Unfortunately the website I saw the image on has programmed it so that I can't simply copy the URL or save the image to my computer. That's probably for the best though as every time I look at it I want to punch something.
I look at people doing stupid stuff. It can be pretty funny sometimes and it makes me feel better about my own intelligence. Seeing as how social networking is practically a hive for stupid people, this article seemed harmless by it's title, even if I don't normally use the site.
The link is full of disgusting wastes of oxygen, but I'm talking about one post/image in particular:
http://www.collegehumor.com/post/7008949/15-people-who-shared-way-too-much-information-with-the-internet/page:3It's number 11, at the top of the page.
Do I even need to say what makes this wrong? Do I need to tell you why it's not okay? Maybe not but I'll do it anyway because I need to vent. As I'm autistic, I have to have things organized so I'll make a fucking list about how this is not okay.
1) The oxygen-wasters are celebrating a miscarriage. They are even considering "going out for drinks". Any sane, rational human being wouldn't need drinks after a miscarriage. They'd need fucking therapy! I don't know people personally who've had a miscarriage, but I do know people personally who did lose a child.
It was a nasty accident so I'll spare the details. The fact is, these people (great people) are still broken up about it to this day. As far as I'm aware, both are getting therapy. I don't know for sure as I haven't seen them in a while.
WHEN YOU LOSE A CHILD YOU DON'T FUCKING CELEBRATE The fact of the matter is, these oxygen-wasters are not sane, rational human beings. They are monsters. Anyone who celebrates the death of a child is a monster.
Fuck, anyone who kills a child is a monster. I mean an actual child by the way, not a foetus. That doesn't count.
2) "RIP Mariah tho"
What the actual fuck? It's one thing to celebrate the death of a child, it's another to toss that life aside as if it's nothing. There is one reply saying "sorry bout your baby" then they move on to drinks and "
WHOO PARTY A CHILD'S DEAD!"Yes I'm well aware that no one said that, but they might as well be saying it.
3) "Just hmn"
What the hell does that even mean? Not only have they celebrated the death of a child, but they've practically murdered the English language.
ENGLISH MOTHERFUCKER, DO YOU SPEAK IT?But wait, there might be a silver lining. "A silver lining, Some_Bloke these cunts are celebrating a miscarriage, where is the silver lining?"
Well, considering what a horrific oxygen-waster the person who celebrated a miscarriage is, I'd say it's probably better for the child to die as a result of miscarriage than to be raised by such a monster. Then again, child services would probably take the child away and place it in foster care or something.
My faith in humanity died a long time ago so I'm not surprised by these oxygen-wasters but I am disgusted.