Borderline Personality Disorder suffers from stigma. Within the mental health system. I have heard a patient say about another patient, "Stay away from her, she has BPD."
Takes ages to get any treatment for it. I was on a list to get DBT or schema therapy. I went to the preliminary interview back in April and haven't heard anything since. And stupid me lost their number. I heard through my uni tutor that the treatment has already started. Sucks to be me.
Turned out I didn't have borderline PD in the end anyway. Had a long test about personality disorders (the SCID?) and it came up with schizoid PD. I haven't known of any stigma against that.
Apparently with schizotypic all flags are raised though. 
I don't get the stigmatisation.
Some will say that those on the schizoid spectrum are supposed to have a higher risk for criminal activity...and can make some of the most dangerous criminals.
High on that spectrum myself, so I have seen the stigma.
Basically if they find out you're a loner...their next question is: "do you own any firearms?"

Son's Dr. told us to avoid ever using the word "anti-social" if asked about how he or I relate to people/peers and just go with the "social anxiety/can't relate to" phrases. Raises too many red flags these days.