The math is weird - I guess they mean 355 incidents this year, with at least 4 dead in each.
It would be interesting to see how many of these folks were not one of the profiled groups. Unfortunately it appear that as in 9/11, I fit the appearance of a profiled group.
Because my parents lied about our ethnicity for so long, I always think my skin color is darker than it is. I was reminded of this yesterday when I got to my hospital appointment and a woman who was holding the shortcut door for everyone purposely closed it when she saw me coming. She pretended that it was a mistake, but you have to lean hard on the door to close it. It closes slowly for gimpy guys like me. Luckily the maintenance guy was right behind me and opened it again.
I thought that she must think that I was some homeless illegal immigrant (I had a full backpack) but my phlebotomist had a better idea. She said the woman probably thought I was a Syrian with a bomb in my backpack. I told her I was sorry for the woman. I told the nurse imagine what that woman's karma* will be, that she closed the door on a sick, disabled hospital patient - she closed the door to the hospital. I sure wouldn't want to be her the next few days. The sad part is that I briefly considered how I could carry something less profile-able. But my backpack has 11 pockets. Can't give it up.
*I am a person of mixed spiritualities. I've seen kismet work almost immediately in my case. Works better to call it karma.