therefore he is full of it. That about right?

But seriously, Al? Lots of assumptions going on here. You postulate what he was, all those months ago, and imply he cannot change but don't actually bother to check. You reply to him without reading his posts, sometimes extrapolating, sometimes posting ninja cats, yet here you are, saying that he is a big boy now and if he wants to sort things out, he can. His responsibility, not yours. 

Then another member reappears (Butterflies) and posts to threads in which you don't read Zegh, someone whom you dislike as much or maybe more, and you say she seems to gang up with Zegh against DFG.

DFG, though, dislikes Zegh as much as you do, maybe more, and has been going after Zegh for months. An argument could easily be made, especially by someone who would just skim over posts and not read the endless back and forth, that she was ganging up with you against Zegh. See how this works?

God only knows why DFG dislikes Zegh. I'm guessing classic internet butthurt, but I don't know. My point is that she is hardly a neutral observer. Butterflies isn't either, given your history, but she only just reappeared so ganging up seems a bit less likely to me.

So yes, I am reading pretence into the above.

noun: pretence; plural noun: pretences; noun: pretense; plural noun: pretenses

    an attempt to make something that is not the case appear true.
    "his anger is masked by a pretence that all is well"
    synonyms:   make-believe, act, putting on an act, acting, dissembling, shamming, sham, faking, feigning, simulation, falsification, dissimulation, invention, imagination, self-deception, play-acting, posturing, posture, posing, pose, cant, attitudinizing;

I freely admit the above is my impression, and if I am wrong, fine. But if I am, then how do you explain your assumptions?

My assumptions are pretty easily explained and I believe I have done that. Do I deny assumptions are assumptions? No. I have no reason to imagine I would need to.
Pretty much most of what you write has me agreeing with it.

I thought you would, which is why I find this callout to be puzzling.

HOWEVER to clarify. Butterflies DID appear and "seemed" to go straight for DFG.

In that she posted in a thread that caught her eye? That's far from ganging up with Zegh.

Zegh who had gone on his 30 day (whatever) suddenly weighed into DFG too. I had seen him online for a few days NOT posting and after Butterflies comes in, he joins in against DFG and breaks his promise as far as I understand his promise to be.

Can't be arsed to look it up, but I think you were on his case for that 30-day thing before Butterflies showed up. As I thought you would, btw, since you do enjoy this.

Yet Zegh's view of what he said he would and wouldn't do differs from yours. Thing is, how would you know unless you read what he wrote?

Is it "ganging up"? Well given the circumstances it appears that way. It was enough to get him to break his promise and join in. Butterflies quoting him and talking to him is indicating to me he and her are double teaming.

A quote equals ganging up on DFG? Seriously?

More assumptions by me? Sure. I admit that. Maybe You and Hyke did not full describe what exactly he was going to do or not do in 30 days

I did not describe it at all, basically, I merely commented that him stating what he did put him on the winning side of that callout. This is what I wrote:

Zegh and Hyke won, Zegh by deciding to accept the challenge for a month and Hyke for issuing the challenge to begin with.

BUT I would imagine joining in giving shit to DFG is not a truce by any reading. Maybe him joining in with Butterflies is is not double teaming? Is it at all possible that two people can be effectively walking down the same path for different reasons at the same time? Is it possible for two members to strongly agree with a position or share a dislike? ABSOLUTELY. BUT in THIS particular instant. One was on self-administered 30 day truce and the other was away from the forum. She comes back and starts getting stuck into DFG and then he joins in. If you do not want to call that ganging up or if you want to say that is what you and DFG do to Zegh....okay. I have no problem with semantic differences but then I do not care for the point.

Semantic differences are important since you say it's ganging up and I say it isn't. Semantics is about meaning.

How "reasonable" are my assumptions? I can't know for certain but I imagine I am ballpark. certainly the sheer fact that people question whether I am reading anything he says suggests that I am reasonably close. How close? I honestly don't know and YES I may be degrees off here and there.

Which means that you don't know but still maintain you're calling him on his bullshit. Sorry, but to me that's dishonest. Not dramatically so, but it is intellectually dishonest since you base what you say on assumptions and admit that's what they are and that you don't know, yet, at the same time basically say Zegh is full of it.

You can't have it both ways, and that is why I have a problem with it.

So then we get to you saying the above is pretence.

noun: pretence; plural noun: pretences; noun: pretense; plural noun: pretenses

    an attempt to make something that is not the case appear true.
    "his anger is masked by a pretence that all is well"
    synonyms:   make-believe, act, putting on an act, acting, dissembling, shamming, sham, faking, feigning, simulation, falsification, dissimulation, invention, imagination, self-deception, play-acting, posturing, posture, posing, pose, cant, attitudinizing;

The only thing is pretence =/= assuming

In this case, you know that you don't know. You admit it. You *assume* something to be the case and act based on that assumption, even though that's all you have. Well, that and your back and forth from whenever it was that you still read his posts. To me, this equals "an attempt to make something that is not the case appear true". It's pretending to know more than you do.

Semantics, I know.

I am not putting on an act or make believing or falsifying or faking. None of that. So again, where is the pretence? I have been open and transparent that I am not reading him and so where is the pretence you keep bringing up. I am not pretending I am reading him NOR pretending to know more than I can BUT I am assuming from what I can gauge or interpret and they are two very different things.

So we are right back where we started. Pretence. You have not shown my dishonesty and where I am pretending anything.

But I have. We may not agree on the finer points, but I have.

Callout over?
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Odeon you implied I was dishonest at best and a liar at worst
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2016, 02:55:41 PM »

Semantic differences are important since you say it's ganging up and I say it isn't. Semantics is about meaning

Sometimes they absolutely are. But here is the difference. I called this BUT I do not care. You explained why you think its wrong. Okay. Is it important? Not to me. It is not a hill for me to die on. I have for the most part been ignoring Butterflies (apart from a chat about Feminism). I have been teasing Zegh a little about hiding behind her skirts. You say that ganging up was the "wrong" term or I misread the situation in respect to what was going on? Fine. I don't care. I was not that invested in it. You tell me how I should perceive this and I will go along with that. No, honestly make a good case and I will take it that you have the inside scoop.  I just care nothing whether he was or not

For example, If he was on a sabbatical from posting shit at DFG and myself and that was reasonably cut short for reasons I am not aware of and she happened to come across things on her own volition that incensed her to start on DFG from the get go and the act of doing this somehow removed Zegh's self-imposed ban....Great! I don't care, but great. I am happy to adopt this new "right" way to view things. Spell it out an let me know. Otherwise I may well have the "wrong" opinion on this and I do not care enough about whether they were ganging up or not. It looked like it, I called it and moved on. I was never that invested in it.

Which means that you don't know but still maintain you're calling him on his bullshit. Sorry, but to me that's dishonest.

Except it isn't.

Archaeologists for example work with a base understanding centered around assumptions from which they gauge a world they cannot know intimately from hard and fast acts. SO...they are dishonest.

Psychologists that profile people in examining crime and try to track down serial killers and the like, cannot know so they need to assume certain things. So really they are just making assumptions. SO.....they are dishonest.

I can keep going. But I hope the point is being made. Assumption=/= dishonest. They are not synonymous and you are seeming to try to make this case and put it down to semantics. It isn' all.

IF I at any point actually said specifically that I DID know more than I can know or denied I made these assumptions you may have something. Don't call it semantics, Odeon.

Zegh is full of it

Isn't he just. But IF I say that he has no interest in sorting things out, YES there are assumptions on my part. BUT are they based on anything?

1. His want to avoid ownership or responsibilities for his part for 8 months (until recently sometime I understand....well done Zegh) for having any part in things.
2. His 30 day hiatus (whatever the parameters of that were) that he could not uphold for a week.
3. PM's I have shown by which he encouraged me to harass him until he left (Not that this is what I am doing but begging for me to do so is evidence of him not wanting this sorted out).

Again you make this assumption thing to be an all or nothing. No, even assumptions often are based on pretty solid reasoning and not all assumptions carry the same rigour. To assume this is the case is silly (joking).

So IS Zegh full of bullshit? You have my opinion of him strewn across this board and a LOT of it is based on similar reasoning. Maybe I am wrong but I make a decent case for it.

You *assume* something to be the case and act based on that assumption, even though that's all you have. Well, that and your back and forth from whenever it was that you still read his posts

Exactly. You make assumptions too. We all do. In fact interpreting any motive or intent of anyone here comes with certain amount of assumption. It does not make it wrong to do so. Nor is it dishonest to do so. Nor is it strange or silly.

Of course you could say, "But Al, you are a logical kind of guy, why not get better proof? Read what he says and there will be less room for possible misinterpretations or errors of judgment"

My answer to that would be "No thanks". He writes bullshit. He is not worth my time reading. IF that makes his mess harder for him to resolve I don't much care about that either.

I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

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Re: Odeon you implied I was dishonest at best and a liar at worst
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2016, 01:44:20 AM »

Are you prolonging it because you like it? IMHO, you've lost the argument.

Semantic differences are important since you say it's ganging up and I say it isn't. Semantics is about meaning

Sometimes they absolutely are. But here is the difference. I called this BUT I do not care. You explained why you think its wrong. Okay.

You don't care. How is that an argument for your case? It is an argument for you not bothering about meaning and definitions, and so ultimately about the very basis for any callout--a common vocabulary.

It's a beautiful green sky this morning. The moon is climbing fast.

See how this works?

Is it important? Not to me.

I think we established that.

It is not a hill for me to die on. I have for the most part been ignoring Butterflies (apart from a chat about Feminism). I have been teasing Zegh a little about hiding behind her skirts. You say that ganging up was the "wrong" term or I misread the situation in respect to what was going on? Fine. I don't care. I was not that invested in it. You tell me how I should perceive this and I will go along with that. No, honestly make a good case and I will take it that you have the inside scoop.  I just care nothing whether he was or not

In other words, you don't care about the semantics, you just use a word that is dramatic enough, no matter the consequences? I'm not telling you how to perceive anything, I'm calling you out on the way you describe a situation even though you admit that the meanings of the words you use aren't important and could be wrong.

Ganging up is a dramatic phrase. It implies all kinds of things, most of which are at least a bit nasty. Yet here you are, stating that it doesn't matter.

Of course it matters, and I think you know it. The Al I know is good enough with words to know.

I'll leave it to the peanut gallery to decide the level of dishonesty of this particular point.

For example, If he was on a sabbatical from posting shit at DFG and myself and that was reasonably cut short for reasons I am not aware of and she happened to come across things on her own volition that incensed her to start on DFG from the get go and the act of doing this somehow removed Zegh's self-imposed ban....

It was probably a lot of things but a ban it wasn't. Again, meaning is important. But then, you don't read him, you assume that the impression you get by reading quoted bits and by observing the reactions of others, and, for all I know, posting ninja cats and the reactions to those, is enough, is correct, is true. But if it isn't, it doesn't really matter.

That about right? And remember that what we are discussing here is not the true nature of Zegh's character, even though it's what you try to make it to be, we are discussing whether or not your assumptions, your not knowing (and admitting that you don't know), are an exercise in intellectual dishonesty.

Don't you think this is intellectually dishonest?

Great! I don't care, but great. I am happy to adopt this new "right" way to view things. Spell it out an let me know. Otherwise I may well have the "wrong" opinion on this and I do not care enough about whether they were ganging up or not. It looked like it, I called it and moved on. I was never that invested in it.

We are debating things here. Are you saying that I'm enforcing my views on you? Are you the victim after calling me out?

Which means that you don't know but still maintain you're calling him on his bullshit. Sorry, but to me that's dishonest.

Except it isn't.

Archaeologists for example work with a base understanding centered around assumptions from which they gauge a world they cannot know intimately from hard and fast acts. SO...they are dishonest.

Don't you think that an archaeologist would ask that dead pharaoh directly if s/he could? Going with your comparison, you can.

Psychologists that profile people in examining crime and try to track down serial killers and the like, cannot know so they need to assume certain things. So really they are just making assumptions. SO.....they are dishonest.

They, too, would talk to the subject directly if they could. They, too, would immediately revise their assumptions based on any new evidence.

I can keep going.

So can I but I'd rather not.

But I hope the point is being made. Assumption=/= dishonest. They are not synonymous and you are seeming to try to make this case and put it down to semantics. It isn' all.

No, I'm using semantics because you brought it up. It is handy, though, isn't it, because it provides me with the tools I need to prove you wrong.

IF I at any point actually said specifically that I DID know more than I can know or denied I made these assumptions you may have something. Don't call it semantics, Odeon.

See above.

Zegh is full of it

Isn't he just. But IF I say that he has no interest in sorting things out, YES there are assumptions on my part. BUT are they based on anything?

Don't quote me out of context.

1. His want to avoid ownership or responsibilities for his part for 8 months (until recently sometime I understand....well done Zegh) for having any part in things.
2. His 30 day hiatus (whatever the parameters of that were) that he could not uphold for a week.
3. PM's I have shown by which he encouraged me to harass him until he left (Not that this is what I am doing but begging for me to do so is evidence of him not wanting this sorted out).

1. Not interested. It's not what this is about.
2. It's not a ban now, it's a hiatus? Otherwise, not interested. It's not what this is about.
3. Not interested. It's not what this is about.

Again you make this assumption thing to be an all or nothing.

No, I'm discussing semantics and the value of words. If you assume, you don't know. See my previous posts for the rest of it because I can't be arsed to repeat it again.

No, even assumptions often are based on pretty solid reasoning and not all assumptions carry the same rigour. To assume this is the case is silly (joking).

So IS Zegh full of bullshit? You have my opinion of him strewn across this board and a LOT of it is based on similar reasoning. Maybe I am wrong but I make a decent case for it.

Or maybe you are wrong.

You *assume* something to be the case and act based on that assumption, even though that's all you have. Well, that and your back and forth from whenever it was that you still read his posts

Exactly. You make assumptions too. We all do. In fact interpreting any motive or intent of anyone here comes with certain amount of assumption. It does not make it wrong to do so. Nor is it dishonest to do so. Nor is it strange or silly.

Depends on what you do with your assumptions. I have already stated that part of my case and am not interested in repeating it.

Of course you could say, "But Al, you are a logical kind of guy, why not get better proof? Read what he says and there will be less room for possible misinterpretations or errors of judgment"

Which is what I think you should do.

My answer to that would be "No thanks". He writes bullshit. He is not worth my time reading. IF that makes his mess harder for him to resolve I don't much care about that either.

His mess? Yours, too, mate. This is the second callout on the subject.

But I'm done here. I think I've presented my case as well as I can and so leave it to the peanut gallery to decide if it has any value.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Odeon you implied I was dishonest at best and a liar at worst
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2016, 02:52:23 AM »
There is another thing worth asking:

If it is that there was even the slightest suspicion that I was replying with enough accuracy as to be reading Zegh's crap replies, then I must be in ballpark. THEREFORE (for all my assumptions) what was I ACTUALLY getting wrong?

I mean well and good for you to say "Oh you are assuming and therefore you are not knowing the full story and not able to read things in context because you are not reading things in context and therefore you are wrong and therefore dishonest" but IF I am close to the mark, what DID I get wrong?

Or let's put it another way. IF I was reading or trying to read what had happened, COULD I be no more "off-track " than what I was with not reading. (Look at the last twenty callouts and you will see no shortage of people admitting to have read a callout and being none the wiser to what the particular callout was about.)

A) Why is this important? Because it goes to the heart of the matter. Someone reading the posts in full and not understanding them and/or making claims on what they can see, is THAT dishonest?

B) What if the reader had read everything and come to exactly the same conclusion as I do? Would they be dishonest?

C) What amount of assumption and postulating is too much? Or is the assuming okay until the point that someone does this without reading the posts they are making assumptions on?

It is sounding very much like C....and that seems pretty week.

It sounds pretty much like you are saying "Al you are not pretending to know more than you know BUT you ARE making assumptions on things that you MAY or may not have assumed had you have gone to the labour to have read what you chose not to have read. So on the basis of you not reading Zegh pointless bullshit I am going to say that whatever conclusions you drew are too assumptive and have no basis in reason, fact, rational and truth BECAUSE they were assumed without reading his meaningless drivel. Furthermore, the sheer fact that you did not read Zegh condescending diatribes and pseudo-intellectual propaganda means that you are now dishonest with any claim you make."

DO you honestly think I would nod my head to this or compromise my position down to this simply being semantics? I think if you want to talk about honesty or dishonesty, that is fine but saying that people assuming something is not the same as people being dishonest. Again, they are not synonyms and waving it off as semantics is uncharitable at best.

« Last Edit: March 18, 2016, 08:05:51 AM by Al Swearengen »
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Odeon you implied I was dishonest at best and a liar at worst
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2016, 05:02:59 AM »
Are you prolonging it because you like it? IMHO, you've lost the argument.
IMHO you have not made a decent case as to your assumption of my dishonesty. You have just made the claim over and over. That is hardly losing mate. I am happy addressing this issue until you do.
Semantic differences are important since you say it's ganging up and I say it isn't. Semantics is about meaning
Sometimes they absolutely are. But here is the difference. I called it this BUT I do not care. You explained why you think its wrong. Okay.
You don't care. How is that an argument for your case? It is an argument for you not bothering about meaning and definitions, and so ultimately about the very basis for any callout--a common vocabulary.
It's a beautiful green sky this morning. The moon is climbing fast.
See how this works?
I can only imagine this reply is on the basis that YOU assume that my saying that Zegh was ganging up with Butterflies or visa versa (whichever I actually said) has some real bearing on this callout. It doesn’t. You think I used the wrong phrase. Cool. Tell me what was the “right phrase” to use. I will find where I said it and edit it with the “right phrase”. THAT is how uninvested I am in this aspect.
Maybe in your mind this is a pivotal part of the callout but I do not give a damn about it.
In my mind you telling me I am dishonest is the sum of all of this callout.
IF you want to discuss why I thought my phrase “ganging up was honest and not dishonest. I have done that. You want to say my wording was inappropriate given the circumstances; I give no fucks about that. I will happily change it. In fact I am thinking of setting up a poll on it with a few alternatives and so we can choose collectively what is the best choice of words for this instance. Think that may be a good idea? How important is this point? “Joining in”? Is that OK? What about “lending support”? “Providing cover fire”? “Breaking promises to throw insults from behind Butterflies?” Does that work better? Let me know, please!
Is it important? Not to me.
I think we established that.
We should have NOW!
It is not a hill for me to die on. I have for the most part been ignoring Butterflies (apart from a chat about Feminism). I have been teasing Zegh a little about hiding behind her skirts. You say that ganging up was the "wrong" term or I misread the situation in respect to what was going on? Fine. I don't care. I was not that invested in it. You tell me how I should perceive this and I will go along with that. No, honestly make a good case and I will take it that you have the inside scoop.  I just care nothing whether he was or not
In other words, you don't care about the semantics, you just use a word that is dramatic enough, no matter the consequences? I'm not telling you how to perceive anything, I'm calling you out on the way you describe a situation even though you admit that the meanings of the words you use aren't important and could be wrong.
Ganging up is a dramatic phrase. It implies all kinds of things, most of which are at least a bit nasty. Yet here you are, stating that it doesn't matter.
Of course it matters, and I think you know it. The Al I know is good enough with words to know.
I'll leave it to the peanut gallery to decide the level of dishonesty of this particular point.
No, it really isn’t and what was a throwaway comment on what I had reasonable rationale to base my assumptions on is fine to me BUT not something I am inflexible on.
Do semantics ALWAYS matter or never matter or matter sometimes?
Well I think like Spelling and grammar Nazis, sometimes they do and sometimes they don’t. If I make a spelling blunder here, you may say “Al is hopeless in spelling and grammar and Dyslexic as all Hell BUT let’s get to the crux of what he is saying. IF I am writing to a senior official they are not likely to let these things slide so easily.
YOU may postulate any number of things I thought and evil intent or whatever on my part in respect to Butterflies or Zegh in the”ganging up”. They would simply be ASSUMPTIONS on your part and THOUGH you read me, your assumptions are likely wrong. As mentioned I am not that bond to them and happy to change them.
But to prove the point further, whilst DFG was *getting these two members having a slight difference of opinion with her on the lack of medication and lack of social interaction and lack of personality and size issues and lack of intellect*(Fuck! I hope this is okay and well thought out enough not to become subject of wrong choosing of words) I hardly participated apart from throwing a few memes at Zegh. Howe invested was I then  and how invested am I now?
For example, If he was on a sabbatical from posting shit at DFG and myself and that was reasonably cut short for reasons I am not aware of and she happened to come across things on her own volition that incensed her to start on DFG from the get go and the act of doing this somehow removed Zegh's self-imposed ban....
It was probably a lot of things but a ban it wasn't. Again, meaning is important. But then, you don't read him, you assume that the impression you get by reading quoted bits and by observing the reactions of others, and, for all I know, posting ninja cats and the reactions to those, is enough, is correct, is true. But if it isn't, it doesn't really matter.
No, Hell no. There is a Hell of a lot of IF’s there if you had not noticed.
I do not know whether the point was really lost you or whether you are trying to play me here BUT it is asking for a lot to assume that:
1)    Butterflies just happened to drop in and just happened on dropping in to see something that had her instantly confront DFG and
2)   Zegh after his 30 day self-imposed disengagement (YES Odeon I am using different synonyms each time to see if you try picking up on these “different words” as an issue with semantics) decided to continue to re-engage with DFG
3)   They were doing this completely independently.
Does it mean that the above was not the case? No. If it was would I have been able to assume it was the case without reading Zegh’s posts….maybe, maybe not. That sure as Hell does not mean it was the case though or a reflection on what actually happened.
That about right? And remember that what we are discussing here is not the true nature of Zegh's character, even though it's what you try to make it to be, we are discussing whether or not your assumptions, your not knowing (and admitting that you don't know), are an exercise in intellectual dishonesty.
Don't you think this is intellectually dishonest?
We are and you have yet to make that case.
An example of such dishonesty (which certainly would NOT involve me agreeing to not knowing something) may be me saying:
“Look you don’t know Zegh like I do. I just know alright?”
“I read everything Zegh has ever written on here and so I am the foremost authority on what he says. I never assume”
“ My assumptions are incontestable. If you show me refuting evidence YOU are wrong”
“Any time anyone here bases what they know about a person’s personality or style or experiences as a member on this forum they are lying to themselves and the forum”
Yes I am against intellectual dishonesty too. How do you feel about it?
Great! I don't care, but great. I am happy to adopt this new "right" way to view things. Spell it out an let me know. Otherwise I may well have the "wrong" opinion on this and I do not care enough about whether they were ganging up or not. It looked like it, I called it and moved on. I was never that invested in it.
We are debating things here. Are you saying that I'm enforcing my views on you? Are you the victim after calling me out?
No and I would ask you to number the times I have EVER presented myself as a victim. No? None at all? Silly conclusion to jump to Odeon. Almost as silly as you claim I was being dishonest.
I’d like to know what is going on with you to be honest because you are not posting like……YOU.
Which means that you don't know but still maintain you're calling him on his bullshit. Sorry, but to me that's dishonest.
Except it isn't.
Archaeologists for example work with a base understanding centered around assumptions from which they gauge a world they cannot know intimately from hard and fast acts. SO...they are dishonest.
Don't you think that an archaeologist would ask that dead pharaoh directly if s/he could? Going with your comparison, you can.
They probably would but they make assumptions and the act of making assumptions is dishonest, right?
Psychologists that profile people in examining crime and try to track down serial killers and the like, cannot know so they need to assume certain things. So really they are just making assumptions. SO.....they are dishonest.
They, too, would talk to the subject directly if they could. They, too, would immediately revise their assumptions based on any new evidence.
Doesn’t matter if they WOULD they CAN’T and so they make ASSUMPTIONS and assumptions are dishonest, right? They make assumptions. I make assumptions. I am dishonest because I make assumptions. They make assumptions and so they are dishonest?
YES!!!  Its sounds fucking stupid and disingenuous put like that BUT may help put this in perspective as to what in your narrative makes assumptions dishonest or not.
I can keep going.
So can I but I'd rather not.
I would rather hope you didn’t.
The point behind these examples goes to the heart of this. YOU saying something is fact DOES NOT MAKE IT SO. I know it would be easy to say:
1)   You lost – therefore you lost.
2)   You were dishonest and so therefore you were dishonest.
3)   You assumed stuff and so therefore you were dishonest.
4)   You did not read stuff I (Odeon the Webmaster – joking) would have wanted you to have read before you assumed what you assumed and so therefore you are dishonest by having any opinion (even when you happily vouch it is based on assumption and conjecture).
But the truth is that you still have to make a sound argument for what you are arguing. This assumption = dishonesty clearly is not a cogent one and I think you know this. You are going to have to spell out under what circumstances. I do not think you can.
I think this all boils down to this:
“I disagree with Al and would prefer that he did not fight Zegh anymore. The fact that he argues Zegh without reading what Zegh says, shits me. I would therefore like to call Al dishonest as a result of his not reading and just assuming stuff. If he presses I will just say “It is what it is” and I have no further comment”.
IF you choose this approach I would point the finger right square back at you and say “Are we talking about MY honesty or your own?” Be better not to do that, Odeon. We are what 6 or 7 posts into a callout? Better to sort it out by callout.
But I hope the point is being made. Assumption=/= dishonest. They are not synonymous and you are seeming to try to make this case and put it down to semantics. It isn' all.
No, I'm using semantics because you brought it up. It is handy, though, isn't it, because it provides me with the tools I need to prove you wrong.
Use them all you like but try to make a point worth making because you have not as yet.
Its very presumptuous of you to think you are proving me wrong.
So far you have proved one thing. My ambivalence as to whether Butterflies and Zegh are ganging up or “discussing a mutual acquaintance on the forum” (Is that turn of phrase well thought out enough not to be seen as having evil connotations or whatever?)
That is not really a point to you and something I am happy to concede. You presume a lot, Odeon and it is not a your better side.
IF I at any point actually said specifically that I DID know more than I can know or denied I made these assumptions you may have something. Don't call it semantics, Odeon.
See above.
Oh, I did see and it was pretty poor.
Zegh is full of it
Isn't he just. But IF I say that he has no interest in sorting things out, YES there are assumptions on my part. BUT are they based on anything?
Don't quote me out of context.
I will do you a deal I will stop being disrespectful and quoting you out of contrext and in return you will stop implying I am dishonest. No? No one way trading here…..or was that an order?
1. His want to avoid ownership or responsibilities for his part for 8 months (until recently sometime I understand....well done Zegh) for having any part in things.
2. His 30 day hiatus (whatever the parameters of that were) that he could not uphold for a week.
3. PM's I have shown by which he encouraged me to harass him until he left (Not that this is what I am doing but begging for me to do so is evidence of him not wanting this sorted out).
1. Not interested. It's not what this is about.
2. It's not a ban now, it's a hiatus? Otherwise, not interested. It's not what this is about.
3. Not interested. It's not what this is about.
1, 2, and 3. Of course not you were wanting to talk about whether the phrase “ganging up” was appropriate but don’t REALLY give a shit as to whether or not assumptions have merit or not because why not call them all dishonest? Unless they are Archelogists, or Psychologist or….well anyone else’s but Al. Fuck that noise Odeon
2. It’s a hiatus now. (As mentioned I am using different words for it to see what phrases are “out of bounds” in describing what Zegh was or was not doing. Clearly you are likely to take objection to ganging up but maybe Hiatus too is out of bounds. I am sure I will find the right word through trial and error but if you could help an assumptive Aussie out, that would be great.
Again you make this assumption thing to be an all or nothing.
No, I'm discussing semantics and the value of words. If you assume, you don't know. See my previous posts for the rest of it because I can't be arsed to repeat it again.
Not well if you are. It seemed like you were either outraged that I said ganging up and it was the wrong phrase OR you were outraged that I gave no fucks if I used that phrase. (Oh shit is “outraged” okay to use in this context? Should I tone it down. Will the semantics indicate you were more disagreeable than outraged. If you are concerned could you please mentally replace the word “disagreeable” wherever I wrote “outraged”)
Sorry you were discussing the semantics and value of words with me and out of interest what are you assuming about me and my premise and you place and my place in this argument. If you don’t know ANY aspect of ANY part of it then you are assuming and if you are assuming then you don’t know and if you don’t know then you are dishonest….see I was paying attention.
No, even assumptions often are based on pretty solid reasoning and not all assumptions carry the same rigour. To assume this is the case is silly (joking).
So IS Zegh full of bullshit? You have my opinion of him strewn across this board and a LOT of it is based on similar reasoning. Maybe I am wrong but I make a decent case for it.
Or maybe you are wrong.

You *assume* something to be the case and act based on that assumption, even though that's all you have. Well, that and your back and forth from whenever it was that you still read his posts
Exactly. You make assumptions too. We all do. In fact interpreting any motive or intent of anyone here comes with certain amount of assumption. It does not make it wrong to do so. Nor is it dishonest to do so. Nor is it strange or silly.
Depends on what you do with your assumptions. I have already stated that part of my case and am not interested in repeating it.
No that is bullshit. Sorry but all I see is you laying claim to being the arbiter of when assumption becomes dishonest. I have yet to see ANYTHING I have said that is dishonest. NOTHING!
But this is not how it works is it Odeon?
“If he doesn’t know then he is assuming and if he is assuming then “what he does with the assumption”  is dishonest. If what he does with the assumption is makes claims that I do not like and he is not reading posts I would prefer him to read THEN “I” will declare him dishonest”.
Now THAT would be fucking weak, wouldn’t it. Don’t be THAT guy, Odeon.
Of course you could say, "But Al, you are a logical kind of guy, why not get better proof? Read what he says and there will be less room for possible misinterpretations or errors of judgment"
Which is what I think you should do.
Not happening and trying to shame me will simply get my back up and NOT get me doing what you would like me to do (whatever that is) nor will it mean that I was wrong in my assumptions. Nor does it mean that I was dishonest. Nor does it mean you have made a good case for yourself.
My answer to that would be "No thanks". He writes bullshit. He is not worth my time reading. IF that makes his mess harder for him to resolve I don't much care about that either.
His mess? Yours, too, mate. This is the second callout on the subject.
But I'm done here. I think I've presented my case as well as I can and so leave it to the peanut gallery to decide if it has any value.
No, he started it and he can resolve it. I would prefer to leave him to resolve it like the adult he ought to be. Had I started things I would have resolved it by now and you have seen me do so with many people here past and present including Richard and Bint and Sophist and others still on here now. So this “Yours too”. Nope, sorry. Not giving him a pass
It was pretty poorly done. I am just getting into this callout. There will be more to follow. But by all means drop it and walk away. I will call you out again.
I object to your calling me dishonest and you have made no good case for doing so. Until this is resolved I will seek to get it resolved. What you choose to do is up to you and likewise what I choose to do is up to me.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Odeon you implied I was dishonest at best and a liar at worst
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2016, 05:49:59 AM »
I get what it is about. I think Odeon is winning. Talking semantics Al doesn't stand a change and Al knows it.

edit, because my phone messes up with spacing and such.

That Al knows it is an assumption btw.

another edit, because phone messes up with periods at the end of sentences too.

It's over, I think.

Thought it might be a longer one, but it won't be. Because it is not about who in the "debate" between Zegh and Al is right, but about semantics, about the words Odeon used.
Al tried to shift the focus towards the nature of Zegh, diversion tactics. But Odeon did not fall for that. Odeon won.

The only way the nature of Zegh has place in a call-out is when Zegh enters a call-out with someone about that subject. That could be big part of the annoyance of Al, that Zegh refused, and probably will refuse, to enter a call-out with Al. Bit of it seemed to happen after the call-out I started was over. But only a bit.

What EXACTLY do I know and how would YOU know what "I" KNOW?

Odeon has not WON and it is not over.

I did not give a damn whether Zegh refused to do a callout with me because you know that he DID do a callout with me and had he have not chosen to i would not have cared.

And NO the semantics of whether or not dishonest = assumption =dishonest is certainly integral to the callout. What the underlying basis to which this alleged dishonesty comes from is a feud with Zegh and that makes it ABSOLUTELY integral to the callout.

Talking about semantics does not damage my point of view. He can reframe calling me dishonest any number of ways and it will not be a true representation and I think no amount of saying "Odeon won" will make that right and nor will banging on about him discussing semantics now weaken my position. He has not and will not be able to show my dishonesty because I have not been dishonest.

Its not semantics or anything like. Either I have framed what I have said honestly or not. This is different from the question are you right or are you wrong? Am I honest or dishonest? I say I am honest and Odeon is saying I am dishonest, and making absolutely no showing to support that. YET YOU are calling it a win.

For shame.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

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Offline odeon

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Re: Odeon you implied I was dishonest at best and a liar at worst
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2016, 03:01:39 AM »
Al, I've made my case, for better or worse. I could go on, just as you can, but I'm pretty sure nothing new would emerge, only variations of what's already been said.

There is one clarification I do wish to make, though, as I consider you to be a friend and so I think it's important:

I don't think you are a dishonest person. It's not you, it's not how you do things as a general rule. Quite the opposite. Blunt, sure, dishonest, no.

In this particular case, however, I think you've acted out of character, and it was why I reacted. If it had been your MO, I wouldn't have bothered. It's why I don't really bother to address DFG--while she's ranting on and on in ways that I think frequently are inconsistent and hateful, it's been her MO for years.

You, on the other hand, are not like that. Going after Zegh was pretty much what you sometimes do (and not in any way dishonest in itself), so through all this time I have not bothered. Most of the time, I've only skimmed those posts.

Which, of course, means that I could easily have missed what made me react and what resulted in this callout.

All the more interesting that you think I'm not acting like me, but that's hardly the point of this callout, just as Zegh's nature is not the point of this callout, and so I'm not going to address that either.

But I felt I needed to point out that no, I don't think you are a dishonest person, it is not your MO, I think you displayed intellectual dishonesty in this particular case, and that's why I reacted.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Odeon you implied I was dishonest at best and a liar at worst
« Reply #13 on: March 19, 2016, 04:03:06 AM »
Al, I've made my case, for better or worse. I could go on, just as you can, but I'm pretty sure nothing new would emerge, only variations of what's already been said.

There is one clarification I do wish to make, though, as I consider you to be a friend and so I think it's important:

I don't think you are a dishonest person. It's not you, it's not how you do things as a general rule. Quite the opposite. Blunt, sure, dishonest, no.

In this particular case, however, I think you've acted out of character, and it was why I reacted. If it had been your MO, I wouldn't have bothered. It's why I don't really bother to address DFG--while she's ranting on and on in ways that I think frequently are inconsistent and hateful, it's been her MO for years.

You, on the other hand, are not like that. Going after Zegh was pretty much what you sometimes do (and not in any way dishonest in itself), so through all this time I have not bothered. Most of the time, I've only skimmed those posts.

Which, of course, means that I could easily have missed what made me react and what resulted in this callout.

All the more interesting that you think I'm not acting like me, but that's hardly the point of this callout, just as Zegh's nature is not the point of this callout, and so I'm not going to address that either.

But I felt I needed to point out that no, I don't think you are a dishonest person, it is not your MO, I think you displayed intellectual dishonesty in this particular case, and that's why I reacted.

I do think that you are not acting as you. I suspect I know why. But the crux of all of this comes down at the end of the day to what I really really hope is simply misinterpretation because the alternative is that YOU are being intellectually dishonest and the irony in pointing that at my direction would be alarming.

So YOU think I have been intellectually dishonest. But you have yet to tell  me how or in fact make  point. I know you SAY you have but you haven't.

You say I have been pretending, acting under pretence, acting out of character, and being dishonest. HOW?

You mention that my describing Zegh and Butterflies acting in unison to DFG as "ganging up" was dishonest and what have you. But I give good reason why I said this. Now I may not be correct or I may be correct. That does not make me dishonest nor does it indicate a lack of transparency or as far as I can see anything that would presume dishonesty.
I was also more than happy to concede I may have described it badly or wrong. Also that I did not give a particular damn about it in the way you seemed to.

I also have been not reading Zegh which I have been upfront with and reply to his posts and yes making assumptions about him. Again something you did not have to drag out of me or denied by me. I was happy too to give my reasoning why I thought what I said about him (in particular about why I think he broke his promise and why I think he is dishonest about taking responsibility to resolve matters). Again though there is assumption and I gladly admit I could be wrong, the assumptions do not come out of a vacuum. There is reason and thought behind it. 

So again I MAY be wrong on some or even everything to small or large degree. BUT you have not shown that to be the case or that it being wrong somehow equates to being dishonest.

SO you have not actually shown me to be wrong
You have not shown me to be dishonest.
I have been upfront and transparent and given sound reasoning when asked.

What the Hell HAVE you got? I mean big claim and you have what NOTHING? You then are trying to say "I lost the argument"? The only real argument seems to be you say:

"Al, my claim is that if you are not reading then you are assuming and that makes you wrong in any claim you make because you are not guaranteed the truth of the matter. Now whilst you admit you don't know and that you are making assumptions, it is not only wrong in your claim but this suddenly makes you intellectually dishonest too."

Its a load of horseshit Odeon. I think you must know this at least on some level.

I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Odeon you implied I was dishonest at best and a liar at worst
« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2016, 04:11:03 AM »
This is what I think is REALLY happening. 8 months of feuding between a few members. You do not see an end in sight. You are not happy with that. You are not pleased with them. You see I am pretty unapologetic and as a way of disclaiming the feuding and tactics of mine you dislike, you call them dishonest. The problem is that:
a) they aren't,
b) neither am I
c) I would always do a callout on that
d) you have no way of defending this so you try to infer dishonesty as a form of simply being incorrect or doing something you don't like.
e) without anything stronger you say "My points have been made, callout over, you are losing"
f) saying so doesn't make it so.
THAT is why I think you are acting out of character. Not the best side of you but one I thankfully do not get that much exposure to.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap