I was going to ask who you voted for, but I guess it was some Hungarian Trotskyist
I detest what New Labour did to the country. That's a bit of a defeatist attitude though, not that i'm one to talk. I think with the support he got online and stuff, people will go mental if he's removed.
Oh OK. Because it'd be the first step and we need a change of direction. The government or media can no longer pretend we have our hands tied just because of the EU. Did you not look at the Tony Benn speech? I thought that'd also make it apparent that I don't dislike socialists just because of their politics. I believe in a National Health Service.
I don't vote, but if I did, it would be SNP. Not because I think they're awesome, but because I think Scotland should go it alone. It's not that I hate the UK. In fact, if the UK had a left leaning government, and Scotland was a right leaning country, I'd be all for "Better Together." I dislike the direction that England/Britain is going in at the moment. The Tories disgust me, and by the time Labour are a force again, Corbyn will be a goner, and New Labour will be back with a vengeance

I watched much of the video, and I disagree with much of him. Sure, the EU could be better, certainly more democratic. I adore the notion of free movement, and I don't like isolationism. Yes, let's reform the EU. I could get behind that, but NO, let's not leave it