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Re: Disgusting foods alphabet game!
« Reply #45 on: October 09, 2016, 08:52:56 PM »
Peas. The way they pop in the mouth - does my head in. Ew.
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Re: Disgusting foods alphabet game!
« Reply #46 on: October 09, 2016, 09:43:05 PM »
Quince - too bitter
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R is for Ratatouille
« Reply #47 on: October 13, 2016, 03:41:02 AM »
Many of the foods on this list are not good if not prepared properly.

like dirtdawg, i can eat almost anything. can't have gluten but have eaten it before being diagnosed. have never had quince, but can't eat okra unless fried. like eating mucus otherwise. i will try almost any food once just to see. that is how i discovered things like bibimbap and sushi. people like to challenge my disgust tolerance. no one has won.

by the way, without xanthan gum, most GF foods would be impossible to make.

i put nopalitos in my tacos and burritos.
Shrimp that is rubbery is overcooked and possibly stale or made with old shrimp. send it back. the same with pork, which is easy to overcook since it's often pink when done. many people will see this and cook it until it's grey, which means you will be eating cardboard for dinner. go to outback steakhouse and have the pork roast. they do it right. they are fair with the ribs.

a- unless you get fresh apples you may be purchasing apples up to a year old - they will have a mealy texture and less flavor. They will also go bad quickly compared with fresh apples. truly disgusting. my mother cooks her avocado. that's disgusting
b/c - where was lestat for b - brie or c - camembert?
d- dragonfruit are tasteless
e- nothing for e (edamame i like, but then, i like peas and beans), unless you think eggnog is disgusting. actually, canadian eggnog is. half cooked eggplant is disgusting too.
f- fenugreek? smells awful to me but have eaten it.
g- we'll go back to lestat for goat cheese, gruyere and others for garlic
h- really surprised no one mentioned haggis for h.
i - incaberries could qualify as g for ground cherry or p for physallis. i know people who don't like them. like passionfruit they are full of seeds and they have a hard skin.
j - have never eaten jicama which looks like a potato but is supposed to be savory and sweet at the same time. umami, maybe?
k - try kima curry. i cannot stand to be in the house when it's cooking. it doesn't taste bad, just smells awful. the same with chitterlings (pork guts).
l - lots of people don't like liverwurst but i love it. i think lucky charms is disgusting but most children's cereals are. i do like the marshmallows, though.
m - definitely monosodium glutamate. if you can taste it. milk with all the fat removed. seriously disgusting.
n - if you want really nasty for n, try natto. it's a japanese delicacy that requires an acquired taste. i am still working on it. it is fermented, sticky, slimy soy beans.
o - will have to go with raw oyster guts, i like the outside much better
p - will have to be abuses of pumpkin - coffee, pasta sauce and the like
q - will have to go with quail eggs - whole, pickled eggs. can't bring myself to taste them.
r - ratatouille. because of the variation of cooking times the eggplant usually is underdone, and if it's done properly, the rest of the vegetables are overcooked.
s - sausages, canadian style. not disgusting, but not very tasty.
t - try tendon stew. another acquired taste. i love it but hard to get tendons around here.
u - can't bring myself to try urchins either
v - canned vienna sausages. truly disgusting
w - whale fat. worms, fried. not brave enough yet.
x - by the way, yeast and xanthan gum both are additives necessary for different kinds of bread. had to look this one up - xanthia. no tolerance for alcohol and don't like the flavor. it likely would kill me.
y - yoghurt with all the fat removed. as disgusting as skim milk. alternately, fat removed yoghurt with yuck included to make it as creamy as normal yoghurt.
z - zucchini bread made by people who think leaving large chunks of zuchini and other things like corn and hot peppers makes it more sophisticated. i like steamed zucchini and summer squash together. ziti's not disgusting unless made improperly with the wrong sauce.
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Re: Disgusting foods alphabet game!
« Reply #48 on: October 13, 2016, 10:32:13 AM »
All of the zucchini bread I've tried has been sweet rather than savory with vegetables.  Not too fond of sweet because it's fairly tasteless.
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Re: Disgusting foods alphabet game!
« Reply #49 on: October 14, 2016, 04:10:52 PM »
@ Wollf: Sone years ago, I started leaving the eggplant out of my Ratouille.   It was a faff to prepare, and I 've never really liked it anyway, just tolerated it on the assumption that other people liked it. Which assumption turned out to be incorrect :D
I don't know what to call the call the resultant dish, especially not  now that I have to leave the oil out too, but it's much nicer than proper Ratatouille.  Sorted :)

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Re: Disgusting foods alphabet game!
« Reply #50 on: October 17, 2016, 10:44:39 AM »
  Radishes.  They're hard as rocks and I almost choked on one when I was 6.  :mad:
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Re: Disgusting foods alphabet game!
« Reply #51 on: October 17, 2016, 10:46:20 AM »
  Sugar in coffee.  I can't drink sweet coffee, though I eat sugar by the truckload elsewhere.  :-[
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Re: Disgusting foods alphabet game!
« Reply #52 on: October 18, 2016, 01:29:31 PM »
Tea.  I have to run to the sink and swoosh my my mouth out, wheneverever i sip  somebody's tea in mistake my coffee. Can't imagine how anone enjoys that revolting stuff. And yes, I really am English

Offline Walkie

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Re: Disgusting foods alphabet game!
« Reply #53 on: October 18, 2016, 01:34:34 PM »
Peas. The way they pop in the mouth - does my head in. Ew.
I'm with you there. Can't stand raspberries, blackcurrants etc. either,  same reason, though I love the juice. And processed peas are just fine too. I think my disgust stems from when i was small, and we lived in a street lined with rowan trees. When the berries dropped and you couldn't walk on the pavement without squashing them, the sight of those berry guts smeared all over the pavement made me feel really nauseous. I think peas etc probably  remind of those berries unconsciously.

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Re: Disgusting foods alphabet game!
« Reply #54 on: October 18, 2016, 09:12:53 PM »
Tea.  I have to run to the sink and swoosh my my mouth out, wheneverever i sip  somebody's tea in mistake my coffee. Can't imagine how anone enjoys that revolting stuff. And yes, I really am English

I find tea a bit pleasant at times, but maybe it is a mood thing.

I generally make fairly strong sun tea in a glass gallon jug then refrigerate it. It is only good for a day. I drink it unsweetened and just cold.

Hot tea?   ...   maybe if I am sick and need to take medicine, with honey, some herbs. I used to add brandy to hot tea things, but no more. I no longer use any alcohol, even spoonfuls.

Many herbs make palatable hot teas. I do enjoy monarda (which I grow, some call bee balm), manzanilla (which I grow, some call chamomille or little apple) and cinnamon (which I have to buy) when I need a tincture.

I think tea has its place.
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Re: Disgusting foods alphabet game!
« Reply #55 on: October 18, 2016, 09:25:02 PM »
  Radishes.  They're hard as rocks and I almost choked on one when I was 6.  :mad:

I am going to challenge this.  (Obviously, the only way I can enter this thread after my previous post)

There are many different kinds of radishes, some are HOT!! and some are quite mild and most are very soft when young.

Even if you choked on a hard one as a child, try using them as sprouts; just soak the seeds and wrap them in cloth, place them in the 'fridge for a day or two. The baby sprouts are almost like bean sprouts, but with a tiny kick of flavor. 

Or maybe, just use them as greens ( a week or so older than sprouts) to ramp up the flavor of a salad.

Never dis' radishes in my view or I might post recipes!
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Re: Disgusting foods alphabet game!
« Reply #56 on: October 18, 2016, 09:36:16 PM »
  Dried fruits.  The juice is the whole point.  Although raisins and "craisins" are good in recipes.  :orly:

A couple of weeks ago, I was wanting some of those dried fruits to carry to work as a snack.  My wife came home with a variety of stuff. She did fine, but she also brought home some dried dates.

Kind of amazing, but too sweet for me to eat on the run.

So, I made oatmeal cookies, but instead of adding raisins, I put those damn triple sweet dates in the mix with extra ginger to offset the sweetness.  Not bad at all and the kids ate them as if some Vader or other was controlling their thoughts.

Thing about the whole fruit, regarding the juices is that once ones system decides to (think aging'slowing metabolism) "not do the right thing with juices" options are limited.
I can eat four or so dried apples gaining all the benefits of the fiber and a few of the benefits of natural sugars, but even half of one REAL ONE will make me walk quickly like a prairie dog several times per day as I try to make it to the toilet.

I call it prairie doggin'

My grandfather called it the apple quick step.  Pretty much the same thing.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2016, 09:39:47 PM by DirtDawg »
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

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Re: Disgusting foods alphabet game!
« Reply #57 on: October 18, 2016, 09:42:03 PM »
  Edamame.  Just on general principle.  :sick:

Is that not pig food?

Or something that is used to make bio-diesel?
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Re: Disgusting foods alphabet game!
« Reply #58 on: October 18, 2016, 09:46:06 PM »
Dried mango strips are lovely and chewy.

One thing I have a tolerateokishnecessary-hate relationship with is onions. On the one hand you NEED them in chilli con carne, other meat mince dishes but I have to chop them up fine enough they melt more or less when cooked, or else pick them out after. Because the texture is..oh my god, its vile.

Pre-cook them separately in a different dish before adding them to your main dish, ONLY after being cooked to your idea of perfection or non threatening tolerance.

... or just do not bother. Shred the bastards in a blender and add only the juiced product as a  flavouring. Use carefully - very strong result.
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Re: Disgusting foods alphabet game!
« Reply #59 on: October 18, 2016, 09:49:00 PM »

Sorry for not following the rules, but I feel some intervention is in order.
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.