A theme of what I say about this is that symbols mean different things to different people. I am sure that some people in the South especially will strongly identify a lot of strong and very real emotions and values with the Confederate flag. Values like Independence, Libertarian and anti-Authoritarian sentiments, sacrifice, rebellion and courage. Some will see the flag and associate slavery.
Well. About the same time as Black Africans were getting transported to the Americas; in chains, on long voyages in unsanitary conditions (from which many died) and across half a world away (far from anywhere that they knew), to a where they were unpaid and indentured and worked brutally, to build up that continent's infrastructure...there was another group of people that; were getting transported to Australia; in chains, on long voyages in unsanitary conditions (from which many died) and across half a world away (far from anywhere that they knew), to a where they were unpaid and indentured and worked brutally, to build up that continent's infrastructure.
As an Australian I do not hate the British, nor do I wave my fist at the union Jack, nor get triggered, nor rip down said flags where I see them.
I do not do this because I am a reasonable, sane, rational person and I see that everyone has their own opinions. Sometimes I will get exposed to things I do not like and that is MY burden to bear, not anyone else's.