NOPE not convinced yet, kittenmeat, try again! Explain further! Divulge! Show examples! Let the will to prove yourself FLOW through you!
I often wonder how many General Lee's they went through over the course of the Dukes of Hazard series.
Yes THAT is MY association with the Confederate Flag. Makes me (no doubt) a treasonous, slave loving, racist and God knows what other culturally insensitive things. 
Blowing up, wrecking, trashing really cool cars is one of the things that Hollywood does best.
(disgusts me, mostly, but HEY it is a movie or some shit, so let us find more really awesome things we can fuck up and catch it all on camera)
loving or holding really has nothing to do with the image of the rebel flag, do not be distracted.
Treason, however, well, this was their flag. You know what? They even printed their own bank notes, which are worthless except as historical curiosities.
As a man, brought up in the south of the almighty USA, I do not think of displaying a "Rebel flag" as anything more than an attempt by some few lost souls to keep some part of ancient history alive and, in some cases, remind everyone that, when it is time to "stand up to a powerful enemy, " as all Americans have always done, those Southern souls did so, despite the fact that it was their own government that was attacking them.
Now, I believe that the Civil War in the USA is over and done with. As Americans we ALL won our civil war. President Lincoln managed to preserve the Union between the states, despite his flexing of Executive powers for commanding that some of the states rally to the aid of others, attempting to secede from the union.
The re-writing of history, making the Rebel flag a sign of oppression of blacks and a symbol of white supremacy is some new thing that has happened since the seventies.
As my being student of history might suggest, can you guess my reaction when encountering a Union Jack? Yes, I have a restrained loathing for the British. Not only did we as Americans have to tell the horrific empire to fuck off and GO die in war, more than once (!!!!!!!!!), BY THE WAY, we suffered from their legacy of slavery for another eighty years before we finally banned slavery from our shores, then another hundred years before "some" began to accept "freed slaves" as citizens.
While we may all be guilty of treasonous acts, one of the images I despise (you should be able to understand) is this: