MOSW-sure i.t does, if you look at it as the early hours of those evil things called 'mornings', and of being, pardon my foul language, the morning, which happened to be attached to the night which followed the period of daylight yesterday.
So yes, it counts as last night.
And don't forget, I'm autistic, with what counts for a sleep cycle in your average Kanner's autie. I.e not very conventional, at the very least. And, don't forget, I'm largely a creature of the night to begin with, so your nights are my days and vice versa, although I was using the conventional, NT standard when referencing 'yesterday' in this particular context MOSW.
So yeah, it was last night. Late, very late last night. Or late yesterday as the case might be, for a nocturnal asocial as fuck Kanner's guy. I'm a spazz, live with it. I have to (not that you'll hear me complaining)*
*one of my special interests is cutting off and collecting people's ears, to string on necklaces, in a bit of arts and crafts

Although for the record, I'm still not complaining about being classically autistic. It isn't just the best way to be, it's the ONLY way to be.
And yes, I'd mean just the same thing if I had the option to change to either being NT or to being aspie (or Down's, or any other neurotype for that matter). I like it this way. It seems to work well enough for me anyway. Unless it's eating vegetables, or having to touch the coarse grained wood in ice lolly sticks, the rolling pin, or hear some bastardly piece of shit cleaning the plastic chopping board in the kitchen, in which case, Ima make like a three year old boy being introduced to jimmy saville's ghost, and fucking split.
(sorry, I know, that was a bit dark of me. But I could probably find worse by request
