I'm going to give it another go, addressing one by one.
I consider myself a Unitarian Universalist for the most part (I say for the most part because I'm against late-term abortion and most euthanasia); do you think that's about right?
1. All is saved forever in every way.
Conservation of energy and such, OK, will go with that maybe. Though, what about soundwaves, they can completely extinct one another, in specific cases.
2. Everything that happens is good for you.
Bullshit. Told a lot by fundies, believing in a deity planning their lives, or fundies absolutely convinced they chose this specific life themselves to grow. It was used by people keeping their slaves or unpaid/barely paid workers. Not everything in life is good for you. But there are people able to find the good that happens with the bad, and enjoy that. That is something different. Cancer may bring a family closer together. Does not make the cancer a good thing. It shows that this particular family has the power to deal with the negative in a positive way.
3. All the dead are happy.
Why are they? Why is happy the ultimate goal? Why is it important to have thoughts on life after death?
4. Staying alive makes you happier faster after you’re dead.
After your explanation it still makes no sense to me. Probably because of the happy after death thing. That your problems will go with you, yes, in most cases they will, in some way. Suicide will not stop because of thinking there may be a new life. Could in that theory be a new start, clean slate.
5. We forget our pre-birth memories because we are concentrating on our mission.
What is the mission? For me the mission is living here and now. The past and the future are present in what I know to be my history, and on the actions I make today that could influence tomorrow. But there is no clear future, and the past is seen through my eyes, so very personalised.
6. God knows everything. If you are the only one that knows something, God knows it, because you are part of God. God is everything. Everything is connected.
This may be the first rule I recognise as something spiritual. The notion that all is connected. For some, this is God.
7. Everything is happy in the end forever.
Again, why the focus on the happy? And what do you mean by happy?
8. Everything has always been alive.
A matter of definition.
9. Nothing comes from or goes to nothing.
See at rule number 1.
10. Everything is always conscious somewhere.
This planet will not be destroyed. It is needed to teach us about evil, and the situation on it is as evil as things can get.
See Zegh.
There is infinite matter.
2Everything has already met everything else before, infinite times, forever. Including memories. And it will continue that way forever.
This is a belief statement. Neither wrong or false, may give you comfort.
We can choose to believe that all the bad that had to happen to us already happened.
I don't get this one. Don't get it at all. Is it connected with rule @
We will all be together forever in the end.
Giant black hole? If that sounds too cynical; What do you mean with being together? Why would it give me comfort now? And in what will it differ from everything already being connected as in rule 6?
Ana, can you elaborate on one of the rules, and explain how it helps you get through your days in life? How does it comfort you?