I'm beginning to think S_B wants attenshun. 
I'm beginning to think that you believe all Muslims want to blow you up or decapitate you on the internet.
I'm also beginning to think that instead of using actual arguments, you toss insults around like a stroppy teenager when someone disagrees with you. 
Well, if that's the case, the next time you have a thought, just let it go. You're wrong on both counts.

Yeah, I caught that too.
Rage is the worst kind of kool-aid drinker. He's pounding the multiculturalist kool-aid and he's totally unaware of it, as evidenced by the hypocricy in his statements.
Zionism, at its worst, only wants to take the greater Palestine area. Jihadis want every knee in planet Earth to bow towards Mecca, and kill those that refuse.
He sees a threat in 6 million Jews, but no threat from 300 million Arabs whose chief export is violence. 
Christopher Hitchens was right, anti-semetism is a mental illness.
Here we see examples of the following:
1) Playing the Antisemitism card (mentions holocaust and brings up Christopher Hitchens)
2) Saying that the majority of Muslims are violent (300 million Arabs comment)
3) Throwing insults around like a stroppy teenager because you can't think of actual arguments (kool-aid comments)
Israel ~ the new nazi's
This world isn't big enough for me and people like them. We could never be far enough apart. If there HAS to be war, I'd rather go all out against Israel and free both the Palestinians and my economy.

Ah, another classic example of acting like a teenager on the internet. Too lazy to even post insults this time around that you use smilies instead. Well done Pappy. I've seen more intelligent comebacks and arguments over facebook
Is there some reason you post links this way?
It's a common propaganda technique. Rage is either drinking his own kool-aid or trying too hard at trolling. 
Ah, yet another example of acting like a stroppy teenager. Resorting to the kool-aid "argument" again and saying that because someone disagrees with you that they're a troll.
Classy Pappy, very classy indeed.
I advocated the elimination of Israel. It is not a Jewish state.
Your statement is so fucked up, it's not even wrong.
Oh my, rather than say why it's wrong like an intelligent person would if they were trying to prove their opponents in an argument wrong, you simply say that it's wrong and leave it at that.
Very classy indeed Pappy