I was going to ask who you voted for, but I guess it was some Hungarian Trotskyist
I detest what New Labour did to the country. That's a bit of a defeatist attitude though, not that i'm one to talk. I think with the support he got online and stuff, people will go mental if he's removed.
Oh OK. Because it'd be the first step and we need a change of direction. The government or media can no longer pretend we have our hands tied just because of the EU. Did you not look at the Tony Benn speech? I thought that'd also make it apparent that I don't dislike socialists just because of their politics. I believe in a National Health Service.
I don't vote, but if I did, it would be SNP. Not because I think they're awesome, but because I think Scotland should go it alone. It's not that I hate the UK. In fact, if the UK had a left leaning government, and Scotland was a right leaning country, I'd be all for "Better Together." I dislike the direction that England/Britain is going in at the moment. The Tories disgust me, and by the time Labour are a force again, Corbyn will be a goner, and New Labour will be back with a vengeance 
I watched much of the video, and I disagree with much of him. Sure, the EU could be better, certainly more democratic. I adore the notion of free movement, and I don't like isolationism. Yes, let's reform the EU. I could get behind that, but NO, let's not leave it 
So you don't mind nationalism when it suits your own interests? I think Scotland should go it alone too, and rebuild Hadrian's Wall while we're at it

The direction we're going is the same direction we've been going in for years with the only hope for any kind of change to begin is getting out of the EU. I think you're being swayed by the media. I disagree with Corbyn on a lot of things, but people are starting to wake up because of the information available to them now in this age. It's going to create further divides though, but if you don't like it, then there's 'One Nation Conservatives/New Labour to turn to.
OK. It could be better but it won't be, it's what the EU is, so you either want to support the corrupt and crooked club and further dismantle the UK, or there's the other option. So you support the UK destroying itself so your personal travels are easier? And again, that's media propaganda. We won't be "isolated".