Author Topic: Why can't men's rights advocates do their thing without opposition to feminists?  (Read 964 times)

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Offline RageBeoulve

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« Last Edit: January 08, 2015, 04:39:14 PM by RageBeoulve »
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline Yuri Bezmenov

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Correction:  Why can't men's rights advocates do their thing without opposition from feminists?

fixed.   8)

Offline Pyraxis

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More videos with no articles, info or transcripts. Fuck this.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

Offline RageBeoulve

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More videos with no articles, info or transcripts. Fuck this.

Sources are in the lowbar.
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline RageBeoulve

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Correction:  Why can't men's rights advocates do their thing without opposition from feminists?

fixed.   8)

That does seem to be the end point, eh?  :zoinks:
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline Dexter Morgan

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Are you really an MRA, or just anti-feminist?

Offline RageBeoulve

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Are you really an MRA, or just anti-feminist?

Neither. I sympathize with the plight of these fellows, yet disagree with their path. They are attempting to play within the system that already exists, in a similar neo-Marxist fashion to modern feminists.

No good can really come of this.
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline Yuri Bezmenov

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Are you really an MRA, or just anti-feminist?

Neither. I sympathize with the plight of these fellows, yet disagree with their path. They are attempting to play within the system that already exists, in a similar neo-Marxist fashion to modern feminists.

No good can really come of this.

Do you have a better approach??

Offline RageBeoulve

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Are you really an MRA, or just anti-feminist?

Neither. I sympathize with the plight of these fellows, yet disagree with their path. They are attempting to play within the system that already exists, in a similar neo-Marxist fashion to modern feminists.

No good can really come of this.

Do you have a better approach??

A new system. I personally tire of the endless bickering, the harmful hiveminds, the establishment of coercion.

Don't get me wrong, there are good people advocating all these things. Feminism itself is not inherently evil, but the ideology as an establishment had become borglike and has taken on a personality of it's own(which I am sure you are familiar with).

MRAs have not really become an ideology as such yet, but I do not really think that they are immune to the patterns that have taken hold in other civil rights movements.

I really do see a "rape culture", but it has nothing to do with sex or any other aspect of individual identity. It is something which has always been really hard to point at. Its a tribal, forceful, domineering aspect of these kinds of established ideas.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2015, 07:54:11 PM by RageBeoulve »
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline Yuri Bezmenov

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What new system??

You only talk about the problem, which is well known.

Offline RageBeoulve

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What new system??

You only talk about the problem, which is well known.

I was asked if I was a proponent of one of these groups, and I said no and gave my reasons. You asked me if I had a better approach, and I believe a unified system without all the Marxism would suffice. I'm likely not going to suddenly lead such a system right out of this thread or anything, because I myself am not a leader.

I'm willing to talk about it though, if that's -okay-.  :zoinks: Hahaha
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline RageBeoulve

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In case there are people who hate youtube and don't want to go to the man's lowbar for his sources, i'll paste them here.

Re: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0jk1...

VarmitCoyote asks me a couple of questions. He is waiting to get his internet connection back in his home for a Skype conversation with me.

I only answer one of his questions because I would prefer to address the other in the Skype vid.

I can advocate men's issues without attacking anyone. I wish I did not have to fight at all, but this is politics.

I do not attack women, just feminism. The two are very different. It's okay to distrust an ideology that does not do what it says it does.

Feminism is institutionalized in journalism, education and government. It is impossible to not deal with feminism. People like myself face opposition from feminism even if we are good citizens.

"Not all feminists are like that?" And? Who cares how feminism is "supposed" to work when decision makers don't care? A small handful of feminists like Christina Hoff Sommers who actually noticed their own ideology go crazy have trouble
challenging fellow feminists.

Antifeminism developed out of a growing distrust for feminism, not out of a desire to hurt women. Antifeminists, both men and women, are unhappy with feminism. Accountability is one of our tools for getting neglected issues out the door and into the spotlight.


Examples of feminists abusing people who never set out to hurt feminism.
Some of the people abused are actually former feminists.

*University of Toronto Clusterfuck*

*Erin Pizzey*

*Earl Silverman*
http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/04/... (Also see comment by MikeMurphy)

For completeness I include the other side. The below article claims feminism had nothing to do with Earl's death. My counterargument is that while some feminists acknowledge male victims, institutions with a strong feminist presence still have to answer for biased representation that contradicts the values feminism claims to have. MRAs are caught between a rock (men's issues) and a hard place (feminist control).


*Abusive pro-choice protest*
I am pro-choice. Doesn't mean it's right to go berserk over it.


Note addressed to me for my peaceful college activism

2% false rape

1% of world's property myth:

My WHO "1 in 3" Report reading

Pay gap myth:

WAM! #FBRape

My article on the WAM! campaign. I discover Facebook applies their mod policies evenly (kind of), but WAM!'s bias still stands.

WAM! targeted the following two posters that are critical of feminism, but not hateful to women.

*Additional reading*

International coverage by Lucian Valsan

Nicholas Alahverdian
Interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TTH1x...

Vladek Filler

List of feminist representatives as members of European Parliament.
These are feminists in decision making capacity in government.

To the "nice" feminists

Prison rape

Shit feminists do on campus
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline Pyraxis

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Nah I read them earlier when you flagged them (thanks!) but I hadn't had time to write a response yet. And now it is late.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

Offline RageBeoulve

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Nah I read them earlier when you flagged them (thanks!) but I hadn't had time to write a response yet. And now it is late.

Its cool. The only reason I really find mras interesting is because they were largely considered to be piss ants and ignored until MGTOW.

I have to kind of smirk at that. The UK actually had a sperm shortage just last year.  :LOL:
« Last Edit: January 09, 2015, 12:46:32 AM by RageBeoulve »
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline Al Swearegen

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I see things I like about MGTOW and things I like about MRA's. I see relevance in both movements. I also see stuff in there that I do not agree with.
My position? I am anti-Feminist. That's it. I do not hate women. I do not even hate all people that call themselves or define themselves as Feminists. To me it is like someone saying that they believe in conspiracy theories like hollow-earth theory. It certainly doesn't lend further credibility to the person and it does not mean that everything they think is stupid. However, it is not something to live up to but rather live down.

Now some may say "Well my believe in Feminism is really just "a,b,c": in which case I will look at that "interpretation" completely divorced from what Feminism is and does. I do not give a damn about the true radicals. Nor about the equity Feminists (You know, I just think that men and women should be equal - yup don't we all - doesn't make you a Feminist for thinking so). The radicals are of no consequence ....except for the fact that bit by bit the less radical positions are see over time as moderate. It is the moderates that are the problem. The ones with their fingers in the pies and the victim politicking and oppression narratives firing. Not the kill 90% of males and keep the rest for breeding or ALL sex is rape, these people are of no consequence and only exist to make the crackpots like Rebecca Watson and Anita Sarkeesian (that otherwise would be view as crazed radicals themselves) as moderates.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap