I do stand for clear right and wrong, but on the other hand you can call me everything under the sun for having standards and it won't matter because I don't measure my worth by the world and what they say but by what God says about me.
I've lost friends over the standards I live by (not just talk about) and it's fine by me, their loss...Without God's grace, I'm nothing I am standing, living breathing because of the great love of a creator that just rocks my socks off...
The things that are not understood via the old testament for example, God picking the younger siblings over the older ones? I kind of get a laugh out of that one. God asking not for burnt offerings no really if you read His Heart it is for the hearts of people, for lives devoted to Him...
It's man that messed things up, we had it all in the garden it was a bit like heavenly welfare if you will...they didn't know what they had until it was lost...Haven't looked at it this way until recently and actually asking God (yea He does answer and sometimes the answers are a laugh)
What is the price of sin? death. (spiritual death and physical) OK. Check it...
The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father of the son. The righteousness of the one in right standing (they choose to make the choices to remain in right standing to the best of their ability) and the wickedness upon the wicked one. If the wicked man turns from all his sins and accepts My statutes and does what is lawful and right in my sight he shall surely live, and shall not die.
Yet the house of Israel says, the way of the Lord is not fair. O house of Israel, is it not My ways which are fair, and your ways which are not fair? Therefore I will judge you oh house of Isreal, every one acording to his ways," say the Lord your God.
Here is God's heart: Repent and turn from all your transgressions, so that iniquity will not be your ruin. Cast away from you all the transgressions you have committed, and get yourselves a new heart, and a new spirit. (as in choose to do the right thing people)
For why should you die, oh house of Israel? (yea uh why isn't it better to turn and live?) "For I have no pleasure in the death of one who dies." says the Lord your God. Therefore turn and live!" Ezekiel 18:20-23:30-32
Pretty obvious what God's intent was, God didn't want robotic love from humans He wanted (and still wants) actual choice of 'Hey God, I've messed up take these broken pieces because it's all I have but I'm trusting you to lead and guide me.' In the case of many through out the entire Bible from the Old to the New and still to this day, those that are sons and daughters of the Most High those that don't just profess to be but actually live it, you can sense it when you are around them something different.
To those that choose to live the higher standard by Grace now under the New Covenant it is by Grace God's Grace that I stand and by no other. It's only by His Extravagant Love that while I was still in sin, pretty much giving God the middle finger (why lie to you guys, God or myself?) When I was cutting my skin open and not giving a crap about how it tore my family apart looking for acceptance in the wrong places and wondering why I wasn't 'accepted' when I already have been by God...
In short playing in the enemies sand box of outright evil and not playing in God's and wondering why the heck I was so filthy with the enemy's lies...(duh Hannah)
I make no bones about being in love with God getting dirty for Him, as in rolling up sleeves to assist others because I want to, there is joy in the journey and in the work I do everything as unto God! There is a reason it's called a peace that passes understanding, it's because it is...

I'm justified by the faith I have in who Jesus is was and is forever as do those that walk in the faith of God...
The substance of the things I hope for (In my minds eye I see them and know them to be true as I speak the truth daily) for example when I was fighting to overcome cutting it was hard as hell...quiet literately...so my hope of by God by the Grace He has damn it! I'm going to stop this nonsense the substance was the end result of now that then I was striving and struggling for...
So faith is the substance of something hoped for and the evidence of things not seen...Again not seeing the end result but believing it anyways 200 percent (you know our autie gumption, that hell or high water 'ness' we have once we get a bit between our teeth) Clinging onto the garments of God like my life depended on it (because it did)
That is the best way I can describe the faith I have and the Jesus I serve willingly, I've been even mocked by some in other churches but it's not about the buildings or the people in them...I have my home in God I'm steady in the One who is the rock of my salvation...I'm liberated from the opinions and stances of others, because they don't pin me down...God's perfect Love drowns all that out as I choose to tune into God and what is on His heart and am deaf to ridicule of others...
I do share with others God's love when they ask and when I feel lead or the subject comes up...it says to use digression in many areas of the Bible, and I do...Yet there are times when it's obvious where the line is if that makes sense which side do I stand on...The side of God's Truth Justice and Mercy Period...I love what God loves and hate what He hates...I run to God and away from the world, but I'm in the world shining the Light of God's love for people out to others so that just walking by something different is sensed, this is what is meant by being in the world but not of it...
Hope this helps clarify...love ya'll