One time I kept mis-reading a sentence in a game, so that the word "Pub" sounded like a person being refered to. Despite correcting myself each time, I begun to imagine that there was a person named Pub around, that I had to look for.
Then I thought.. Pub isn't such a bad name, like, short male name, Bob, Pub and Bill
It wasn't pot though was it? I am thinking really concentrated hash, and you were passing the joint around to Bob, Pub and Bill, to toke on....yet you were the only one there.
Sounds like quite the experience.
Are you gonna follow me around now?
Go ahead, follow me around!
So... I take it you never tried weed, you have probably not even seen it. What's the matter, are you afraid of getting in trouble? Or did you simply never meet enough people to come across weed?
You're like 60 no? I mean, in all that time... not once? My bet is on scared. Scared of weed 
Maybe if you touch it, the "concentrated hash" will seep through your skin, and give you hallucination-addictions! :o
No I just like the image. You in a cloud of smoke, eyes like slits and red as Hell, saying "Bob....Bill...Pub. Pub? Why is no-one called Pub? Hey Pub you take a drag and give it to Bill..."
I found the image funny. Its okay dude. Don't be offended. Carry on talking about Pub.
You remind me of those old people who try to refer to that "hippity-hop-music!"
Also, it's cute to see you use the same "tactics" as Buttplug, like the "you are upset, because I say you are" thing. Is this really the best you can do?
I have guessed that your idiotic mysogynistic obsessions come from your aspie inability to even keep a wife, and all you got is my weed-smoking, a habit that I actually enjoy?
I mean... you'd mock Tiger Woods for playing golf? You have absolutely nothing, and it's been like 2 weeks... and you're still trying too.
Suggestion! Make a call-out!
Which old people? The old people you made up for the example? Oh...those guys!
You guess a lot of things and and state a lot of bullshit as fact. It is trying to control the narrative. You are pretty bad at it.
But let's go at what you said here for shits and giggles.
My inability to keep a wife? What the Hell that means it you I don't know? I would assume that being that I was only married once and that like many on here and 50%+ of all marriages in Western Countries end in divorce, that suggesting I was divorced once is not the direction you want to take this.
Misogynistic Obsessions? Again, this possibly means something in your drug-addled brain other than what it means in reality.
Misogyny is the Hatred of females as a gender. I don't hate females. Some of the nearest and dearest people in my life are females, including my own daughter, that I have written about in glowing terms and who came to live with me AGAINST the fact that I am neither as rich as her mother, nor the same gender nor the same neurotype. Yet she chose me.
Obsession? Fuck knows what you mean here either?
As to the Tiger Woods metaphor? This will be fun.
Tiger Woods plays Golf as a career and you smoke pot THAT your job? Pot smoker? No, what IS your job?
Hang on just a moment
Criticising my making fun of you for smoking pot, not being married anymore and likening smoking pot to Tiger Woods playing Golf. Saying how "Aspie" I am and how it fails me.
Projection from a Stoner who is not married, never will be, and probably not going to get a job either. How fucking Aspie are you? Aspie enough to be holed up in your room, internet at the ready, no social life, no commitments, no job, plenty of pot to get you through a your failure of a day.
You have the cheek to point fingers? Priceless.