The way I see the SJW thing is that it is simply a product of a number of cultural forces.
In days gone by, there was a driving need for practicalities, traditionalism, work ethic, being stoic, strong, conservative, tough and self-sustaining. These types of attributes served the society well and whilst they may be considered "right wing" were actually held by people of all political flavours. It was just what was valued in society and what society needed in times of hardship.
In "fatter" times. People (as a society or culture) get morally lazier. Their ability to be self-sustaining or tough or stoic, wains. They become vulnerable and weak. The society becomes reliant on outrage and victim cultures. People are drives to acting PC not to enrage the sensitives tulips among us.
Unfortunately, once you start marching down such a path, you find that what upsets you may not be upsetting someone else and visa versa. So the bar is set to rest at the lowest denominator.
At work I frequently have to carry very heavy items. (No complaints. I have dropped a lot of weight and put on a Hell of a lot of muscle.) BUT I have been frequently told that in doing so I break the rules because according to the guidelines, I must lift no more than what the weakest person could comfortably carry.
It is all counter productive.
It is this mentality. Once you get a lot of people playing the victim olympics, you are setting yourself up for a fall.
People need to have a bit of ticker. A sense of self and agency.
I am a single Dad now. (I can finally call myself that). My daughter is not a Feminist. I am teaching her agency and self-esteem. She will never be in a position where she is blindsided by Feminism. She is smart and aware of identity politics She will never be anyone's victim.