Cheap rhetorics, and you know it. You are perfectly free to say it in public, without fearing jail. You do need to have some statistics handy, though, or have a libel case in your hands. Oh, and the US have libel laws, too.
As for freedom of speech and the US, have a look at the Patriot Act.
It's not cheap rhetorics. It's not a libel case saying it about an entire ethnic group (even if statistically proven), it's a "hatecrime". Yes, the US have libel laws, but not for ethnic groups but for individuals. The Patriot Act doesn't restrict what you might say about crimes amongst minorities, does it?
Regarding the Patriot Act: We were talking about freedom of speech. I've set my comment about it in bold, above.
The "hate crimes" you're talking about deal with something else entirely. I maintain that you are indeed free to say what you want, and that you are using cheap rhetorics. Cheap because you don't actually reference specific laws or even cases, you just comment on what you
assume will happen. You postulate that you will go to jail, and from that, you build your "case" stating that Sweden lacks freedom of speech.
I'm not buying it, and I doubt that anyone else will, either.
As for this:
Yes, the US have libel laws, but not for ethnic groups but for individuals.
You'd better have a look at some of the class action suits in the US in later years.

Surely, you can't be serious? Have you kept score? Throughout the programming of half a dozen Swedish channels, or more, depending on exactly what you count as Swedish television? Simultaneously? How, exactly, do you go about this?
Admit that your statement is pure speculation, or show me some statistics. Don't bother if the above is all you can offer, 'cause it's laughable.
I can see why you prefer not to go public with this, though.
No, it's easy. About 20% of the population are immigrants. When there was an article in the paper of a kindergarten in my neighbourhood, where the immigrant ratio is much lower than nationwide, for example, there were 6 girls on a picture. 4 of them were of Middle Eastern origin and were standing in the foreground. And that's not a single coincidence. That can be seen all the time in newspapers and on TV.
Why should I go public with this? No one cares. Otherwise, this would have been brought up by someone else long time ago.
It's either that, no-one cares (which probably means that the majority are more open-minded than you are), or that you've simply gotten it all wrong.
To prove your assumption about the over-exposure of foreigners on national media, you bring up
one newspaper article? You don't tell us what it was about, why that particular kindergarten was displayed, what the immigrant/Swede ratio was, etc, etc, etc. I wanted proof, statistics, anything. Surely, you can at least offer some statistics from an SD demographic? Did you check the
other pictures in that newspaper? What were those articles about? Etc.
You feared our supposed lack of free speech, but now you won't speak your mind because nobody cares? Try to be consistent.
If the guys in charge feel really secure that multiculture is the best thing, why don't they let the people decide whether they want it or not?
They do let the people decide. It's called "election". Guess what? You lost.
No, we all did. Maybe you'll understand that in 10 or 20 years.
The people decided, they cared, you lost. Face it. There's nothing to be afraid of.