At home, I can turn around in my driveway, but when parking, I ALWAYS pull in. I just can't reverse into small spaces. I don't like reversing at all
Funny, I can't pull in. Parallel parking, OK. Backing in, fine. Pulling in, hell no.
Even the thought of parallel parking gives me the shivers
Don't think I've tried it since I passed my test. I would rather drive around in circles all day, than attempt any tricky reverse manoeuvre. If I have someone else in my car, I'll often get out, and make them do it for me.
When I think about it, I really am pretty crappy at driving cars. Bikes are so much more awesome, because you don't have to reverse, and you don't have to judge space.
Bicycle or motorbike?
For both you still have to judge space. But parking is a lot easier, especially for a bicycle.
Driving a bicycle during rush hour in a city in the Netherlands makes that you have to be able to judge space.
Motorbike and scooter.
In cars, I always have trouble judging distances on the passenger side. I'm never really sure if I've got enough space to squeeze through a gap. It's got worse now that I'm driving on the wrong side of the road.
On a bike, I am in the middle, if that makes sense
If I have around half a meter free space on each side of my body, then I know I can fit through the gap.
I've rarely misjudged a space on a bike, but in every car I've had, the passenger wing mirror has took a hell of a beating