
Author Topic: Alright then, Sky. You had this coming, so get your ass in here.  (Read 2348 times)

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Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: Alright then, Sky. You had this coming, so get your ass in here.
« Reply #30 on: September 02, 2013, 08:17:26 PM »
Yo yo yo. McJizzle up in tha hizzle.

Back in the day, only carnies and prisoners knew how to tizalk the shizit. My husband and I used it as our secret language around the children for years, until the hip-hop rappers ruined it and all. :laugh:

Yeah, and sagging actually was an indication of being willing to be fucked in the ass in prison. Forizzle.

But that's a new one to me. Carnies talked that way?

From what I've heard, yes. Maybe some carnies have been in prison. lol. Carnies and convicts have a few code languages. There's one with a lot of m's; can't remember exactly at the moment.

I've never heard this. Very interesting. To be honest I never gave much thought to carny culture before. Didn't even think there was a culture to it. I just thought it was a job.
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Offline Jack

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Re: Alright then, Sky. You had this coming, so get your ass in here.
« Reply #31 on: September 02, 2013, 08:21:07 PM »
They live on the road together, like a gypsy culture. Maybe not so much these days, but yes, back when.