She is nearly 80, and she is a very energetic lady. She had a couple of really rough years, postponing needed surgery, because of the need to take care of my dying dad, but she's had her operations and is getting back more and more to her very energetic self. The weird seizure thing, horrid periods and some rheumatic pains is the only long lasting problems I know of her. All the other things that came later have clear causes.
Her seizures are triggered by anxiety and pain, mainly, but there are out of the blue seizures too. Seldom, but they do happen.
Interesting. My mum is 83, and is still a bleedin' whirlwhind. I've often noticed that ADD types like myself have these highly energetic types in their families, as if some members got more than their fair share of the family energy ration. Well, there might actually be an explanation for that. It might not be pure coincidence.
My Mum is also the type who proclaiims herself "fit as afiddle" "Never had a day's illness in my llife" But it's not actually true.
She also suffers asthma, like me, for one thing.
Her thyroid gland is not just underactive, but dead. (under treatment now, though, ofc) for one other thing
She also has a shitload of drug iintolerances, like me. Like me, she has allergic reactions to some antibiotics, and the rest wash her out completely and leave her drained of energy for a couple of weeks or so.
I think I said that MD can affect different generations (or siblings) very differently ? And with widely different severity. Well I think my Mum and I are probably a case in point. All the above can be attributed to MD, but there the similarity ends.
Mum has high blood pressure(not surpringly, hmm? ) I have low blood pressure. Both extemes can be due to MD. My Mums BP is so high that she ought to be dead. But it's always been like that. She says it's naturally high, and not a problem. She feels really ill, if the doctors ever manage to bring it down to within a normal range. Amazingly, her doctors have recently agreed with her about this, and told her it must be genetic.
Again, not surpringly, My Mum had to be hospitalised for a fortnight with pre-eclempsia when she was carrying me. However, she was fine, whilst carrying my little sister. A mother who is carrying an MD-affected foetus (whether she has MD herself or not) is at high risk of developing pre-eclempsia. IIRC, they now test the baby for MD, once it's born, in these cases.
Both she and my sister now suffer from vertigo, at erratic intervals. Another possible MD symptom. (And my sister is the whirwind type too

). My sister also suffers from salicyliate intolerence ( which is also linked with MD) . Thankfully , I don't. or else there's be nothing left that i can safely eat

Some forms of MD are passed on entirely through the mother. However there's a load of stuff on my Dad's side too (he was the Aspie/ADD type, thank goodness) to suggest that it comes from both sides in my case.
*phew* Enough for now. I'll carry on replying later.