You'll need to make a full report once it's over.
Also about the shopping. 

Goodness, are you expecting him to *shop*? 
Dear God , the shopping . Between my daughter and I, one of us really enjoyed it.
Taxis were not arriving and I got the shits and walked the 3-4 kms.
With much trepidation I rocked in and was very quiet and introverted until the third drink or so. Then I was a lot more animated. The guys and girls were mainly geek and mainly young and mainly male BUT a number of older crew, a number of females, a number of non-geeks and a number of people that weren't white .
I had/have no interest in games, and eyes would glaze over a bit.
It was and is interesting talking about Gamergate. I tend to be a slight bit more hardcore than them. I would be quite happy not to cut the SJWS and their corrupt and lying megaphones in the gaming press an even break and not give them an out. They area bit more forgiving.
One such journalist and head of a smaller site Gameranx, has fallen on his sword and profusely apologised and has started to oppose his old friends ridiculous tweets.
I think anyone that takes 9 months to see the light is either stupid or dishonest and desperate.
Made fir interesting talking points did not talk to all the 35 of them but did talkvwith a number of them. Drank a truckload of bourbon. Finished at about 5pm.