Author Topic: What did you do before you had meds?  (Read 3755 times)

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Re: What did you do before you had meds?
« Reply #105 on: March 19, 2016, 06:37:19 PM »
I think we do have the right to be high-functioning. I certainly hope we do because it makes sense if we buy all that other nonsense about everyone being born equal and whatnot, and it's part of what makes me not want to tolerate someone like Benji, because that is what he is saying, isn't it? We don't have that right because people think we are faking all this shit. And I guess that must mean I'm not faking it all that well either.

You think in extremes.  I never said everyone was born equal, or that people are faking it.  You're taking stuff personally, and you're misunderstanding my points.  I was saying that we don't know enough about the alleged conditions (as in, the label, and not that the person doesn't have a problem) or the treatments.
But the same holds true for many natural treatments and conditions that are not understood. For example, it was not known until recently that St. John's Wort reduces the effect of the anticoagulant Coumarin, or that grapefruit juice could interfere with your allergy or pain medicine.

If we continue to use diabetes as an example, then we can say that before we knew about insulin and how blood sugar worked, the symptoms in some cases were considered to be fabricated/laziness or the individual was diagnosed with something that required treatment with, say, leeches, or further back in history, things like urine or human blood.

While it's true that we don't know everything about ADHD and about the medicines that treat it, we can alleviate pain with what we know. When you say we don't know enough, you say that the years of scientific testing are not valid, that something more is needed. "Enough" is arbitrary. If "we" is a body of experts then I am willing to hear what is their standard. We (meaning psychologists, psychiatrists and researchers) actually know a lot about the chemistry involved in ADHD and its treatments. A point for your side is the current introduction of brain plasticity into the mix. We certainly don't know "enough" about brain plasticity, which is why its use with ADHD is limited at this time. I am hoping for fast development of this alternative since I hate taking meds.

I dislike labels as much as the next person who's covered in them, but they are useful. They are useful to me (as a psychologist) as heuristics for constellations of conditions that otherwise might require too much decoding time. It gives me a place  to start. We find each other and our remedies with labels. I agree that the labels are often misused, but that doesn't mean they don't have meaning for those for whom they are appropriate.

What is "anticoagulant Coumarin"?  I've taken St. John's Wort in the past, but really didn't think about any ill effects as it's herbal, though it says to consult your GP if you're on other medication. 

Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but every condition or illness is different.  We're not talking about patients faking it here, we're talking about patients being used by pharmaceutical companies using people.  And it isn't "testing", it's just labeling people and giving them drugs.  " brain plasticity", could you explain more please?  I hate taking meds too. 

Yes I know labels can be useful, things have just gotten out of control in my eyes. 
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

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Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

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Re: What did you do before you had meds?
« Reply #106 on: March 19, 2016, 09:27:37 PM »
I think we do have the right to be high-functioning. I certainly hope we do because it makes sense if we buy all that other nonsense about everyone being born equal and whatnot, and it's part of what makes me not want to tolerate someone like Benji, because that is what he is saying, isn't it? We don't have that right because people think we are faking all this shit. And I guess that must mean I'm not faking it all that well either.

You think in extremes.  I never said everyone was born equal, or that people are faking it.  You're taking stuff personally, and you're misunderstanding my points.  I was saying that we don't know enough about the alleged conditions (as in, the label, and not that the person doesn't have a problem) or the treatments.
But the same holds true for many natural treatments and conditions that are not understood. For example, it was not known until recently that St. John's Wort reduces the effect of the anticoagulant Coumarin, or that grapefruit juice could interfere with your allergy or pain medicine.

If we continue to use diabetes as an example, then we can say that before we knew about insulin and how blood sugar worked, the symptoms in some cases were considered to be fabricated/laziness or the individual was diagnosed with something that required treatment with, say, leeches, or further back in history, things like urine or human blood.

While it's true that we don't know everything about ADHD and about the medicines that treat it, we can alleviate pain with what we know. When you say we don't know enough, you say that the years of scientific testing are not valid, that something more is needed. "Enough" is arbitrary. If "we" is a body of experts then I am willing to hear what is their standard. We (meaning psychologists, psychiatrists and researchers) actually know a lot about the chemistry involved in ADHD and its treatments. A point for your side is the current introduction of brain plasticity into the mix. We certainly don't know "enough" about brain plasticity, which is why its use with ADHD is limited at this time. I am hoping for fast development of this alternative since I hate taking meds.

I dislike labels as much as the next person who's covered in them, but they are useful. They are useful to me (as a psychologist) as heuristics for constellations of conditions that otherwise might require too much decoding time. It gives me a place  to start. We find each other and our remedies with labels. I agree that the labels are often misused, but that doesn't mean they don't have meaning for those for whom they are appropriate.

What is "anticoagulant Coumarin"?  I've taken St. John's Wort in the past, but really didn't think about any ill effects as it's herbal, though it says to consult your GP if you're on other medication. 

Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but every condition or illness is different.  We're not talking about patients faking it here, we're talking about patients being used by pharmaceutical companies using people.  And it isn't "testing", it's just labeling people and giving them drugs.  " brain plasticity", could you explain more please?  I hate taking meds too. 

Yes I know labels can be useful, things have just gotten out of control in my eyes.
Coumarin is a medication taken by people with risk of blood clots - it thins the blood.
Most people don't think about the ill effects of herbal preparations - my mother is one of those folks who takes dozens of pills a day - herbal remedies all - without much research into what they do. She does err on the side of organic, which protects her from some of the stuff they spray on the herbs, but she doesn't know how they might interact with each other or with the heart medication she was taking at one point.

You are talking about patients being used by pharmaceutical companies - while it's true that these meds were pushed in the past, it's also true that there were some with legitimate issues addressed by those meds. It's not as black and white as the herbal enthusiasts would like to believe.

I used caffeine most of my life but my psychiatrist became alarmed when I told him how much. The withdrawal symptoms were wicked. He's a stellar guy - he listened to me rant about not wanting meds and reminded me that caffeine is a drug. We tried an anti-depressant first (if anything you should be targeting those and not ADHD meds which are a controlled substance and well understood - see below), then stimulants at very low doses. Big Pharm wasn't involved in my case. In fact, big pharm wasn't around when ADHD was identified and the standard treatment was coffee.

There are forums for people who do legitimate research (not funded by big pharm) with drugs. These are good places to get information. Here's an example:

That one is on interactions with St. John's Wort. Why is the issue unfamiliar even though the article (and others like it) was published in 2002? Guess who is involved in producing those herbal remedies that everyone swears by? We won't escape big pharm. What we need to do is find good clinicians like my psychiatrist who know about the alternatives and can make an educated decision about what course to take. ADHD isn't an alleged disease. It's a developmental disorder, one of several that can be alleviated with medication.

Regarding anti-depressants: you would be amazed at how little we know and still use these. Some of them cause awful, irrevocable side effects. They cause depressed people to become suicidal - that's a standard warning on some of the medications. Yet we not only use them, but increasingly they are being approved for off label use. I was astounded to find them used for shingles, which is a medical condition. Granted that it's exacerbated by stress, but anti-depressants? That's a stretch. It's also becoming a practice to use anti-psychotic medication for depression - yet we know those are dangerous and we have only limited knowledge about their efficacy for depression.
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Re: What did you do before you had meds?
« Reply #107 on: March 20, 2016, 05:27:48 AM »
  If our current understanding of ADHD is completely scrapped within the next 10 years and
  replaced by new labels, new tests, new treatments, that's fine with me.  I know we're still winging it
  in dealing with the brain.  That doesn't mean I should have to wait, unmedicated, unhelped, for the rest of
  my life, till inattentive/daydreaming/time-losing brains like mine are understood 100%.  My meds have
  made a big improvement in my daily functioning and quality of life.  I'll be happy to try something new
  down the line, but in the meantime I'm fine paying "big pharma" my $50/month co-payment to get
  the results I get from the medication I'm on now, because I'm getting what I'm paying for.
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Offline odeon

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Re: What did you do before you had meds?
« Reply #108 on: March 20, 2016, 10:22:01 AM »

Sorry, i'm worn down, definitely the wrong word  :autism: 

I'm pretty skeptical about 'ADHD' though, or 'ODD'.  The health service here definitely hands out drugs way too easily, let alone how it is in the US.

They don't hand them out as easily here, it would seem. I've had trouble with some doctors not wanting to prescribe them to me.

The problem here seems to be that people equate ADHD meds with drugs, which they aren't.

That's a good thing, they should be the last resort.  I think if you've tried every other option and literally cannot cope, then you shouldn't be made to wait. 

A different type of drug i'd say.

Would you have diabetics test every other option before giving them insulin?

The medical industry knows far more about diabetes and insulin, than it does with mental illness and 'anti-depressants'.

So the criterion for handing out meds that are known to work is that you have to know how they work? And since when are we discussing mental illnesses and antidepressants? Moving the goalposts much?

You were the one who brought up diabetes, when we were discussing 'ADHD'!!   :facepalm2:

"So the criterion for handing out meds that are known to work is that you have to know how they work?"  That would kind of help.  Especially when it's regarding a 'condition' we don't know much about or if it even exists.

ADHD is not a mental illness and we were not discussing antidepressants. It's obvious that you don't believe the condition exists, but it's to be expected. You are the village idiot and expected to act like one. A bit of target practice but not something I'd have a serious discussion with. That bit is best left to the grown-ups.

As an aside, there are quite a few meds out there given to people because they do work, but where the how is still unknown or debated. These include both new meds and existing ones, like those with an accepted off-label use. Google is your friend.

I never said it was a mental illness.  I called it an alleged "disease", but admitted it was the wrong word to use.  We weren't discussing diabetes either, but you felt like bringing it in out of nowhere and are oblivious to your hypocrisy.  You're acting like a child right now, trying to exclude opinions you disagree with, and resorting to insults because you cannot stick to the discussion, so in fact it is you who isn't capable of serious discussion.  Your stance is that you must believe exactly what we are told and take the drugs we are told to take for conditions etc that we don't even know exist.  Totalitarian states love people like that. 

Placebos have worked in some cases.  You do understand how important it is to be skeptical about medication and alleged illnesses when big drug companies are so corrupted and profit orientated?

Actually I use insults because you produce stupid posts. It's clear that you have no clue whatsoever. You move goalposts, you admit the use of the wrong word only to use another that is just as bad, you misquote, you mischaracterise and you misunderstand, yet you keep on posting your drivel without a second thought. You say "we" when you should only talk for yourself, considering how several of us rely on meds for conditions you imply don't even exist.

In so many words, I don't suffer fools but I sure love to see them suffer.

You mean you disagree with me?  You mean I make mistakes? (the only difference being is that I admit them).  See, this is your problem, I haven't 'implied' anything.  Dust the sand out of your vagina and just stick to a serious a discussion, if you're not capable of it, then don't bother addressing me.

Yes, I disagree with you. Yes, you make mistakes (and no, you only admit some of them and only when confronted). It's actually your problem. You've implied lots. I love it how you are talking about dusting a vagina and then, in the same sentence, want to stick to a serious discussion. Since you're not capable of one, I will continue addressing you like the fool you are.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: What did you do before you had meds?
« Reply #109 on: March 20, 2016, 11:45:39 AM »
I just lived my life as normal when I was a kid and then all of a sudden at age ten, I was put on medicine. I hated it. It was supposed to make me control my behavior better and act out less in class and be more focused. I was diagnosed with ADD and was suspected as having ADHD but didn't meet enough for the ADHD label but enough for the ADD label. I also had some hyperactivity so I would get goofy sometimes. It would happen when I would get very excited and overloaded and then I couldn't control myself. That was another thing I noticed different about myself because other kids seem to be in more control and never acted that way and for me it was hard to control it and that also got in the way of socializing. Now I am recognizing it in my son and me, mom, and husband all think he has ADHD but the school district thinks it's Asperger's so we are going to try and get him professionally tested. I don't really want to put him on medication unless I have to.

Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: What did you do before you had meds?
« Reply #110 on: March 20, 2016, 02:10:31 PM »
OK thanks Wolfish.  I corrected myself, 'ADHD' is an alleged condition or "developmental disorder".  And well, big pharm is around now and since then diagnosis and sales of 'ADHD' meds have spiraled off the charts. 

I was thinking of treatments for depression too, and with depression medication should always be the last resort in my view.  I hate being on them. 
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
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Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: What did you do before you had meds?
« Reply #111 on: March 20, 2016, 02:18:01 PM »

Sorry, i'm worn down, definitely the wrong word  :autism: 

I'm pretty skeptical about 'ADHD' though, or 'ODD'.  The health service here definitely hands out drugs way too easily, let alone how it is in the US.

They don't hand them out as easily here, it would seem. I've had trouble with some doctors not wanting to prescribe them to me.

The problem here seems to be that people equate ADHD meds with drugs, which they aren't.

That's a good thing, they should be the last resort.  I think if you've tried every other option and literally cannot cope, then you shouldn't be made to wait. 

A different type of drug i'd say.

Would you have diabetics test every other option before giving them insulin?

The medical industry knows far more about diabetes and insulin, than it does with mental illness and 'anti-depressants'.

So the criterion for handing out meds that are known to work is that you have to know how they work? And since when are we discussing mental illnesses and antidepressants? Moving the goalposts much?

You were the one who brought up diabetes, when we were discussing 'ADHD'!!   :facepalm2:

"So the criterion for handing out meds that are known to work is that you have to know how they work?"  That would kind of help.  Especially when it's regarding a 'condition' we don't know much about or if it even exists.

ADHD is not a mental illness and we were not discussing antidepressants. It's obvious that you don't believe the condition exists, but it's to be expected. You are the village idiot and expected to act like one. A bit of target practice but not something I'd have a serious discussion with. That bit is best left to the grown-ups.

As an aside, there are quite a few meds out there given to people because they do work, but where the how is still unknown or debated. These include both new meds and existing ones, like those with an accepted off-label use. Google is your friend.

I never said it was a mental illness.  I called it an alleged "disease", but admitted it was the wrong word to use.  We weren't discussing diabetes either, but you felt like bringing it in out of nowhere and are oblivious to your hypocrisy.  You're acting like a child right now, trying to exclude opinions you disagree with, and resorting to insults because you cannot stick to the discussion, so in fact it is you who isn't capable of serious discussion.  Your stance is that you must believe exactly what we are told and take the drugs we are told to take for conditions etc that we don't even know exist.  Totalitarian states love people like that. 

Placebos have worked in some cases.  You do understand how important it is to be skeptical about medication and alleged illnesses when big drug companies are so corrupted and profit orientated?

Actually I use insults because you produce stupid posts. It's clear that you have no clue whatsoever. You move goalposts, you admit the use of the wrong word only to use another that is just as bad, you misquote, you mischaracterise and you misunderstand, yet you keep on posting your drivel without a second thought. You say "we" when you should only talk for yourself, considering how several of us rely on meds for conditions you imply don't even exist.

In so many words, I don't suffer fools but I sure love to see them suffer.

You mean you disagree with me?  You mean I make mistakes? (the only difference being is that I admit them).  See, this is your problem, I haven't 'implied' anything.  Dust the sand out of your vagina and just stick to a serious a discussion, if you're not capable of it, then don't bother addressing me.

Yes, I disagree with you. Yes, you make mistakes (and no, you only admit some of them and only when confronted). It's actually your problem. You've implied lots. I love it how you are talking about dusting a vagina and then, in the same sentence, want to stick to a serious discussion. Since you're not capable of one, I will continue addressing you like the fool you are.

Duh, that's because I had made the mistake without realising.  You mean you think i'm implying one thing when it's another, most of the time.   Anyone who says something you disagree with is stupid in your eyes, but since you don't have the knowledge or intelligence to make a point using logic or reason, you just stick to insults. 
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

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Re: What did you do before you had meds?
« Reply #112 on: March 21, 2016, 01:24:37 AM »
Duh, that's because I had made the mistake without realising.  You mean you think i'm implying one thing when it's another, most of the time.   Anyone who says something you disagree with is stupid in your eyes, but since you don't have the knowledge or intelligence to make a point using logic or reason, you just stick to insults. 

Logic and reason are so rarely needed in your case, but do keep trying. If you happen to stumble across an argument worth dismantling, I will do so.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: What did you do before you had meds?
« Reply #113 on: March 22, 2016, 12:29:07 PM »
You aren't remotely capable of doing so.  You just act as a parrot for people who do know what they're talking about and who you agree with.  I remember you got flustered when we were talking about WWII, and was begging for "Adam" to come along as you know next to nothing. 
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

Offline odeon

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Re: What did you do before you had meds?
« Reply #114 on: March 23, 2016, 01:08:55 AM »
You aren't remotely capable of doing so.  You just act as a parrot for people who do know what they're talking about and who you agree with.  I remember you got flustered when we were talking about WWII, and was begging for "Adam" to come along as you know next to nothing.

Mischaracterisation is one of your more endearing qualities, but probably the only one that comes naturally to you.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline benjimanbreeg

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Re: What did you do before you had meds?
« Reply #115 on: March 23, 2016, 12:53:40 PM »
You aren't remotely capable of doing so.  You just act as a parrot for people who do know what they're talking about and who you agree with.  I remember you got flustered when we were talking about WWII, and was begging for "Adam" to come along as you know next to nothing.

Mischaracterisation is one of your more endearing qualities, but probably the only one that comes naturally to you.

Do you just sit there stuffing your fat face with fortune cookies and reading out what it says inside?  You really are an empty shell. 
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

"When men lead by words that are false as they preach
Fatality waits in the wings
Surrounded by fools behind walls that are breached
Beware of the jester that sings"

Leeeeeaaaave Benji alooooooone!  :bigcry:

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Re: What did you do before you had meds?
« Reply #116 on: March 23, 2016, 08:36:22 PM »
This is so much hotter than the women fighting.  :zoinks:


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Re: What did you do before you had meds?
« Reply #117 on: March 24, 2016, 01:28:18 PM »
You aren't remotely capable of doing so.  You just act as a parrot for people who do know what they're talking about and who you agree with.  I remember you got flustered when we were talking about WWII, and was begging for "Adam" to come along as you know next to nothing.

Mischaracterisation is one of your more endearing qualities, but probably the only one that comes naturally to you.

Do you just sit there stuffing your fat face with fortune cookies and reading out what it says inside?  You really are an empty shell.

I love it how you try to insult me.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

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Re: What did you do before you had meds?
« Reply #118 on: March 24, 2016, 01:29:11 PM »
This is so much hotter than the women fighting.  :zoinks:

But then, you're a gopher.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline Gopher Gary

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Re: What did you do before you had meds?
« Reply #119 on: March 24, 2016, 07:02:07 PM »
This is so much hotter than the women fighting.  :zoinks:

But then, you're a gopher.

It's a shame this isn't in real life, then the fight might get physical and someone could accidentally touch a crotch.  :zoinks: