I think it sucks when people I like have decided to leave here (Loupgarou I'm thinking of you, wherever you are) because of the anti-spiritual sentiment. But now that I think about it I've never gone on a crusade against people here who have blasted spirituality, in the way that I have against people who have done other things I've found unethical.
I think it's because I'm not sure either, how sensitive it's best to be towards religion.
I do know that I don't want to be predictable, and I reserve the right to go off on anyone I choose. I like it better when it's someone who presents a challenge.
Yes, I miss her too.
I'm raised Calvinist, the European way. And I've seen what it can do for good, and for bad. It is part of me, and I will not let that go. I cherish what it gives me. A reference language to be able to express some of my spirituality.
Whether there is an afterlife or not is of no importance. The only thing I can act on and be in is here and now.
There's a fair bit of heathen in me too. (As one of my church-history teachers used to tell me specifically). Bits of ancient lore and habits are as much part of me as Calvinism is. There are some atheist Calvinists who are appealing for me.
Am I more sensitive about religion than about other things? There are some things I am not sensitive about at all, there are things I am sensitive about. Spirituality probably is part of things I am more sensitive about, because it is important to me.
But it depends on what it is.
What QV said, if someone expresses a greeting or blessing clearly coloured by their faith, it is not something to frown upon. It's part of who this person is, it's OK.
If someone tells me how he or she gets through life, because of faith, comfort or courage stemming from religion, I have no problems with it at all. Can be really interesting and beautiful.
If someone tells me what has been intended, and what is the reason why something is happening to me, or someone else, I will react. People able to identify divine punishment for other people will get my reaction.
If I find people I care about troubling themselves, and making their life harder by unhealthy religious pressure on top of their problems, I will react too. I will try to gently debunk their self-deprecating religious reason. Try to bend it, in what it should be; helpful, getting them through their life.