What a cute little thing. Have you named her? I like her little white spot.

You know the saying, "If you meet one autistic, you've met one autistic"? Well I'm guessing the same goes for borderlines. She's not the totally attention-seeking sort. Nor is she manipulative. She says she can't do that with me because I see right through it. She doesn't do stuff like hide my meds! If she wants something of mine, she asks first.
So you see, there are borderlines out there that aren't like the one you experienced. You were really unlucky. 
Have known a few. Think a former neighbour of mine fitted all the criteria. She was a disaster. But best employer ex ever had is a great guy. We kept in touch a bit. And he is an official borderliner. Yes, he had his issues. But he is also genuinly kind. And despite his diagnosis manages to maintain his relationship. That is 20 years and counting.
And there is treatments that can really help.
Judging all borderline people because of the really nasty ones coming in the picture more is like judging people with an ASD because of mass-shooters with an ASD.
Do think Kayleigh does have some manipulatief talent. But she's more than that.
Yes, she definitely is more than that. Thanks hyke.
Kayleigh did 2 years of DBT and that helped. Now she is doing schema therapy and delving into her upbringing, which wasn't the best.
One standout trait of hers is her generosity. She easily will spend the last of her money on me. If there is only one serving of something nice that we both want, she will let me have it. She will share anything (this is one of my faults - I often just don't think to share).
Anyway, I could go on. But what I really want to say is that there are some nice borderline people out there.
I even got dxed with it myself back in 2013 during my stay in hospital. I think this is mainly because I self harmed.