Troll raging through the internet
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Jihadis want every knee in planet Earth to bow towards Mecca, and kill those that refuse.He sees a threat in 6 million Jews, but no threat from 300 million Arabs whose chief export is violence. Christopher Hitchens was right, anti-semetism is a mental illness.
Quote from: Pappy Boyington on September 19, 2014, 08:34:06 AM Jihadis want every knee in planet Earth to bow towards Mecca, and kill those that refuse.He sees a threat in 6 million Jews, but no threat from 300 million Arabs whose chief export is violence. Christopher Hitchens was right, anti-semetism is a mental illness.You realize Arabs are Semitic? Are you mentally ill then?
Israel ~ the new nazi's
Quote from: bodie on September 22, 2014, 02:13:41 PMIsrael ~ the new nazi'sYeah, Nazi Germany, Iraq (under Saddam) and Israel are the only countries to use house demolition as punishment. Some Palestinian homes were destroyed just for being relatives of a "terrorist", and some homes were bulldozed with the residents still inside.
Or cause there might be evidence of "King David" underneath! They just try to make their lives so miserable, that they either leave or retaliate, then they can call them terrorists and blow some more people up.
Quote from: RageBeoulve on September 20, 2014, 05:38:51 PMQuote from: Some_Bloke on September 20, 2014, 04:16:03 AMRather than respond with an actual argument you simply accuse everyone with a different opinion of hating Jews and of drinking "the cool-aid" You stay classy Pappy. Eh, don't sweat it, man. I shouldn't let it get me so annoyed, as considering the source tells me the problem right away. Here in my country, everyone has been extensively trained to think middle easterners are all terrorists.Again with the spray paint gun. I'm in your country and I wasn't extensively trained to think middle easterners are all terrorists. All or nothing comparisons are a pet peeve of mine.
Quote from: Some_Bloke on September 20, 2014, 04:16:03 AMRather than respond with an actual argument you simply accuse everyone with a different opinion of hating Jews and of drinking "the cool-aid" You stay classy Pappy. Eh, don't sweat it, man. I shouldn't let it get me so annoyed, as considering the source tells me the problem right away. Here in my country, everyone has been extensively trained to think middle easterners are all terrorists.
Rather than respond with an actual argument you simply accuse everyone with a different opinion of hating Jews and of drinking "the cool-aid" You stay classy Pappy.