They keep trying to recruit me, and I'm 51,but, thats only because they need medical personnel BADLY. My Pharmacist wife gets recruitment letters as well. And she has a fused ankle from a car crash long ago!
Strange. Couldn't they pay medical personnel better, so that they didn't have to hunt them like that? 
We're talking about the US military bureaucracy here, which is not all that diifferent from any military bureaucracy in any country. Eventually you have all these generals and officers, parading around in their heavily medalled uniforms, going harumph harumph, eating well, living in luxury, while your common soldier, who puts his/her life on the line and his/her family are living in poverty can't make ends meet! Our government is spending trillions on a missile defense system that is irrelevant and doesn't work, while our honored veterans are having their benefits cut and soldiers coming home are NOT getting the psychological services they need to make the transition back to civilian life or the medical treatments they need to recover from their injuries. They couldn't pay me or my wife enough money to suffer having to deal with the moronic bureaucracy that the US military is now. As it is now the doctors they attract now are med school failures or immigrants from other countries med schools. True there may be some real medical personnel who have hearts and brains, but, they are subject to a system that doesn't give a rats ass about ethics, integrity or honor, just social climbing, ass kissing and obedience to mind numbing assinine rules!
I spent one year in Army ROTC in my freshman year of college and that was the worst year of my life. I called my student commanding officer an asshole and left and never went back!