
Author Topic: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...  (Read 9276 times)

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Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
« Reply #30 on: December 25, 2006, 12:59:17 PM »
This is the attitude those bastards have towards our women:

i think it would be better to own a few somalianese than your women.


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Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
« Reply #31 on: December 25, 2006, 01:02:27 PM »
I would hereby like to protest against the passivity and the lack of resolve demonstrated by Swedish authorities in the face of a huge spike in the number of rapes in their country. It is time for Swedish politicians, Swedish media and the Swedish public to admit that the large increase in the number of rape charges in their country during the past generation is intimately tied to the immigration that has taken place during that same time period. The attitude among many Muslim men is that women who are not veiled and act properly submissive have themselves to blame if something happens to them. Such a line of thinking is incompatible with the culture of freedom in any Western country. It means that as long as Muslim immigration continues, Sweden will continue to import an Islamic culture that will destroy women’s freedom in Swedish society. The strains caused by immigration are now so large that unless something serious is done about this, pretty soon Sweden will face the same kind of riots we have recently seen in France, and will approach the point of permanent ethnic and religious strife. Swedish politicians and media need to put the well-being of their daughters above that of political correctness and their own Multicultural vanity, and it is shocking that they actually need to be reminded of this. It is an international embarrassment to Sweden as a nation that Swedes travel around the world to lecture about women’s rights, and at the same time their own young women are finding that their most basic rights, such as being able to go outside wearing normal clothes without being harassed, are slipping away. It’s a sham, and it needs to end. Unless Swedish authorities are able to provide basic security to a population that has some of the highest tax rates in the world, the Swedish government should publicly admit its inadequacy and resign from office. At the very least, it should be honest enough to tell Swedish citizens that they must provide security for themselves, and stop making it difficult for people to do this. The Swedish general elections are less than a year away, and this time, Muslim immigration needs to be raised to the very top of the public agenda.

I'm not the only "islamophobic" "gun nut" in Scandinavia, I think...


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Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
« Reply #32 on: December 25, 2006, 01:03:42 PM »
This is the attitude those bastards have towards our women:

i think it would be better to own a few somalianese than your women.

Even I think Swedish women are slutty, it would be ridiculous of me to deny it, but at least I'm just ranting about it on the internet or occasionally tell it to them straight in their face, but I'm not going out raping them...


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Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
« Reply #33 on: December 25, 2006, 01:12:58 PM »
At December 13, 2005 11:37 AM, phiser said...

Neighbouring countries to Sweden should really consider a very strong bordercontrol.
 A lot of muslim terrorists flew to Sweden - this is well known for the swedish authorities but they dont act accordingly.
With EU's weak internal bordercontrol Sweden is actually housing terrorists which will have little problems travelling to any country within EU.

Regarding criminal activity amongst muslims - they should have been punished according to their beloved book. But of course that is impossible in "political correct" western countries - which of course muslims are aware of...

Our politicians feel so sorry for these muslims ; and there is always an excuse for muslims severe criminality.

The problem in a nut shell.

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Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
« Reply #34 on: December 25, 2006, 02:26:22 PM »
I'm not the only "islamophobic" "gun nut" in Scandinavia, I think...

Unfortunately that's true.

But if you want to quote other gun nuts and islamophobics, please give us references.
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Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
« Reply #35 on: December 25, 2006, 02:50:43 PM »
I don't deny that statistically, immigrants are over-represented in Sweden. In some areas, the differences are particularly clear, for example, narcotics crimes. However, the vast majority of both groups are law-abiding citizens that don't even get parking tickets.

Keep in mind that according to the same studies that you use, immigrants are far more likely than Swedes to be found guilty, and will be punished far more severely for the same crime. A crime that gives a Swede four years in prison will give an immigrant six, according to these studies. Also, since unemployment figures are disproportionally high among immigrants, this too adds to the crime rates, even among second-generation immigrants. Unemployment is a very common reason for criminality, both in Sweden and elsewhere. Also, a foreign-sounding name is often enough to keep a third-generation Swede unemployed, according to a recent study.

What you are doing is to use the hideous crimes of a little minority to spread hatred and mistrust against every Muslim, as a group of people, insinuating that somehow, their religion is to blame, or their "Muslim culture", and that's just racist and wrong. If you actually knew anything about Islam as a religion, you wouldn't blame the religion. This sort of strategy is commonly used by racists (islamophobics, if you prefer that term), but it works just as well against any minority.

Did you watch, or hear about, the TV program "Ondska" ("Evil") where people with mental disorders, among them people with AS, were pointed out as possible, and even likely, criminals? They used rhetorics very similar to yours, and if you've read any of the comments posted by viewers on the TV3 website, you know that some viewers think that people with Asperger's shouldn't even have the right to be born.

For the record: I do NOT in anyway CONDONE those rapes, by those Somalians or by any others, immigrants or Swedes. In my mind, rapists should sit behind bars for a very long time, AFTER they've been sterilized.
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Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
« Reply #36 on: December 25, 2006, 03:02:03 PM »
I'm not the only "islamophobic" "gun nut" in Scandinavia, I think...

Unfortunately that's true.

But if you want to quote other gun nuts and islamophobics, please give us references.

It was from that Norwegian blog that Dragoon posted. It helps bother reading the links.

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Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
« Reply #37 on: December 25, 2006, 03:10:49 PM »
It was from that Norwegian blog that Dragoon posted. It helps bother reading the links.

Actually, it helps more if you tell us what you quote. Your post wasn't immediately after Dragoon's--in fact, there were no less than seven posts between your post, and Dragoon's. Good attributions are necessary if you want to achieve believability.

It also helps to have a point.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
« Reply #38 on: December 25, 2006, 03:12:01 PM »
Did you watch, or hear about, the TV program "Ondska" ("Evil") where people with mental disorders, among them people with AS, were pointed out as possible, and even likely, criminals? They used rhetorics very similar to yours, and if you've read any of the comments posted by viewers on the TV3 website, you know that some viewers think that people with Asperger's shouldn't even have the right to be born.

I don't have TV3, but I've read about it. That was a caricature of a documentary. The rhetorics may have been very similar, but that program pointed out people with AS as criminals without any real facts and some ignorant fools always believe what they watch on TV. In opposition to this program, statistics over gang rapes are proven. 


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Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
« Reply #39 on: December 25, 2006, 03:15:43 PM »
Actually, it helps more if you tell us what you quote. Your post wasn't immediately after Dragoon's--in fact, there were no less than seven posts between your post, and Dragoon's. Good attributions are necessary if you want to achieve believability.

It also helps to have a point.

My point was that for people who aren't blindfolded  by politically correctness, it's obvious that some minorities are over-represented by certain crimes and that there are some people who share my opinion on the right to self-defence worth it's name.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2006, 03:21:54 PM by Litigious »

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Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
« Reply #40 on: December 25, 2006, 03:21:11 PM »
I don't have TV3, but I've read about it. That was a caricature of a documentary. The rhetorics may have been very similar, but that program pointed out people with AS as criminals without any real facts and some ignorant fools always believe what they watch on TV. In opposition to this program, statistics over gang rapes are proven. 

Actually, they used statistics a lot like you use statistics--without any critical look of all the underlying causes, without any attempt at an explanation or even a hint of a balanced view. If a few rotten eggs commit crimes, their whole ethnical group is to blame.

A group of nationalists that used this kind of rhetorics were the Serbs, during the mid-nineties. They didn't quite have the media power to sustain their claims in the long run, not even in their own country, but NATO did, using the exact same rhetorics, against the Serbs.
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Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
« Reply #41 on: December 25, 2006, 03:25:34 PM »
Actually, it helps more if you tell us what you quote. Your post wasn't immediately after Dragoon's--in fact, there were no less than seven posts between your post, and Dragoon's. Good attributions are necessary if you want to achieve believability.

It also helps to have a point.

My point was that for people who aren't blindfolded  by politically correctness, it's obvious that some minorities are over-represented by certain crimes and that there are some people who share my opinion on the right to self-defence worth it's name.

It's not about political correctness, Litigious, it's about respect for other people. I think it's sad that you don't understand it.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
« Reply #42 on: December 25, 2006, 03:37:52 PM »
It's not about political correctness, Litigious, it's about respect for other people. I think it's sad that you don't understand it.

Have you ever noticed that there are actually more blacks/Arabs/latinos etc in commercials and TV-programs than their actual percentage of the population (here in Sweden that is)? Have you ever noticed that on great holidays, like 6th of June, Midsummer Eve etc the TV cameras always zoom in on immigrants, especially children? Have you ever noticed all female TV announcers with foreign origin, like Lisette Rådström, Pia Conde, etc? Why do you think the medias show more people of foreign origin in percentage than they actually are of the whole population's percentage? Why is a serious debate about whether the Swedish people wants 50-60000 new immigrants each year or not in principle forbidden? Why is every person putting this in question brandished a racist/neonazi?

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Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
« Reply #43 on: December 25, 2006, 03:56:31 PM »
It's not about political correctness, Litigious, it's about respect for other people. I think it's sad that you don't understand it.

Have you ever noticed that there are actually more blacks/Arabs/latinos etc in commercials and TV-programs than their actual percentage of the population (here in Sweden that is)? Have you ever noticed that on great holidays, like 6th of June, Midsummer Eve etc the TV cameras always zoom in on immigrants, especially children? Have you ever noticed all female TV announcers with foreign origin, like Lisette Rådström, Pia Conde, etc? Why do you think the medias show more people of foreign origin in percentage than they actually are of the whole population's percentage? Why is a serious debate about whether the Swedish people wants 50-60000 new immigrants each year or not in principle forbidden? Why is every person putting this in question brandished a racist/neonazi?

Because most are--those of us without the racist tendencies don't consider a coloured face on TV to be a problem.

The debate isn't forbidden--you are free to start one without fear of persecution (another reason to why many refugees come here). We, on the other hand, are free to ignore you. Ain't democracy and free speech great?

Oh, and I'd love to see some (serious) statistics on your claims.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: European cowardice against foreign (immigrants) rapists - PC at its best...
« Reply #44 on: December 25, 2006, 04:01:20 PM »
If the guys in charge feel really secure that multiculture is the best thing, why don't they let the people decide whether they want it or not? How could the people say "no", if the people agree with the politicians? Why do they have to show more coloured people than there actually is (except in a few city suburbs) on TV? Why do they have to have hate crime laws against freedom of speech?