Imagine that a clone of David Cameron moved to Sweden and ran for political office. 
How many nodes should be in every clipping of Cameron, to make viable cuttings? Or would eye cuttings lead to better results? Or stem cuttings taken from hard wood?
Don't worry about cuttings. Simply bury him whole in Sweden. 
How would we be able to tell the new one was a clone, if the original was not available any more?
* is that why they put a concrete slab on Thatcher *
Instead of claiming to care about the poor, the clone would claim to care about the Sami.
The concrete slab is in case of zombies, not cloning, although it is still effective.

Imagine that a clone of David Cameron moved to Sweden and ran for political office. 
He couldn't possibly be worse than the idiot we have now.
So trade with the UK.

Emm... **hides rum behind back**
I don't know 
Hey, Genesis! Some_Bloke has the rum. 
That wasn't me, it was my evil twin Victor 
Hey, Genesis, Look!! It's Some_Bloke's evil twin brother, Victor. He has the rum. 
He's not my brother, he's a clone 

Yes, Victor. A clone who was created to destroy me and then impersonate me. 
Did someone mention clones?