Yeah, things like that are a very grey area. In fact if a girl LOOKS old enough and lies, then IMO, a man is entirely innocent, regardless of her age. It'd be fucked up, if it were possible, but if a five year old could physically appear thirty-five, and was mentally capable of putting it on realistically enough that they could fool an adult into believing it without the hint of her not being what she said she was, then although major-league fucked up, it wouldn't make the guy a nonce and worthy of being burnt alive. Which I'd be happy to do to a child abuser.
A true paedo, child molester, I could loathe few things if any less. Makes me fucking sick. But there certainly exist grey areas, and areas where whilst the law says one thing, reality and what is RIGHT, or at worst, not wrongful, exist also. Been there, done that.
I could well have been arrested (and initially for that matter, had HER arrested for sexual assault, given the way she came on to me, if you can call battering someone into the dirt, kicking them senseless for being between me, and the shortest direction from her position to bodyslamming me into a tree with full force and ramming her tongue down my throat, without asking me, or even speaking to me until her tongue was no longer indisposed. Despite her age, given I knew literally not so much as her name, and given that I was given no choice in the matter whatsoever, consent was given, but only after she had finished doing what she did to [although I look at that moment as her doing it WITH rather than TO me, the emphasis being on good vs bad event])
She quite evidently didn't give a fuck about consent, aside from her giving herself consent to tongue-fuck my ears off. She didn't even ask afterwards. She just came, did it and told me her name after I asked, once I could breathe again.
One moment, I spotted in the distance this petite, kinda curvy brunette, she looked too young for me, my being about 19, IIRC, while I'd not have made the advance myself given the age, unless she had told me she was older (I know what its like with auties, especially, for some reason Kanner's auties, and especially females. I've got one classic autie friend, who I've known since my first secondary school, Laura, dead cute, and despite her visually apparent age, 11-12, I would, in fact I've given a lot of thought to asking her if she wants to come on a date, to see if she'd like to hook up, since I've fancied the hell out of her since we were both in school together, its nothing to do with her looking young, its just that when we first met, I really liked her, and that never had any reason to be any different. She isn't what she looks like she is, in fact she is older than I am, IIRC shes something like 34, maybe as old as 36. I'd probably get stopped by the plod on a regular basis if we were seen out in public all over each other, but I'd still love to give myself to her, she's one of only a few people I know who I do like that much, after the human cannonball girl and I were no longer one, which shattered me, even now, it broke me, not my body, but the rest of me. The age thing, it seems especially common in the female of our species, I've not seen it but rarely, very seldom in the male, but have known quite a few Kanner's girls who seem to age incredibly slowly to almost negligibly in some cases, like my friend Laura, I can picture her at 80 and looking 20. Not exaggerating there, I really can, I'd be surprised if she didn't in fact. Real cutie, even her voice hasn't aged, actually, it sounds like a very young girl, the sort of age when everything comes out as a helium-breathed squeak. I'd laugh at it, if I didn't care very much about and for her.
As for the first girl, she was 14, and I'm not sure for how long, either. But after her initial cruise missile-esque...err...introduction? if you can quite use that word for it, I...there are no words for what she did. Other than quite simply, she had selected me, and decided that she owned me. No other way to put it, she might as well have walked into a pet store and selected a rabbit.
Only I don't have fur and long ears. But from the moment she collided into me, before she even began tongue-raping me, I knew I was totally, deeply in love, in a way I'd never been before. Age-wise, it was certainly verboten, but she made it clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that she not only consented, but she wanted it, wanted me. In fact I had to refuse certain things she said I should do, because we were in public, and I could scarcely be seen at that age, with my hands in a 14yo girl's...err...well down things and in things. I'd have been fucking crucified. But the request came from her, without any suggestion on my part. Had to make do with just snuggling and kissing. I'd have loved to fulfill her...not entirely certain it WAS a request, knowing my ex fiancee, but to do what she said, but I'd have done jail time for it without a doubt, given we were in a train station at the time. Girl really didn't give a shit about being surreptitious, she did about me, very much so, but shy, she was not

Might have been very young, and certainly for my age, but she did make the advance (or rather, the pretty brutal body-slam:D) on me, and her actions, as well as her later words, and the fact that when I proposed to her, she was delighted, that, to me is not only consent, without any trace of coercion (well, not with me doing the coercing, I can't say the same for her. I just didn't have a problem with it, and the way I see it, if I see fit to decide that what she was coercing, was what I very much wanted any way, but just couldn't ask of her, then that, is my business, and given it was her, acting upon me, rather than the other way round, it is entirely my business to say she could go ahead and do it. Or at least shut my mouth unless conducting a mutual forensic examination of one another's tracheae.
You can't exactly sexually assault somebody who says 'yes' after the fact, if they are fully mentally aware of the circumstances of the actions of the person doing it, and decide that they full well wanted it, and not only that, couldn't wait for them to do it again, and again, and again can you? not when one is an adult. Thats the way I see it at least, when in respect of me, making decisions for myself about myself and what may or may not be done.
She evidently more than consented, was as hungry for me as I was for her; and despite the age difference, although she did look..somewhat me, at very first, when we first met, her mother ended up accepting me, and extending her trust to me with her daughter. Seemed wary at best, at the sight of me in my combats and leathers and spiked collar and bracers, piercings and the like attached to her wee spesh daughter's arm, but she figured it out, and realized that I would have given my life for her, and that no harm would ever come to her either by my hand, or were I able to prevent it; that there was almost nothing I wouldn't do for her (the only thing, in fact, was certain sexual things in places the public could catch us and report me to the filth, otherwise, she said, I did). Mom didn't even try to stop us coming home (her side of it) and running hell for leather with just a quick, breathless 'hey' as we raced towards the ladder to the loft conversion she had for a bedroom, shot up there, pulled up the ladder and didn't come down for an awfully long time.
Should I be condemned for having committed what technically, would be, here 'statutory rape', in the circumstances of deep, devoted, committed and fiery, blazing hot mutual love and delight in one another's company, when the partner, and (and damn do I wish there was not the need to include the words 'to be' here) wife to be, had from the start, initiated our union?
Should she be so for her own actions?
All I know, is I could not find it within me to refuse my soulmate. I didn't have a choice about the initial throat-rape, I couldn't physically have stopped her, short of actually inflicting violence, and of course, that was absolutely unthinkable, not just undesirable, but something I could not have done, or even pictured in my mind. Otherwise, it WAS going to happen, and with a fraction of a second to realize what was coming before it did.
Yeah, she forced herself on me, but on the other hand, I liked it. More than liked it, and it just went on from there. Age...we knew our ages, but thats as far as it went. Knew how many solar cycles each had drawn breath, but it was asked, answered, and never again mentioned, straight out the window and be damned with it, on both our parts. The only way I could have given a shit about her age were A-birthday, B-not getting caught and prosecuted for a technicality.
Could have had her done for the 'introduction', but when you find a petite, passionate, funny, warm, snuggly, caring, adoring brunette furious blazing inferno of a drop dead Kanner's autie girl, that turns out to be your soulmate, well...there are things you do, and things you don't. Calling the filth in general, is one I don't. And dropping a girl such as above in shit for her..'introduction', sexual assault or otherwise, is again, something you just DON'T do

Was at an autism group outing, the 'carers', staff, or whatever you want to call them, the neurotypical adults paid to be there, they did NOT look happy (at least they didn't afterwards when I opened my eyes again, or we started making out again), but looking back, I reckon it must have become obvious, even to an NT, that any attempt at stopping us would result in failure, and not impossibly, the girl exploding violently in their faces; if just getting in the way was sufficient for her to beat a guy up..she wasn't generally violent or a headcase, but she was certainly capable of it (never laid a finger on me, at least, not in any but a loving way) but I wouldn't have wanted to get on the wrong side of her, she was tiny, but it was kinda like...well the plutonium pit inside a nuclear warhead isn't very large, but once it implodes, the surrounding area is reduced to ashes and boiling glass. She had that sort of a spirit, the sexiest body and snuggliest mind you can imagine, housing the spirit of an exploding tritium-boosted multi-stage many, many-megaton nuke. Thankfully when she exploded, at least within my witnessing of it, it was almost always in an act of passion. Intense, that was what she was.
Seems to be somewhat of a thing with auties, being intense, when one gets to know them, does it not? although I've known only two other people in my life, who could even approach such intensity from a thousand miles away.