
Author Topic: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...  (Read 9287 times)

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The number of rapes in the Norwegian capital Oslo is six times as high as in New York City. I’ve written about the issue of rape and Muslim immigration so many times that I am, quite frankly, a bit tired of the subject. But as we all know, problems don’t disappear just because you are tired of talking about them, so here goes.

There has been an explosive increase in the number of rape charges in the city of Oslo, but both the media and the authorities consistently refuse to tell us why. They did do so, however, in 2001, when two out of Norway's three largest newspapers, Aftenposten and Dagbladet, reported that most of these rape charges involve an immigrant perp, which again mostly means Muslims. Both newspapers have since then conveniently “forgotten” about this, and have never connected the issue to Muslim immigration although the number of rape charges has continued to rise to historic levels. They are thus at best guilty of extreme incompetence, since their former articles about this issue are still available online.

Norway’s Minister of Justice from 2001 to 2005, Odd Einar Dørum, mentioned the problem in 2001 but has later gone quiet about the issue. The reported number of rapes in Oslo is now six – 6! – times as high per capita as in New York City, yet the media keeps warning against Islamophobia.

According to Aftenposten, the clinic (voldtektsmottak) at the emergency hospital known as Legevakt has never had so many rape victims to treat. Its ability to care for them all is being severely tested. The number of reported rapes has skyrocketed this year.

Two out of three charged with rape in Norway’s capital are immigrants with a non-western background according to a police study. The number of rape cases is also rising steadily. Unni Wikan, a professor of social anthropology at the University of Oslo, in 2001 said that “Norwegian women must take their share of responsibility for these rapes” because Muslim men found their manner of dress provocative. The professor’s conclusion was not that Muslim men living in the West needed to adjust to Western norms, but the exact opposite: “Norwegian women must realize that we live in a Multicultural society and adapt themselves to it.”

These "anthropologist" morons blame the Norwegian women for not acting in a way so that the muslims "respect" them, i.e. like muslim women. And thanks to cowardly gun laws, these women have almost no chance whatsoever to defend themselves from those creeps. Great!  ::)

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I have friends from Södertälje, who say the town's become a no-go area for police since the riots a few years ago, when the police station was attacked after a couple of Syrians were arrested, and is now controlled by eastern European, Russian and middle eastern gangs.  It doesn't bother them though; they're all friends with the immigrants and wouldn't be touched, but a Swedish girl was attacked a while ago for walking through a muslim area without wearing a hajib, and they say there's a great deal of organised crime in the town now.  Also, one of their friends got tasered by some Turks on motorcycles, out for a laugh, but they accepted that as normal.

The immigrant situation is much different here in Glasgow; all the immigrants here tend to be productive citizens with jobs, and the younger ones go to uni and stuff.  Unlike Sweden, they haven't recently come from warzones and the like, so they're far better adjusted.  It's the mostly native neds here that cause the problem, but they don't have the intelligence or organisation to be really dangerous.  That said, Glasgow gets about 50 murders a year, and is the stabbing capital of Europe, or so I've heard, but I'm not an expert on Glaswegian criminality.

Anyway, seems that the problem isn't so much that there's immigrants, but that the immigrants going to Scandanavia come from some of the most deprived and traumatised places in the world.  Our post WW2 wave of immigration was completely different, and was composed mainly of workers with families coming over from India and Pakistan to fill a gap in the job market, rather than fleeing some disaster and ending up on benefits.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2006, 04:51:27 PM by PeterMacKenzie »
14:10 - Moarskrillex42: She said something about knowing why I wanted to move to Glasgow when she came in. She plopped down on my bed and told me to go ahead and open it for her.

14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?


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The Swedish immigrant policy is totally wrong. The authorities give permissons to stay in the country and Swedish citizenships to criminals and unproductive people and brandish all critics of the immigration policy as racists and neonazis. Swedish authorities and politicians are experts on sweeping the problems under the carpet.

And the Swedish police, as always, are cowards. They harass kids with tuned up mopeds or people violating the speed limits on the motorways with 10 kmph but immigrants in the suburbs make them shit their pants...

I can't get hold of a gun illegally, and maybe not legally either, since I have AS, but those Syrians could get hold of a machine gun without problems, despite the fact that they're practically isolated from the "normal" Swedish society more than I am. The ammunition to the machine gun was of a very unusual sort, but since the gun itself wasn't found and they claimed that they'd just stored the ammunition for some friend of theirs, they're were freed in court.

I despise my country. Cowards.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2006, 04:59:02 PM by Litigious »

Offline odeon

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I despise my country. Cowards.

Then move. And I mean it in the nicest possible way.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein


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I despise my country. Cowards.

Then move. And I mean it in the nicest possible way.

Why should law-abiding citizens move as opposed to foreign criminals disrespecting and violating the generousity of the local population (and the stupidly cunts who think they should apoligise to the people whio are biting the hand that feeds them should move to the fucking middle-east if they want to live in a foreign shthole under shariah law as opposed to ruining great countries in Europe)

Offline odeon

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I despise my country. Cowards.

Then move. And I mean it in the nicest possible way.

Why should law-abiding citizens move as opposed to foreign criminals disrespecting and violating the generousity of the local population (and the stupidly cunts who think they should apoligise to the people whio are biting the hand that feeds them should move to the fucking middle-east if they want to live in a foreign shthole under shariah law as opposed to ruining great countries in Europe)

I think he should move if he despises his country. Why live in a place you don't like? Life's too short.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein


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I despise my country. Cowards.

Then move. And I mean it in the nicest possible way.

Why should law-abiding citizens move as opposed to foreign criminals disrespecting and violating the generousity of the local population (and the stupidly cunts who think they should apoligise to the people whio are biting the hand that feeds them should move to the fucking middle-east if they want to live in a foreign shthole under shariah law as opposed to ruining great countries in Europe)

 Life's too short.

Only if you're a gnat or some specimen with a short life-span.

Being a cancer sufferer also helps.

Offline McGiver

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I despise my country. Cowards.

Then move. And I mean it in the nicest possible way.

Why should law-abiding citizens move as opposed to foreign criminals disrespecting and violating the generousity of the local population (and the stupidly cunts who think they should apoligise to the people whio are biting the hand that feeds them should move to the fucking middle-east if they want to live in a foreign shthole under shariah law as opposed to ruining great countries in Europe)

 Life's too short.

Only if you're a gnat or some specimen with a short life-span.

Being a cancer sufferer also helps.

hey, i was born on the 17th of july.  i am a cancer.


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  i am a cancer.

Nice of you to be so forthcoming.

Offline McGiver

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  i am a cancer.

Nice of you to be so forthcoming.
nice to have you fifthcumming.


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Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2006, 10:33:57 PM »
Looks like Dr. Emo Eamonn wants to cum all over us with his wisdom!


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Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
« Reply #11 on: December 25, 2006, 12:37:34 AM »
I despise my country. Cowards.

Then move. And I mean it in the nicest possible way.

Why should law-abiding citizens move as opposed to foreign criminals disrespecting and violating the generousity of the local population (and the stupidly cunts who think they should apoligise to the people whio are biting the hand that feeds them should move to the fucking middle-east if they want to live in a foreign shthole under shariah law as opposed to ruining great countries in Europe)

 Life's too short.

Only if you're a gnat or some specimen with a short life-span.

Being a cancer sufferer also helps.

hey, i was born on the 17th of july.  i am a cancer.

Don't be so insensitive; I nearly died from Internet Cancer once.



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Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
« Reply #12 on: December 25, 2006, 08:52:04 AM »
I despise my country. Cowards.

Then move. And I mean it in the nicest possible way.

No. The foreign criminals should move. And all politicians and political correct douche bags wanting peaceful, law abiding Swedes to adapt to islamic "culture" should move to the Middle East with them.

Offline odeon

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Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
« Reply #13 on: December 25, 2006, 09:27:07 AM »
No. The foreign criminals should move. And all politicians and political correct douche bags wanting peaceful, law abiding Swedes to adapt to islamic "culture" should move to the Middle East with them.

We have freedom of religion, and if it bothers you so much, I still think your best course of action is to move. May I suggest the Netherlands?
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein


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Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
« Reply #14 on: December 25, 2006, 09:36:35 AM »
No. The foreign criminals should move. And all politicians and political correct douche bags wanting peaceful, law abiding Swedes to adapt to islamic "culture" should move to the Middle East with them.

We have freedom of religion, and if it bothers you so much, I still think your best course of action is to move. May I suggest the Netherlands?

When in Rome, do as the Romans. They can have their stupid religion (like the Christians and the Jews, for that matter), but they shouldn't try to force it upon us and harassing Swedish women for how they dress, and, above all, the state shouldn't support them trying to do this. And if they don't have Swedish citizenship and commit crimes, they should be kicked out of our country. It's not a human right to live in Sweden.

But yes, I like the Netherlands. The Dutch stand up for their country, unlike most other Europeans these days. They even defended themselves against overwhelmingly overpower in WWII when Sweden was busy licking first Nazi Germany's and then (from 1943) the Soviet Union's arse.