Author Topic: Stuff that makes you ridiculously happy.  (Read 5468 times)

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Re: Stuff that makes you ridiculously happy.
« Reply #45 on: January 23, 2017, 08:33:42 PM »
Caramel custard.

You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

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Re: Stuff that makes you ridiculously happy.
« Reply #46 on: January 23, 2017, 08:37:43 PM »
Caramel custard.

  It's like a little buttery Saturn on a plate.  :2thumbsup:
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Re: Stuff that makes you ridiculously happy.
« Reply #47 on: January 23, 2017, 10:31:58 PM »
Pyraxis - I used to eat at a cut-rate Mexican buffet just to get the caramel flan.
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Re: Stuff that makes you ridiculously happy.
« Reply #48 on: January 23, 2017, 10:33:07 PM »
Oh yum! :)
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Re: Stuff that makes you ridiculously happy.
« Reply #49 on: January 24, 2017, 04:29:32 AM »
Oh snap! I LOVE creme caramels. I just can't stop myself eating the entire pack though the first time one gets opened, the rest of them invariably follow.

A rollup or cigar after a morphine shot, although its not properly a hole filled by e-fag delivery, it needs, methinks the traces of MAOIs in tobacco to really hit the spot.

Finally managing to stretch to that point on my back when its got a huge itch in that spot its so damn hard to reach, and scratching it.

The satisfaction after a big  :roar: of a yawn, the kind that feel like you need snake-jaws that can dislocate at will to accomodate it.

Being the recipient of new glassware, or lab equipment of other kinds, especially when some really handy piece of kit just drops into my lap (figuratively speaking) as a freebie, gift, or making a killing of a gain, like a big moneysaving deal on some reagents, and most of all in the lab, that moment where your project at the time just begins to bear first fruit, of intended end product, without a hassle of a workup, or, for that matter, after getting into a right old scrap with something not wishing to crystallize, and eventually seeing the solvent turn foggy, and then look like its snowing, as say, HCl gas in solvent is taken off a cryo bath, and your target, in solvents that won't freeze, has said acid-spiked, anhydrous solvent dropped in, whilst keeping the project on an ice-bath or ice-salt-acetone-antifreeze bath etc. to cool it right down. (the latter gets down into the -30something 'C region) and you see your hard-won target compound crashing out of solution as if it were snowing a blizzard of crystals.

For some things, taking recrystallization, especially if it was difficult to accomplish to a fine art form, and growing some really nutty-sized, perfect crystals. Ice (I don't mean frozen H2O or solvent here), that is pure D-isomer rather than racemic stuff, once, for example, had a couple of MONTHS devoted, to keeping the solution cold, from a poorly volatile solvent, and evaporating it off at such a slow pace, slowly withdrawing a seed crystal from the supersaturated solution, that the result was inches long, and the easiest way to get a piece for use, was to use a really fine saw blade like a coping saw or wire saw, it looked for all the world like a flawless piece of quartz, as one solid, around 3/4-4/5ths of an inch in diameter vitreous-looking crystal chunk. Some of the best work ever done that one, both in terms of quality and the crystal itself.

And, whilst I have been single for quite some time now, when with a lady friend as a partner, and most of all, when I was with my first fiancee (the younger of the two times I've been engaged), making her so happy you'd know about it from her uncontainable expression of delight and stimmyness. Or both of us coming flying down the street with arms wide open like a pair of cannonballs into each other and squeezing for all we were worth. The look on her beautiful face, especially if we couldn't have met up for a while, and then had the chance, to see her as happy as I could make her, with a huge case of the warm that was something I'll never forget, ever. And the sight of her, us both again on an intercept course running like the hounds of hell were nipping at our heels, it was an electric feeling that I've rarely ever had from anyone else.

My stalker was like that too sometimes, miss T.

And whilst I've never dated her, conversation with kassiane/rettdevil. Theres just something about her that blows my head off. And not just looks, I mean, what inhabits the meat shell, I'll confess, I'm completely crazy about her. And she IS absolutely drop dead gorgeous searing hawt too. And when she had it up, her pro-ND rants at their most pyrophoric.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 04:52:33 AM by Lestat »
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Stuff that makes you ridiculously happy.
« Reply #50 on: January 24, 2017, 05:09:41 AM »
I know what wolfy means too with 'thing of things'

Tracking down that perfect combination of reagents for a long-wanted project, and/or finding a really, really neat catalytic system that ends up with near-quantitative yields of my target and with a minimal quantity of reagents. One of those 'holy SHIT that worked well' moments when you first realize that you just found the 'perfect storm' of systems to work with in order to accomplish the goal, with clinical atom-efficiency, and every step just clicks into place with absolute precision and without any incredibly expensive, incredibly difficult or damn dangerous steps, just, everything fallen into place and a red carpet rolled out for the arrival of both chemist and chemistry. What I think of as a   'silver platter moment', not just when its easy though, but especially when it HASN'T been, and its been hard worked out in theory, the steps have been tested, fine-tuning applied for every step, and an affordable or makeable without too many tears of blood shed to get that perfect , super-elegant catalytic system is in place.

Experiment during one particular knoevanagel nitroaldol condensation, with a substrate that will remain un-named, but when TETA (triethylenetetramine in GAA-glacial acetic acid was used for the amine base, the quality of the sought nitroalkene and its smooth workup, consisting of the byproducts being water soluble, so pouring the cooled reaction straight onto cracked ice in a bit of ice water, with just a touch of pumpkin-orange byproduct, which yielded perfectly to fine light translucent-yellow plates of the nitroalkene upon recrystallization from methanol after water washing with ice-cold H2O. Having used precisely the right quantity of the appropriate nitroparrafin and carbonyl substrate and hit on, for that substrate a really good catalyst. And from all the places, an epoxy resin kit as the hardener compound, after purification.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Stuff that makes you ridiculously happy.
« Reply #51 on: January 30, 2017, 01:19:13 PM »
What happened with T, Lestat?
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

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Re: Stuff that makes you ridiculously happy.
« Reply #52 on: January 30, 2017, 04:26:36 PM »
It wa her decision. She is just not enough of a people person. And I have my suspicions, although only suspicions that one of the last things she'd let me do is pay for her to come to my country, or for me to travel there, either. Because I wouldn't wish to take money from her pocket on travel. Plus two other reasons.

At the time, The Bitch From Hell was in the way, and no doubt lady T would rip her to shreds, and that malignant, noxious coprophagous gutterwhore borderline dirt made flesh did everything It could to get in our way. A nastier piece of work you could never hope not to meet. Or have anything to do with. Fucking BPD bitch from tartarus if ever there was one. I've known (not by voluntary association wherever possible_ some real nasty fucking pieces of work. Some violent thugs, and this creature was the worst of the lot. The most dangerous living thing I have EVER known or known of. And that includes people who've knifed kids, rapists, paedophiles and nastier creatures still, such as the likes of one particularly noxious creature who kicked his pregnant girlfriend down the stairs. Not a friend. Somebody I lacked the ability to avoid. And one other so vile that they had to end. A thug, god knows what else (ended up banged up, and hopefully never survived what came to him. Who, What and by who, I will not say. But lets just say. It is unwise to threaten an autie of high intellect with rape. (never comitted, and for that matter, never seen alive again to the best of my knowledge. I intend some day to pay a home visit and make sure that who did gave them what was coming to them successfully exterminated them.

The Bitch From Hell...she was even worse still. Sly, and extremely dangerous. If I ever see her again I wouldn't think twice about burying her alive with a stake through her spine to make sure she suffocates and has not the chance to claw her way out of her grave. Made two false (not known to be at the time since the first guy...well that one may not be false. And is known to be best friends with a paedophie and stalker of dead babies.) so The Bitch From Hell got the benefit of the doubt about the second claim. Claimed to be drugged and raped by someone who could not in hindsight, have raped his way out of a toilet tissue box with a tactical nuclear weapon. Someone I dislike, generally speaking, but that is the limit of my enmity towards him.

This male, when the claim was made, she first attempted to have shot. And when she failed, she tried (and failed) to bring a case to court, have him charged as a rapist. And as I said, this individual just doesn't have it in him. He couldn't rape a hole in a plastic bag with a sawn-off shotgun, in fact he'd probably shit himself and run if you handed him an unloaded shotgun and a pair of shells and told him how to use it at the thought of shooting a clay fucking pigeon. Bled him dry and when there was nothing more to bleed, conconcted a false rape claim against him after fucking him (voluntarily on both sides), went to the extent of giving a video interview and all. The CPS threw the case out because she had no more evidence than I have evidence of being next in line as the king of fucking england.

Eventually this particular bitch kicked my door in as I was getting dressed and said she had to wait a moment for something she wanted whilst I got out of bed and got dressed. Forced my door and attempted to carve me into dogmeat with a katana. A sword she bled out of the same poor bastard she maliciously of rape. Soon as he had nothing else to give, to The Bitch From Hell, he was trash and to be disposed of. She very nearly did get him killed as a result.

A liar, a thief, a psychotic, malicious cancer in vaguely mammalian borderline bitch and general utter scumbag. Even pulled a knife on a friend of mine when I went to visit and she was with me, merely because she accused him of coming too close to her. And he did nothing wrong, no provocation greater than his standing on his own doorstep. And she pulled a knife, threatened to stab the guy. That time, I nearly lost the guy as a friend, and for that matter, barely managed to save HER life (I didn't know what she was at the time).

I know of at least 3, possibly four others she's accused of rape as well. Her own family. Came on to me as well, tried to ensnare ME in a relationship, and when I refused, tried to just get me in bed. With the benefit of hindsight, I have little doubt indeed that had I done so, she would have done the exact same thing to me and accused ME of being a rapist. Only I never fucked her in the first place, consensually or otherwise.

Did everything in her malignant, malicious power to foul up my relationship with lady T. I should have run her through when I had the chance. That time she drew steel against me, I was forced to defend myself in kind. Instead of disarming her and knocking her to the deck, telling her to get fucked, turn her pockets out to make sure she had nothing stolen on me, I kicked her out. Caught her stealing money from my old man, caught her, after begging me to take her to church, rinsing the donations box. She had to go. But I really, honestly wish I'd killed her that day, rather than using the flat and rear of my sword and my fists. I should have shot her in the face, cut her up and dissolved her in acid. Or preferably just dissolved her in acid so as not to have wasted a bullet. I wouldn't have the least problem dissolving her alive, after cutting out her voicebox and burning her tongue out and duct-taping her big fucking gob so she couldn't scream. I wonder to this day, who she is currently leeching off, and how many more false rape claims or other, similar such false accusations of the innocent she has made. If I HAD killed her that time she tried to off me with her sword, I would have done humanity a great kindness.

I've a hunch, although not much more of one than a hunch that she tried poisoning me once, possibly twice. And after kicking her out and searching what used to be the room I allowed her to stay in and after, made a new lab, I found a load of things she'd stolen. Such as a bunch of my meds. I'd been wondering for ages why I was constantly going into opiate withdrawal. And when I looked under her bed, there was a pile of what equated to a year or so worth of stolen painkillers, tranqs, mushrooms and other things both rx and from my stash. She was allergic to all pain medication of the morphinan family, such as codeine, dihydrocodeine, hydrocodone, oxy, morphine etc. to the point it would kill her had she taken any. She took them not for herself or to sell, but to deprive me of them, so she could then use the resulting withdrawal as a tool for manipulating me, telling me, do whatever, and I'd get some of her meptazinol and she'd give me some temazepam, because oh, because of my crap memory, I must have forgotten and taken too many. I didn't. Fucking little serpent had been stealing them. After kicking her worthless arse out, I returned the favour, her valium and temazepam, as well as the painkillers, she didn't get them back. And I sincerely hope the doubtless result of grand-mal tonic-clonic seizures and horrific withdrawal from the benzos proved fatal.

So that foul parasite being around quite likely had something to do with it. Every time I managed to get some time alone to speak with lady T, the fucking whore from hell did everything she could to get in the way and ruin our quality time, and saying awful things of her as well. The kind of things that she is lucky I didn't kill her for the moment the words left her mouth.

The time that she threatened to knife that friend of mine, she got VERY lucky that I was there and able to pursuade him not to do what he was going to. Because he is both connected, and whilst a decent guy, The Bitch is lucky in the extreme that I was able to persuade him to let her live. If I'd not have been there, there is a 95% or greater chance that he would have either killed her himself or had her killed.

I am fairly damn sure that that fucking hell-shart ruined the relationship between myself and lady T. And that woman, I have only been so deeply in love once before. Yes, I've beem in relationships before, I've loved others. But never like that. The only other person, was the younger of my two former fiancees. And I have not seen her or been able to contact her for a long, long time. How old she was, and how old I was at the time, I am not prepared to say where others could read it, and to be honest, I am a little...well...even in elder's I'd still be hesitant somewhat. But those two girls, lady T was my second chance, a soulmate. The first time, with miss C, ever since, until getting to know T, C was the love of my life, and honestly, still is. I've never felt like a whole person since then, other than with lady T. And Since losing the latter, I have never been in a relationship since. I don't know as I ever will. I've been wanting to rejoin the group that C took me at (and she did. Applied steel toe caps to the knees/groin of somebody in the way, slammed me into a tree at paintball gun-point and stuck her tongue down my throat. Then introduced herself after more or less informing me I was hers. We were engaged within weeks. And I've never been happier. Or more devastated when that relationship ended (it was really complicated and I don't want to go into the details. Because not a day goes by when I don't think of her, and it still tears whats left of me to pieces. For a time, with lady T, I thought that life could be different. But it wasn't to be. Now? chances are I'll be single for the rest of my days. And I'm not interested in just meat-encounters, only serious relationships with someone I truly love. It will be that, or it will be nothing.

What makes me ridiculously happy? either miss C or lady T. I've never been happier than with C. Ever. There are only two, maybe three other people, that I know that I'd get with, and one, kassiane her name is,  I've not had the chance to speak to in way too long, and is a continent away. The others, one going by 'aliengirl' I daresay I've always had a thing for since when we were both on AFF, and the other, laura, I've known since my first secondary school. kanner's autie, cute as fuck. Been contemplating asking her out. I don't know if I can do it though. But I have always been completely crackers about her.

Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Stuff that makes you ridiculously happy.
« Reply #53 on: January 30, 2017, 05:06:42 PM »
I've never been together with a person I've really liked. I want it to be serious too, even marriage. Never kids.

Dating lots of people and having short mediocre relationships improved my confidence, though. It means I don't have that urge I did as a teen and having those "forever alone" feelings, cos it doesn't seem so far off. Yeh, I messed around a few people, but for years I couldn't feel anything. That changed my outlook, too.

But yeh, I can imagine having the greatest sex and loving relationship with someone I trust, who would be loyal, and they would be literal and analytical, just like me. He would be handsome, too. And smart, and fair, and amazing. And he would be the greatest thing in the world, and I would be the best thing in the world to him, and he will do anything for me. That would make me really, really happy.

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Re: Stuff that makes you ridiculously happy.
« Reply #54 on: January 30, 2017, 05:16:46 PM »
Caramel custard.

It looks like something Wolfish would have floating in a jar.  :zoinks:

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Re: Stuff that makes you ridiculously happy.
« Reply #55 on: January 30, 2017, 07:37:38 PM »
Caramel custard.

It looks like something Wolfish would have floating in a jar.  :zoinks:

  You should be floating in a jar.  :hahaha: :trollskull:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

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--- The Who, "Eminence Front"

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Re: Stuff that makes you ridiculously happy.
« Reply #56 on: January 30, 2017, 09:04:25 PM »
 :lol1:    :plus:

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Re: Stuff that makes you ridiculously happy.
« Reply #57 on: January 31, 2017, 04:12:54 AM »
Like Lestat, I too felt ridiculously happy when I thought me and GA entered into a relationship and then got married. In 2010 it all went awry when GA announced she felt better as Kayleigh. We split and I went to live with my parents at my mum's insistence. I was full-time at uni and I was finding that pretty hard so our split as well stressed me. I did have a week's stay in hospital with depression and had all my meds changed.

If Kayleigh hadn't wanted more out of our relationship than I was prepared to give, then we would probably still be together. At the moment we live together but have separate rooms. I still love her and I think I always will. She can so easily say the right thing to cheer me up whenever I am down. And we share a lot of interests.

I don't think I will ever seek another relationship. Being alone is easy.
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Re: Stuff that makes you ridiculously happy.
« Reply #58 on: January 31, 2017, 04:57:52 AM »
Ren, hun, yes, its easy, and many times I've thought the same mydrlg

Problem is, however, that usually, or at least, very often indeed, that which comes easily is worth much less than something hard fought for and hard won. Don't write yourself off, is what I am trying to say; because nobody ever claimed that relationships are all smooth sailing and perfect, or easy. They usually aren't. Its not always the case, but  usually.

But the right one, is worth it, IMO. Many, many times over.

And looking at that principle in reverse, I hope you don't mind my saying, and I'm not only saying this because you are damn hot, and you are, but if you ever do end up with someone, whoever it might be would have done really, really well for themselves, because, from what I can know of you through I2, you seem like a truly sweet, kickarse, and stand-up lady, who any man or woman would be lucky indeed to have. Your quite something, ren; and I've always got nothing but good vibes about you. And that pre-dates my seeing what you look like, and that  was before I saw that aspie death-stare of yours that sends a hot little shiver up my spine.     

There really aren't many people  I know that I would date these days. But if it were not for the distance, I would offer myself up in der augenblick               

As you come across as a smart, funny, sexy, decent-natured, bright and very attractive woman ren. And I have a confession to make. The thought of you being unhappy just made my heart sink, and my insides feel as though suddenly, they were made of lead.

*offers the renster a great big squeeze*                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline WolFish

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Re: Stuff that makes you ridiculously happy.
« Reply #59 on: January 31, 2017, 03:43:56 PM »
Like Lestat, I too felt ridiculously happy when I thought me and GA entered into a relationship and then got married. In 2010 it all went awry when GA announced she felt better as Kayleigh. We split and I went to live with my parents at my mum's insistence. I was full-time at uni and I was finding that pretty hard so our split as well stressed me. I did have a week's stay in hospital with depression and had all my meds changed.

If Kayleigh hadn't wanted more out of our relationship than I was prepared to give, then we would probably still be together. At the moment we live together but have separate rooms. I still love her and I think I always will. She can so easily say the right thing to cheer me up whenever I am down. And we share a lot of interests.

I don't think I will ever seek another relationship. Being alone is easy.
don't say that, it's like a curse. i said that after my last relationship and ended up with py.

...ok, so maybe not a curse...
Mark Twain: “Never argue with a [troll], onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”
