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2014 retrospective.

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Al Swearegen:
PPK left  :(

#Gamergate started.

McJagger came back.

I had a callout with him

He left when we hit 1 million views or something.

McJagger and the millions posts was 2013.

Al Swearegen:
You sure? You could be. He said to me he would stay until the million views. I recall him leaving soon after. We have the callout earlier in 2014??
I dunno, you could be right. I am old and my brain doesn't work well.


--- Quote from: Al Swearengen on January 10, 2015, 07:31:21 AM ---You sure? You could be. He said to me he would stay until the million views. I recall him leaving soon after. We have the callout earlier in 2014??
I dunno, you could be right. I am old and my brain doesn't work well.

--- End quote ---
Yes, was also going to submit the million posts accomplishment, but upon looking realized it was at the end of 2013. Don't even remember the call out, but on looking it was also toward the end of 2013.

Al Swearegen:
There we go. Brain doesn't work.


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