By 'used in anger', I was using a figure of speech. Suppose I shoulda known better than to do that in a forum by and for spazzes

I mean, in the sense of 'a blade drawn in anger', a metaphor, meaning, intending to use it to inflict physical harm upon another, as opposed to using it to clean your fingernails, sharpen your pencil, pick your nose and eat it, with cutlery

To use the term in context, I could say that while I am alright with the set of nunchaku I own. But I have never used them in anger. Meaning that I have never used them against another person.
And I agree. If I HAVE to fight, then I make no bones about it, I'll do whatever I must to cripple the assailant in such a way that they either cannot stand, end up in hospital, or dead if needs be. Quickly, efficiently and ruthlessly.
I'd sooner not have to in the first place. But neither will I take any shit as the price of avoiding things getting physical, I won't be walked over like a doormat either. But if some pikey tosser wants to start shit just to be a 'nob 'ead (as they'd say it, and probably try to spell it too, if they are able to write and read

), then if they end up with their arms broken, kneecaps kicked through sideways and repeatedly stamped on, then they shouldn't have tried to harm me or take what belongs rightfully to me.
And as for anyone hurting a loved one...then all the above merciful treatment goes right out the window. There are no limits then, all bets are off and if they wish to live, they better run like hell. Because that is one thing I will NOT stand for. Nor will I stand for people tormenting those who are obviously vulnerable, or who are spesh, either. Just isn't something I'm prepared to put up with. Don't like bullies, never have, never will. And I like those who pick on spesh people even less.