I think you'll burn in hell.
Just kidding lol...Odeon is too kind for "hell"...unless its the cool hell.

The truth is- no one knows what happens when we die...or if we can experience anything. Right now I am wondering if we are constantly dying, stepping into parallel universes every time a moment passes...that in another dimension I am dead, and still other people are dead, and others who are dead here are alive there, and everything plays out in infinite combinations, with infinite possibilities.
Life ain't about knowing...if anything, thats what the Bible teaches- not to pick from the tree of knowledge right? That just expresses a truth in so many words, that we can't be certain about many things, and we can't live our lives as if we are...because if we do, we risk missing something important.
We are born and then we begin making many relationships...first with our guardians, then with playmates, then with booty calls, then with in-laws, then with kids, maybe... anyways, we are constantly making relationships...expanding like the universe...and those are based on respect, love, appreciation, compassion...and based on need and interdependence...and then we die leaving behind our dna or our emotional impression on something.
Our lives are together...and so if you have something to contribute, as far as I am concerned, you are my brother, and I would be glad to hear whatever you say.
What do I believe? Beliefs are changing...the only thing that doesn't change is what is important. if there is such a changeless thing, i don't care how people call it, express it, understand it, explore it...its all good in the family.