From the view within Islam, the Saudi clerics and govt have been waaaaaaaay out of line for a long time...the brutality, control, and backwards ideologies supported by them are AGAINST Islam as it was practiced pre-state in Medina, as it evolved over time and places, and adapted around the world. The Saudi officials oppress their own people, support violent terrorism based organisations...but the really nasty fact is, they have tons and tons of money which funds propaganda, "missionaries" to other continents, publishing (censoring) companies, and control of pilgrimage access. They destroy sacred areas and graves in Saudi Arabia, omit historically significant pages of books, and teach a version of "Islam" that encourages people to devalue diverse schools of thought and differences in interpretation (a tradition of learning which is much more liberal, flexible in practice, and mystically geared). They effectively change history and try to claim/make Islam into a homogenous judgment- like some kind of nazi fascist interpretation of spiritual proportions. They are at the center of what westerners refer to as radicalisation. Yet, because of their political position they are rarely scrutinised by powerful governments in the world...who incidentally play right into Saudi propaganda by making belligerent political and military decisions and statements without directly challenging that major source of corruption. Our gov'ts will profile ISIS operatives, but they rarely profile Saudi officials...they will demonise "radicalised" youth, but rarely investigate the source of their material (the schools the teachers learn in, the publishers, the form of Islam being preached). They run after pawns and steer clear of the Kings....and they will lose because of it.
They should seriously consider divesting out of OPEC, and start focusing on renewable energy and local businesses. Its smarter in terms of policy, military tactical advantage, environment, employment, economy, international relations. Then they can feel free to criticise the Saud govt without fearing they will lose access to oil.